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Alimentos para animais de estimação secos congelados e guloseimas

Proteger o verdadeiro amor, comprometido com a delicadeza. Como uma empresa profissional de alimentos crus congelados secos para animais de estimação, Ranova é a primeira escolha para seus animais de estimação. Compre comida para animais de estimação de Ranova a um preço barato! Os snacks para animais de estimação liofilizados Ranova e os alimentos para animais de estimação para venda são produzidos com matérias-primas frescas de fazendas de alta qualidade, através da tecnologia avançada de liofilização a vácuo, em estrita conformidade com os padrões para alimentos humanos. Dez anos de artesanato em liofilização, para preservar a nutrição e o sabor da carne fresca natural, para refazer a experiência alimentar original e ativar os instintos naturais dos animais de estimação como predadores. nbsp;

Tipos de alimentos congelados secos para animais de estimação e tratamento

Vantagens de alimentos para animais de estimação secos congelados e tratamento

  • Continuing the purity of raw materials - 翻译中...

    Continuing the purity of raw materials, strictly implementing human edible standards.

  • Made of pure meat - 翻译中...

    Made of pure meat, good palatability, no additives.

  • Keep the fresh - 翻译中...

    Keep the fresh and characteristic products of the ingredients easy to digest and absorb.

  • High nutritional - 翻译中...

    High nutritional protein content up to 80%.

  • Product Safety - 翻译中...

    Pasteurization & Radiation Sterilization Product Safety.

  • Lasting Quality - 翻译中...

    Freeze-drying process for long-lasting quality without preservatives.

Vantagens da alimentação saudável para animais de estimação em comparação com outros tratamentos



Para Cão

Para Cão

Alimentos liofilizados são feitos a partir de ingredientes naturais e são bons para o seu cão' desenvolvimento. Na nossa vida diária, muitas pessoas apenas dão aos seus cães comida tradicional para cães, ocasionalmente fazem comida caseira para os seus cães, mas muitas vezes por causa do trabalho ou outras razões, eles não têm tempo para fazer comida para os seus cães todos os dias. nbsp;

Por que você deve alimentar seu cão congelado seco Treats Dog?

Este é o momento em que o seu cão precisa de mais nutrição, por isso' s importante para alimentar o seu cão alimentos liofilizados para animais de estimação   neste momento. As guloseimas de treinamento de cães liofilizados têm boa reidratação de água e usam ingredientes naturais para dar aos cães os nutrientes que eles precisam para a vida diária. nbsp;

Freeze Dried Puppy Food

Como alimentar alimentos crus congelados secos para cães?

Diferentes métodos de alimentação de alimentos liofilizados para cães devem ser escolhidos de acordo com as diferentes idades dos cães. Recomenda-se geralmente que os cães comecem a comer o alimento reativo alimento cru liofilizado para animais de estimação   na idade de três meses ou mais, porque o sistema digestivo de cachorros abaixo de três meses não foi totalmente desenvolvido, e a ingestão precoce de alimentos crus liofilizados para cães pode afetar o desenvolvimento do sistema digestivo dos cães.

Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food

Cães mais velhos também precisam ser alimentados adequadamente. Alimentos liofilizados são ricos em proteínas e podem ser alimentados ao seu cão como um lanche para complementar nutrientes que não são encontrados na comida tradicional para cães. Você também pode alimentar o cão & nbsp; congelar comida seca para cães durante o treinamento como recompensa. & nbsp;

Alimentos liofilizados para cachorros são mais palatáveis quando alimentados com alimentos para cães como um alimento secundário, para que os proprietários possam liofilizar seu cão na comida e misturá-lo com o alimento seco do cão para alimentar seu cão. nbsp; Se o cão faz' t mastigar bem, os proprietários podem congelar secar o cão e mergulhá-lo antes de alimentá-lo. & nbsp;

Perfil da Empresa

Perfil da Empresa

Fundada em 2009, Tianjin Ranova Pet Food Co., Ltd. é pioneira na China na produção profissional de liofilizado alimentos para animais de estimação e líder na produção de alimentos inteligentes para animais de estimação. A sua produção R& D Center é composto por três fábricas, cobrindo uma área total de 33000 ㎡, incluindo uma área de construção de 25000 ㎡. Equipada com o equipamento de liofilização a vácuo mais avançado do mundo, goza de uma posição de liderança no mundo em termos de automação e capacidade de produção. Sua linha de produção é projetada em total conformidade com o padrão internacional da indústria alimentar, onde modelos de gerenciamento de informações globalmente avançados são adotados. Graças a esses equipamentos e modelos de gestão atualizados, a qualidade do produto é garantida de forma integral.

Notícias da Empresa

Notícias da Empresa

Alimentos congelados secos para animais de estimação

Alimentos congelados secos para animais de estimação

O processo de produção de  congelar alimentos crus crus para animais de estimação adota um modo de baixa temperatura, sem qualquer aquecimento ou descongelamento, e sempre mantém o sabor original da carne fresca, bem como a aparência e forma das matérias-primas, e tem boa reidratação de água, é alimento natural e saudável. nbsp;

A ração liofilizada tem uma receita diferente. Além da carne liofilizada pura (uma ou mais), frutas liofilizadas, legumes liofilizados e minerais também são adicionados de acordo com suas respectivas receitas, como óleo de coco e mexilhão em pó. nbsp; Alimentos para animais de estimação liofilizados ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, amamentam a pele e o cabelo e promovem a absorção de vitaminas lipossolúveis A, D e E.  O alimento principal liofilizado tem alto teor e fontes de proteína animal facilmente digeríveis (carne, órgãos, ossos e frutos do mar), o que fornece fontes de proteína suficientes de alta qualidade e facilmente absorvíveis para alimentos para animais de estimação e melhora a taxa de digestão e utilização de alimentos para animais de estimação.

