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Vantagens dos alimentos crus secos congelados

Comparação de doces congelados para animais de estimação

Comparação de doces congelados para animais de estimação

Processo de liofilização de alimentos para animais de estimação e guloseimas

1st Step - 翻译中...
1st Step - 翻译中...

Fresh pure meat is chosen and cut into pieces without applying any other ingredients, while the fat, skin and bones are removed.

2nd Step - 翻译中...
2nd Step - 翻译中...

Freeze the meat at -32℃ to retain its nutrition.

3rd Step - 翻译中...
3rd Step - 翻译中...

Vacuum freeze-drying for 18 to 36 hours to sublimate its water, raising temperature to 72℃ for sterilization, completing the entire freeze-drying process.

4th Step - 翻译中...
4th Step - 翻译中...

Select qualified semi-finished products and remove the imperfect ones.

5th Step - 翻译中...
5th Step - 翻译中...

Package finished products, irradiate them for sterilization

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