Feedback do Cliente

Feedback do Cliente

Assim que cheguei em casa, eu poderia' Não esperei para abri-lo para o meu gato bebé provar ainda estava muito apaixonado por comida. Eu mesmo cheirei e ele' é natural. Gatinho come muito. Ele deve gostar. Os snacks Ranova para animais de estimação podem ser comidos diretamente ou misturados com comida de gato

Meat - 翻译中...

Meat - 翻译中...

Ranova freeze dried pet food is produced with fresh raw materials from high-quality farms, through advanced vacuum freeze-drying technology, in strict accordance with the standards for human food. Raw materials can be put into production and use after inspection, and finished products can be shipped after inspection, so as to ensure product quality, safety and rest assured.  

Ranova Elite Think Tank - 翻译中...

Ranova Elite Think Tank - 翻译中...

Ranova's core R&D think-tank, whose members range from renowned veterinarians to distinguished professors, masters and doctors of nutrition and food, has developed 12 patent products of freeze dried raw pet food with sole intellectual property rights. Besides, more applications are underway for sole intellectual property rights and production technology projects.

1998 - 翻译中...

1998 - 翻译中...

R&D Freeze Dried Technology For Germany Fish Food Customer

1 - 翻译中...

1 - 翻译中...

Continuing the purity of raw materials, strictly implementing human edible standards

1st Step - 翻译中...

1st Step - 翻译中...

Fresh pure meat is chosen and cut into pieces without applying any other ingredients, while the fat, skin and bones are removed.

Are the Freeze Dried products main food or treats? - 翻译中...

Are the Freeze Dried products main food or treats? - 翻译中...

Dogs are domesticated from wolves, cats and tigers belong to one family. They ate the meat directly as food in the previous time. Just due to the evolving of the human domestication, they begin to eat the pellets. For the freeze dried products, they can be fed as main food and also as treats.  Just due to the cost of freeze dried pure meat is much higher, so, normally the peoples use them as treat to feed the pets. And gradually, there appear freeze dried mixture products as main food.

Equipment Level - 翻译中...

Equipment Level - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Cat Food - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Cat Food - 翻译中...

As one of the professional freeze dried cat food brands, ten years of freeze-drying craftsmanship, to preserve the nutrition and taste of natural fresh meat, to retrace the original ingestion experience, and activate the natural instincts of the cat as a predator. More than 97% high meat content, more than 47% protein, to coordinate with organic fruits, vegetables, and all kinds of trace elements, to provide comprehensive balanced nutrition, and arouse cute pets healthy vitality! Protect the true love, committed to delicious; Ranova is you and your cat's affectionate first choice.

Freeze dried raw cat food preserves the color, smell, appearance and nutrition of its ingredients, because of freeze-dried technology, without the need for food phagostimulant to attract cats.  

Freeze dry cat food is high in protein content and mainly consists of pure meat such as chicken and beef, which can meet the development needs of cats.  The texture of frozen cat food such as freeze dried kitten food is relatively hard, which prevents large amounts of food residues from adhering to the cat's teeth and reduces the probability of dental calculus. Pure freeze-dried cat food is made of pure meat and does not contain grains, so there is no need to worry about its high carbohydrate content affecting the digestive function of the cat.  In addition, freeze-dried cat food can be fed in warm water, so there is no need to worry about the lack of water.  

Freeze Dried Pure Meat Treat - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Pure Meat Treat - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried meat can have a very crisp taste without frying, and freeze-dried meat has many flavors, such as chicken, duck, beef, salmon, quail and so on. When pets eat freeze-dried meat with different flavors, they will be able to taste different mouthfeel and supplement different nutrients.  Lyophilized meat is raw, processed to get rid of all the bacteria, and pets like it, so it's better to eat it.  

Freeze-dried raw meat itself is a very nutritious food, often give pets to eat some freeze-dried meat such as freeze dried chicken treats, and can let pets absorb more protein and nutrition, but also increase appetite, for those pets who do not like to eat, can be very good to improve the appetite. Freeze-dried meat is perfectly fine as an occasional reward or appetizer.

We have pet food retail supply for customers to buy freeze dried meat bulk and have freeze dried meat wholesale for sale as well. 

Continuing the purity of raw materials - 翻译中...

Continuing the purity of raw materials - 翻译中...

Continuing the purity of raw materials, strictly implementing human edible standards.

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

All raw materials are of high quality and conform to standards for human edibility.  

1st Step - 翻译中...

1st Step - 翻译中...

Fresh pure meat is chosen and cut into pieces without applying any other ingredients, while the fat, skin, and bones are removed. 

Ranova sponsored the 6th pet groomer industry conference - 翻译中...

Ranova sponsored the 6th pet groomer industry conference - 翻译中...

Shanghai is also known as the magic city. Because of that deeply fascinating gradually and the growth of "want to escape" and "can not escape" feeling.

Ranova Sponsored The 6th Pet Groomer Industry Conference

There are countless towering skyscrapers here

There are also idyllic places like sleeping babies

The 6th pet groomer industry conference put on an ancient famous island "sun island" which is away from the hustle and bustle of Shanghai.

Ranova Sponsored The 6th Pet Groomer Industry Conference

In the vast expanse of the sky and the high lake seems to be linked to the horizon of the water island, you can see Ranova everywhere.

Many watercolor paintings by a famous Singaporean painter for Ranova line up on the way to the island.

Not only it is the huge momentum, but also become a popular photo spot for pet lovers.

Ranova clock out for clearance activities.

Ranova Sponsored The 6th Pet Groomer Industry Conference

And ready for visitors,

Ms. Guo, President of Ranova went to talk with industry people.

More than a dozen pet industry leaders took turns on the stage.

Exchange experience, wonderful interaction!

Ranova Sponsored The 6th Pet Groomer Industry Conference

Ranova is the exclusive title of the sixth pet groomer industry conference. Ranova understands as a member of the pet industry, we all share the same vision that is to hope through their own efforts make pets happier and happier.

Ranova Sponsored The 6th Pet Groomer Industry Conference

Ranova has chosen to deeply cultivate the field of pet freeze-dried food for more than 10 years.

It's also because the founders wanted to offer the most natural, delicious food to their pets.

Let them obey their carnivorous nature to eat 100% fresh meat without additives.

Like this conference on a small island far from the city. It's pure and beautiful.

Dogs and pet owners are bathed in fresh air, look at the blue sky white clouds, playing on the ground.

Ranova Sponsored The 6th Pet Groomer Industry Conference

Ranova hopes to do more.

Ranova is looking forward to the next event and more pet lovers can join us.

OEM FACTORY - 翻译中...

OEM FACTORY - 翻译中...

12 years experienced manufacturer of pet food, clients from whole world.

Freeze-Dried vs. Dehydrated Pet Dog Foods - 翻译中...

Freeze-Dried vs. Dehydrated Pet Dog Foods - 翻译中...

As a growing number of pet parents are becoming educated about the fantastic advantages of a raw diet, pet food brand names are discovering new ways to supply the nutrition you're looking for. As innovation has actually enhanced over the years, raw pet treats wholesale have made the jump from the fridge freezer to the rack by way of suspended animation and also drying out processes. Yet what's the distinction between freeze-dried as well as dehydrated? Is one much better than the various others? As well as exactly how do you pick?

Freeze-Dried Foods

Freeze-drying is a process that uses a vacuum chamber to remove the dampness from raw, icy active ingredients by using severe stress. This pressure likewise ruins any kind of unsafe microorganisms that may reside in the meat. No warmth is used throughout cooking, so nutrients and live enzymes are preserved, and also completion result is still thought about raw food such as freeze dried raw cat food. Cooking with heat can harm nutrients as well as destroy enzymes, which are important for preserving healthy and balanced digestion-- so freeze-dried foods are an excellent method to offer your animal the nutrition nature intended.

Freeze-drying is an instead expensive procedure, calling for big, sophisticated machinery, yet it's also one of the most effective means to attain the dietary benefits of raw food in a practical, shelf-stable item. If you're someone who gets on the go with your pets a whole lot or merely doesn't have a lot of fridge freezer space, freeze-dried pet food is the perfect solution for you. Nonetheless, freeze-dried foods are typically much more pricey than their frozen counterparts, so if you're looking for the best value and aren't pressed for time or freezer-space, after that icy raw foods may be better for your way of life. Remember, freeze-dried foods coincide as icy, except the wetness has been removed. It's always an excellent idea to rehydrate freeze-dried foods when serving them as a stand-alone meal. Yet it's flawlessly fine to offer them straight from the bag, as a meal-topper or treat.

Dehydrated Foods

Unlike suspended animation, the dehydration process does apply warmth to the components. Dehydration gets rid of wetness in the item by blowing cozy or hot air throughout it. Because warmth is applied, the active ingredients are really prepared, so dehydrated foods are ruled out raw. Unlike freeze-dried foods, dehydrated foods are not quite as nutrient-rich because of the higher temperatures in the cooking procedure. As well as while most pet moms and dads give preference to raw or freeze-dried foods, some pets have severe immune deficiencies as well as can't digest raw food well. Dehydrated foods such as dehydrated beef liver are thought-about to be a step up from kibble, since they go through a much gentler cooking procedure, making them a terrific choice for family pet parents seeking a much less processed, yet fully-cooked diet plan.

If you consider pet dog food as a range, kibble would certainly get on one end, and also raw foods would certainly be on the other, with dehydrated foods in the middle. Dehydrated foods aren't as processed as kibble, but they aren't taken into consideration raw either. A terrific choice for any individual who does not like the suggestion of taking care of raw food, but still wants to feed their pet dogs a healthier, less-processed diet.

Freeze-Dried vs. Dehydrated Pet Dog Foods

Alimentos para gatos secos congelados (receita de frango + salmão)

Alimentos para gatos secos congelados (receita de frango + salmão)

Alimento seco congelado para gatos (Receita de frango + salmão) feito de carne de frango e salmão, em linha com a natureza da alimentação do animal de estimação, a alimentação a longo prazo pode obviamente melhorar a saúde do animal de estimação e ajudar a fortalecer a resposta imunológica.

  Salmão, como uma espécie de  comida congelada para gatos é bom para o seu gato' desenvolvimento intelectual e visual. Frango para atender o gato' s instintos naturais originais de caça, aumentam a palatabilidade.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Frango congelado seco

Frango congelado seco

As guloseimas de frango liofilizado Ranova para cães e gatos são produzidas com matérias-primas frescas de fazendas de alta qualidade. nbsp;

O frango liofilizado trata, como uma espécie de carne crua liofilizada , rica em proteínas de alta qualidade e vitamina C, sem grãos, conservantes, aditivos, corantes ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados.

Carne Seca Congelada + Peixe + Cranberry

Carne Seca Congelada + Peixe + Cranberry

A combinação de carne bovina e cranberries retém a alta proteína e vitaminas B da carne bovina, e a vitamina C e cor dos cranberries. nbsp;& nbsp;

Faça liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação mais colorido e atraente.

Cenoura Seca Congelada

Cenoura Seca Congelada

Cenoura congelada seca é rica em caroteno, vitaminas B, C, D, E, K e nutrientes, e não são ricos em calorias, eles também são encontrados em muitos alimentos para cães, que são bons para o seu cão' s cabelo, pele e olhos.

Se o cão deve comer legumes, então a primeira escolha deve ser cenouras! Porque cenouras, como uma espécie de   legumes liofilizados para cães são ricos em caroteno, vitaminas B, C, D, E, K e nutrientes, e não são ricos em calorias, eles também são encontrados em muitos alimentos para cães, que são bons para o seu cão' s cabelo, pele e olhos.

Iogurte Seco Congelado

Iogurte Seco Congelado

As mordidas de iogurte liofilizado retêm os nutrientes do iogurte através da tecnologia de liofilização e enriquecem a cor do iogurte adicionando frutas e legumes. E derretimentos de iogurte liofilizado podem ser feitos em todos os tipos de formas encantadoras. & nbsp;

As vitaminas B no iogurte podem impulsionar animais de estimação' imunidade, e iogurte contém bactérias de ácido láctico, que podem efetivamente promover a absorção de cálcio no leite. Além disso, cubo de iogurte liofilizado, a & nbsp; tipo de  liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação também contém tirosina, que pode aliviar o cão' s ansiedade e inquietação, e também melhorar o cão' espírito. Para cães com mau apetite, animais de estimação também podem misturar iogurte com comida de cão para aumentar o cão' o apetite. & nbsp;

Frango em pó congelado seco

Frango em pó congelado seco

O frango é muito rico em proteínas e vitaminas.

Boa palatabilidade e pó, como um tipo de pó de carne seca , pode ser usado como uma combinação de alimentos principais muito boa, aumentar o sabor e nutrição rica.

O ar seco ou liofilizado é melhor?

O ar seco ou liofilizado é melhor?

Freeze-seco e secagem do ofício que faz diferente, o liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação é feito pelo processo de secagem por congelamento a vácuo, retém a cor original do alimento, aroma, sabor e nutrientes, com bom alimento natural após a água, e tem excelente palatabilidade, o cozimento é feito em conjunto com o portador de calor úmido e o processo de secagem do portador pode causar nutrientes alimentares. nbsp;& nbsp;

A comida liofilizada para gatos é melhor?

A comida liofilizada para gatos é melhor?

Nos últimos anos, lanches liofilizados para animais de estimação não só podem ser usados como lanches de recompensa de treinamento, mas também como lanches de suplemento nutricional. nbsp;

O processo de produção retém perfeitamente os nutrientes na carne fresca, alta proteína, baixa gordura, baixo amido, solução perfeita para o risco de alimentos para gatos de estimação  


Os alimentos liofilizados são saudáveis para cães?

Os alimentos liofilizados são saudáveis para cães?

A comida para cães liofilizada é saudável e nutritiva.& nbsp; Após a liofilização a vácuo feita de carne liofilizada, embora perca água, mas a deliciosa qualidade da carne permanece, a nutrição também é relativamente suficiente, os cães comem pode atender às necessidades de um dia de nutrição e energia.

Carne liofilizada serve?

Carne liofilizada serve?

Alimentos liofilizados podem ser armazenados com segurança por um longo tempo à temperatura ambiente, e a taxa de encolhimento dos alimentos liofilizados é muito menor do que a de outros produtos secos, que podem manter a forma de alimentos frescos. A taxa de perda de nutrientes e ingredientes fisiologicamente ativos em alimentos liofilizados foi a menor.& nbsp;

O que pode ser misturado com comida seca para cães?

O que pode ser misturado com comida seca para cães?

Alguns cães não gostam de comer comida de cão, o dono do cão pode ser congelado em pó misturado na comida de cão e, em seguida, alimentar o cão juntos, moído em pó liofilizado vai cheirar picante, o cão gostaria de comer depois de cheirar, mas também comer a comida de cão juntos, não gosta de comer comida de cão cães também podem comer a comida de cão.

As frutas e legumes liofilizados são saudáveis?

As frutas e legumes liofilizados são saudáveis?

Legumes secos congelados são a sublimação direta de água sólida em um gás sem danificar a estrutura original e reter mais de 95% dos nutrientes originais.



Proteger o verdadeiro amor, comprometido com a delicadeza. Como uma empresa profissional de alimentos crus congelados secos para animais de estimação, Ranova é a primeira escolha para seus animais de estimação. Compre comida para animais de estimação de Ranova a um preço barato! Os snacks para animais de estimação liofilizados Ranova e os alimentos para animais de estimação para venda são produzidos com matérias-primas frescas de fazendas de alta qualidade, através da tecnologia avançada de liofilização a vácuo, em estrita conformidade com os padrões para alimentos humanos. Dez anos de artesanato em liofilização, para preservar a nutrição e o sabor da carne fresca natural, para refazer a experiência alimentar original e ativar os instintos naturais dos animais de estimação como predadores. nbsp;

Para Cat

Para Cat

Alimentos e guloseimas crus para gatos liofilizados são lanches de alta proteína feitos de matérias-primas alimentares por liofilização a vácuo. O processo de produção de  alimentos secos para gatinhos precisam ser realizados à temperatura ultra-baixa de -40 ° C. Os germes gerais foram completamente mortos e os produtos acabados só precisam ser armazenados à temperatura ambiente.

Freeze Dried Cat Treats

Alimentos Secos Congelados para Gatos Benefícios

O sabor e a nutrição originais da carne são mantidos. A nutrição de alimento cru liofilizado é alta, o processo de congelamento especial é muito bom para reter a nutrição e sabor da carne, o sabor da carne será mais rico após a desidratação, para a palatabilidade é boa, geralmente não adicionará atrativos de alimentos, que é muito diferente do gato enlatado. nbsp; O teor de proteína liofilizada é tão alto quanto 80%, e o teor de água é apenas cerca de 5%. O gatinho liofilizado trata, como uma espécie de & nbsp; alimento para animais de estimação de alta qualidade não adiciona nenhum conservante, e pode ser mantido por um longo tempo. nbsp; Alguns dos pacotes são pequenos e leves, por isso é conveniente carregá-los quando você sai.

Freeze Dried Kittten Treats

Tipos de alimento cru congelado para gatos

Existem muitos tipos de krill liofilizado , peixe multi-primavera, salmão, atum e outros produtos do mar, bem como frango, pato, vaca, codornas e outros subdivididos liofilizados! nbsp; Se você sabe que tipo de comida seca para gatinhos você gosta, compre diretamente. & nbsp; Se' s a primeira vez, eu sugiro que você compre um tamanho da amostra de cerca de 100g!& nbsp;

Secagem congelada de codornas dará ao gato um hábito lúdico, e pode haver carcaças de codornas sob o sofá ou sob a cama! nbsp; Congele frango seco ou tiras de carne a um preço acessível. Seu gato vai adorar!& nbsp;& nbsp;



Doces congelados para animais de estimação secos

Doces congelados para animais de estimação secos

Processamento por liofilização a vácuo de  o tratamento saudável do animal de estimação está em temperatura extremamente baixa e alto grau de vácuo sob a condição de processamento seco, efetivamente manter a cor, aroma, sabor e forma do alimento fresco, e o máximo segurar e sofrer de materiais de indigestão de todos os tipos de vitaminas, carboidratos, proteínas e outros nutrientes e clorofila, enzimas, aminoácidos, e outros nutrientes e substâncias aromatizantes.

Carne congelada também tem um sabor mais saboroso e melhora a palatabilidade. Com solubilidade instantânea ideal e reidratação rápida e quase completa da água. O tratamento do animal de estimação liofilizado é completamente desidratado e leve, então o tratamento cru do treinamento do cão liofilizado  são fáceis de usar e transportar, e a maioria dos tratamentos liofilizados para animais de estimação é embalada a vácuo ou cheia de nitrogênio e armazenada longe da luz. A vida útil deste pacote selado à temperatura ambiente pode ser mais longa.& nbsp; Temos pet e alimentação de varejo para os clientes comprarem guloseimas liofilizadas para cães e gatos a granel!

Honor Certificate of Ranova Pet Food Supplier - 翻译中...

Honor Certificate of Ranova Pet Food Supplier - 翻译中...

Apart from being established as a prestigious brand in China, types of pet food in Ranova has also won global recognitions, such as FDA registration, the EU registration, CFIA certification, ISO9001, ISO22000, BRC certification, BSCI certification, etc.

Vegetables - 翻译中...

Vegetables - 翻译中...

Freeze dried vegetables for dogs should be choosed from fresh, no disease, no yellow leaves, no damage, green color.  The qualified raw materials shall be selected according to the acceptance method of raw materials. Attention shall be paid to removing inclusions. Rinse with running water for cleaning and remove the surface sediment.

2000 - 翻译中...

2000 - 翻译中...

Produce Freeze Dried Fish Food

2 - 翻译中...

2 - 翻译中...

Made of pure meat, good palatability, no additives.

2nd Step - 翻译中...

2nd Step - 翻译中...

Freeze the meat at -32℃ to retain its nutrition.

How to feed the Freeze Dried Products to the pets? - 翻译中...

How to feed the Freeze Dried Products to the pets? - 翻译中...

There are many different ways to feed the freeze dried products. Here just listed some advice.

1. To feed the pet snack to the pets directly.

2. Putting the snacks into water to restore as the fresh meat, then feed the pets.

3. To mix them with the main food to enhance the palatability of the food.

Usage Scenario:

A. If the pets are sick, the freeze dried pet treats can be accompanied with the medicine to feed the pets. You will get a very good effect!

B. If the pets donot like to drink water, just mix the Freeze Dried with water, it will help you too much!

Health Prevention and Control - 翻译中...

Health Prevention and Control - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Dog Food - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Dog Food - 翻译中...

As one of the professional freeze dried dog food brands, we have many flavors of freeze dried products for dogs, all kinds of meat, relatively rich, the dog owner to find out the dog like the taste of freeze dried products for the dog to eat.  In addition to the different types of freeze-dried meat, some freeze-dried meat mixed with some vegetables. If your dog is a picky eater, you can also try to prepare some freeze-dried meat with some vegetable ingredients for your dog, so that in addition to the quality of the meat, you can also supplement the nutrition of some vegetables after eating the natural and organic freeze dried dog food.  

The dog's freeze dried meat is relatively hard, feeding method depends on the specific eating of the dog's body condition. If the dog's body is healthy, the teeth is better, the gastrointestinal development is better, you can give the freeze dried raw dog food, freeze dried pet food and freeze dried pet treat directly. We also offer freeze dried dog food bulk if you need!

Freeze Dried Mixed Treat - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Mixed Treat - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried mixed snacks are freeze-dried mixed meats, dog treat mix and vegetables. A variety of meats are mixed and freeze-dried to retain the original flavor and nutrition of various meats through advanced freeze-drying technology. 

In addition to a better improvement in palatability, there is also an improvement in nutrition. Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables mixed with meat such as freeze dried spinach, retain the nutrients of raw meat, such as high protein, but also the vitamins, fiber and minerals of vegetables and fruits. Moreover, fruits and vegetables have natural colors, such as green, red, and yellow, which make the freeze-dried products high in nutrition while also increasing intimacy and fun when interacting with pets.

Is Freeze-Dried Cat Food Safe? - 翻译中...

Is Freeze-Dried Cat Food Safe? - 翻译中...

Recently, more and more pet parents are considering preparing raw, "human-friendly" limited ingredients or freeze-dried foods for their cats and dogs. Compared with kibble or canned food, freeze-dried cat food accounts for a much lower proportion of total cat food sales, but this category is expanding.

Because there are many cats with health risks associated with dietary malnutrition, many of which are irreversible or incurable, it is best to consult your veterinarian or licensed veterinary nutritionist when choosing an appropriate diet for your cat. Many factors are at play, including age, medical problems, or medications your cat may be taking.

What is the Difference Between Freeze-dried Cat Food and Raw Cat Food?

The main differences between unprocessed raw cat food and freeze dried cat food are as follows:

Remove moisture from raw food (freeze-drying process) to form freeze-dried food that is storage-resistant.

Freeze-dried foods are sold commercially, while unprocessed raw foods are usually made by pet parents or sold in local pet shops or butchers. This means that they have undergone no alteration to attempt to reduce bacterial or parasitic load, which may be a problem with raw feed.

Unprocessed freeze dried raw pet food may also be unregulated or nutritionally unbalanced unless the owner specifically cooperates with a certified veterinary nutritionist to ensure that his pet’s diet is nutritionally complete.

Is Freeze-dried Raw Cat Food Safe?

Feeding any kind of raw food has inherent risks, whether it is to your cat or someone in your family. Cats and people with immunodeficiency or other underlying diseases, as well as young and old people, are particularly at risk of eating raw pet food at home.

Risk of Bacteria and Parasites

The biggest problem with raw cat food is bacterial contamination. E. Coli, Listeria, and Salmonella are the most common contaminants. Certain meats also contain parasites and clostridia.

Freeze-drying does help reduce the number of pathogens in raw food, but many pathogens can survive freeze-drying, so no raw diet is truly safe, although freeze-dried commercial diets may be less contaminated than unprocessed raw food.

It is also important to note that even if food manufacturers often test for contamination of ingredients, these foods can easily be contaminated after the testing process.

Although cats may get sick from eating raw food, the biggest risk is to family members. Cats' normal activities, such as grooming, playing, rubbing their cheeks, etc., may cause humans to come into contact with contaminated saliva, not to mention handling food, bowls, and feces, which may be contaminated.

Risk of Nutritional Deficiencies

In addition to the risk of pathogens, homemade and commercial raw foods may have real risks of nutritional imbalance.

Unless you are directly working with a certified veterinary dietitian to prepare food for your cat at home, or a pet food company directly hires a certified veterinary dietitian, there is a real risk of illness due to nutritional deficiencies or imbalance.

If you choose to feed your cat raw food, check that it is marked as a complete and balanced diet because many freeze-dried products are used as food ingredients, snacks, or fed with other foods, rather than the only source of nutrition.

Risks for Cats or People with Health Problems

If your cat has diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or has people with weakened immunity in the family, it is not recommended that you feed your cat raw food, because in these cases, the risk of food-borne diseases is higher.

Is Freeze-dried Cat Food Better?

Although many people claim that raw food is healthier for cats and help to solve diseases, there is currently no published, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that raw food is generally better for cats than commercially cooked dry or wet cat food. health.

There is evidence that raw meat is generally more digestible than cooked meat, but it is not clear whether this benefit is worth the risk of feeding raw meat to cats.

Ranova high quality pet food is specially developed and designed for cats' nutritional demands at various stages.

1. Daily feeding of cats: only full-price freeze-dried food can satisfy all nutritional demands.

2. Regulate malnutrition: improve diet quality, and improve various symptoms of nutritional deficiency, such as thinness, gray hair, and indigestion.

3. Rehabilitation during pregnancy or after surgery: nutritional supplement during pregnancy, rehabilitation after disease.


Made of pure meat - 翻译中...

Made of pure meat - 翻译中...

Made of pure meat, good palatability, no additives.

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

The high-tech freeze-drying equipment, with its six internal systems, ensures that the organizational structure and nutrients of raw materials are not destroyed.   

2nd Step - 翻译中...

2nd Step - 翻译中...

Freeze the pet food types at -32℃ to retain its nutrition.

End vagrancy with love - 翻译中...

End vagrancy with love - 翻译中...

Dear family, when you are in a hurry to shuttle in the bustling city, you can notice in the dark corner struggling creatures - vagrancy"cats and dogs"! They are helpless, they sleep rough, they are sick, and they are living beings with soul like you and me.

End vagrancy with love

Be aware of the suffering of all living beings and help those in need! Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. in the "Christmas" approaching, to Aunt Wu vagrancyanimal rescue station donated the value of hundreds of thousands of yuan of Ranova products. Send warmth to many helpless pets, spread hope and light in the world!

Aunt Wu vagrancyanimal rescue station for decades as a day to rescue stray cats and dogs, the love for pets deeply touched the hearts of people from all walks of life. As a leading enterprise in the pet food industry, Ranovais deeply devoted to pets all over the world.

End vagrancy with love

End vagrancy with love

Ranovaalways adhere to the "natural fresh, love unlimited" brand concept never shake! After wind and rain, initial heart does not change!

End vagrancy with love

Love runs through the growth of Ranova, Ranovapractice the core values of the enterprise with one action after another! Let more people pay attention to stray cats and dogs, let the whole society care about pet health!

End vagrancy with love

End vagrancy with love! When you see stray cats and dogs in need of help, please do your best! When you have the strength, please help the rescue station around you!

Care about stray cats and dogs, care about pet health!



Ranova specialized in freeze-dried pet treats and pet food for more than 10 years.

Alimento de Gatinho Seco Congelado (Receita de Frango + Salmão)

Alimento de Gatinho Seco Congelado (Receita de Frango + Salmão)

Matérias-primas de qualidade ideal, congelamento a baixa temperatura de -32 ℃, o alimento seco do gatinho sempre mantém o sabor original e nutrição da carne, sem sal, sem grão, sem atrativo. nbsp;

Congelar guloseimas secas do gatinho, como uma espécie de & nbsp; alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade , contêm até 97% de carne para atender às necessidades crescentes do gatinho.

Alimentos para cães secos congelados (receita de frango + salmão)

Alimentos para cães secos congelados (receita de frango + salmão)

Alimentos de salmão liofilizado de alta qualidade e frango para cães selecionados, usando tecnologia avançada de liofilização, retêm a nutrição da carne crua. nbsp; Salmão hidrata e repara articulações e fortalece os ossos.& nbsp;

Comida para cães com carne liofilizada pode ajudar a melhorar algumas deficiências nutricionais e ajudar com a nutrição durante a gravidez. nbsp;

Pato Seco Congelado

Pato Seco Congelado

Através da mais avançada tecnologia de liofilização a vácuo, em estrita conformidade com as normas para alimentos humanos. As guloseimas e os alimentos para cães de pato secos congelados são ricos em proteínas de alta qualidade e complexo de vitamina B, sem grãos, conservantes, aditivos, corantes ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados. nbsp;

Frango Seco Congelado + Peixe + Abóbora

Frango Seco Congelado + Peixe + Abóbora

A combinação de frango e abóbora retém os nutrientes ricos em proteínas e grande palatabilidade do frango. nbsp;

The  liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação also  retém as vitaminas e a fibra dietética da abóbora.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Abóbora Seca Congelada

Abóbora Seca Congelada

Abóbora seca congelada contém caroteno, vitamina E e vitamina K, que são ótimos para o seu animal de estimação' sistema digestivo e urinário. Abóboras secas congeladas são ricas em oligoelementos cobalto e pectina. Ajuda a eliminar toxinas bacterianas e outras substâncias nocivas no corpo.

Abóboras, como uma espécie de & nbsp; pet treat , contêm caroteno, vitamina E e vitamina K, que são ótimos para o seu animal de estimação' sistema digestivo e urinário.

Leite de cabra seco congelado

Leite de cabra seco congelado

A vitamina A tem um papel muito importante no metabolismo do corpo do animal de estimação.

Cabra' s leite contém rica vitamina A, pode aumentar a imunidade dos animais de estimação, e promover o desenvolvimento!& nbsp;

A vitamina A tem um papel muito importante no metabolismo do corpo do animal de estimação, a falta de crescimento e desenvolvimento a longo prazo é afetada, ovelhas' s leite contém rica vitamina A, pode aumentar a imunidade dos animais de estimação, e promover o desenvolvimento! Além de todos esses nutrientes, cabra' s leite, como uma espécie de  alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade contém o mesmo fator ativo de crescimento epitelial (EGF) que o leite humano, que é benéfico para o crescimento das células epiteliais e reparação, pode tornar a pele saudável e energética, reduzir a ocorrência de doença da pele do animal de estimação, de modo que o animal de estimação de agora em diante cabelo de despedida seco.

Pó de pato seco congelado

Pó de pato seco congelado

Projetado para melhor misturar com o kibble, complementar nutrição rica, aumentar o sabor.

Tecnologia de liofilização, nome completo é tecnologia de liofilização a vácuo, que pode bloquear os nutrientes em liofilização de alimentos para animais de estimação e reter o sabor original das matérias-primas, e fazer as matérias-primas sabor crocante e delicioso, com boa palatabilidade.

A comida liofilizada é boa para animais de estimação seniores?

A comida liofilizada é boa para animais de estimação seniores?

A secagem por congelamento é o que pode reter a nutrição e sabor na carne, de modo que o conteúdo de proteína é relativamente rico, e a palatabilidade é melhor para o animal de estimação. Alguns pacotes são relativamente pequenos, por isso é mais conveniente transportar para que o proprietário do animal de estimação possa alimentar o animal de estimação guloseimas liofilizadas sempre que ele sai.

Você tem que adicionar água à comida de cachorro liofilizada?

Você tem que adicionar água à comida de cachorro liofilizada?

Os donos de cães devem ter cuidado ao alimentar seus cães com alimentos liofilizados, que são adequados para cães com mais de três meses. nbsp; Freeze-secagem no tempo de alimentação pode ser embebido em água para alimentar, também pode ser alimentado diretamente, liofilização pode ser alimentado mais métodos, proprietários de cães podem escolher métodos de alimentação para cães de acordo com a situação dos cães. nbsp;& nbsp;

Como é que a carne é liofilizada?

Como é que a carne é liofilizada?

No processo de liofilização, a água de cristal de gelo nas matérias-primas congeladas não derrete em água, mas sublima diretamente em gás e seca naturalmente. Todo o processo de secagem toma sobre  24 horas a baixa temperatura, e apenas a água é drenada e os nutrientes nos alimentos são retidos. É um processo cuidadoso e exigente para garantir que o produto é" fresco" antes de entrar no processo de embalagem.

Você pode misturar dois alimentos secos diferentes para cães?

Você pode misturar dois alimentos secos diferentes para cães?

liofilizado é um cão' s snack de comida seca, pode ser misturado com a comida de cão para comer, mexa uniformemente para o cão para comer, misturado no sabor liofilizado de comida de cão é mais delicioso, o cão depois de cheirar o cheiro não é maneira de recusar, então o cão vai comer a comida de cão e liofilizado juntos.

Soluções para animais de estimação

Soluções para animais de estimação

Para Pássaro

Para Pássaro

Aves' canção melodiosa, postura graciosa e plumagem colorida são todos apreciados pelos amantes de pássaros. & nbsp; Quando os pássaros trazem alegria às pessoas, os pássaros têm mais esperança de que os pássaros possam ser mais saudáveis e animados.

Freeze Dried Bird Food

Tipos de alimento congelado para pássaros secos

Existem muitos tipos de ração para aves enjauladas e vem de uma ampla gama de fontes. Alimentos secos congelados para aves podem ser divididos em ração vegetal (ração granulada, pó de carne seca , ração verde), ração animal (peixes, insetos), ração pigmentada e ração mineral, cada um com suas próprias características. nbsp; Ração granular: Ração granular refere-se a alimentos de sementes de plantas não processadas e é a principal fonte de ração dura para aves. Ração em pó: uma mistura de farelo de soja (como farelo de soja, farelo de ervilha, farelo de feijão mung, farelo de milho), farelo de peixe, farelo de osso e farelo de vermes liofilizados é usado como principal alimento para aves moles.

 & nbsp;

Freeze Dried Mealworm

Freeze Dried Parrot Food

Ingredientes do alimento congelado para pássaros secos

Alimentação animal: vermes de couro comumente usados, minhocas amarelas, minhocas, morcegos de bicho-da-seda, gafanhotos, lagartas de pinheiro, etc., para a saúde das aves, crescimento e desenvolvimento, a reprodução desempenhou um papel importante. Alimentação verde: alimentação verde refere-se principalmente a legumes liofilizados e frutas , como repolho, cenouras, uva, alfafa, melancia, tomate, abóbora, maçã, pera e assim por diante. nbsp;

Nós fornecemos produtos liofilizados de alimentos para animais de estimação tais como & nbsp; alimento de papagaio liofilizado em alta proteína e baixo em carboidratos. Provenientes de unidades populacionais sustentáveis e alimentados organicamente. O produto liofilizado Premium não contém corantes artificiais, aromatizantes ou conservantes.

A nossa História

A nossa História

Vantagens de alimentos para animais de estimação secos congelados e tratamento

Vantagens de alimentos para animais de estimação secos congelados e tratamento

Fruits - 翻译中...

Fruits - 翻译中...

Our fruits such as freeze dried kiwi from high-quality farms, in strict accordance with the standards for human food.

Without any artificial additives, no disease, no decay, .the size is even and the color is natural.

Rinse with running water for cleaning and remove the surface sediment.

Freeze Dried Pet Food Global Direct Supply - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Pet Food Global Direct Supply - 翻译中...

2004 - 翻译中...

2004 - 翻译中...

R&D Freeze Dired Turtle Food

3 - 翻译中...

3 - 翻译中...

Keep the fresh and characteristic products of the ingredients easy to digest and absorb.

3rd Step - 翻译中...

3rd Step - 翻译中...

Vacuum freeze-drying for 18 to 36 hours to sublimate its water, raising temperature to 72℃ for sterilization, completing the entire freeze-drying process.

The product is really very good, but it is so expensive. How to begin the products? - 翻译中...

The product is really very good, but it is so expensive. How to begin the products? - 翻译中...

a: My own advice: Just begin at the MOQ. And use the small beatiful design package to absorb consumers.

b: To make the trial's bags. And it belongs to the highest class high quality pet food. The products' show is very important.

c: To put the products into a transparent bowl and put water into it and put the FD Products inside. Then it will show all the products are natural, without nothing additives inside.

d: To find promotion measures to make more and more consumers to trial it when you get the goods, only after the trialing, it will bring sales.

There are also other very helpful commercial advice......

When we built up cooperation, I will let you know more...

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Vegetables and Fruits - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Vegetables and Fruits - 翻译中...

Freeze-drying is vacuum freeze-drying. After processing, the nutrients of fruits and vegetables are hardly destroyed, and no additives or preservatives are needed.  Freeze dried vegetables and fruit for dogs can be eaten in season all year round.  Shelf-resistant, light and easy to carry, freeze-dried food is the best food for home travel and space (a large part of the products are freeze-dried products for astronauts in space), which can satisfy your hunger, satiate your stomach and provide nutrients.  

One kind of food many ways to eat, many delicious; You can eat it right away, you can soak it, you can boil it, stew it, fry it.  

Suitable for different seasons and different pets to choose to eat, if it is summer, pets can eat more, such as dragon fruit, banana, easy to digest the freeze-dried fruits such as freeze dried apple, if it is winter, pets can eat more: durian, such as warm and tonifying freeze-dried fruits, to eat more corn, beans and vegetables, can solve the problem of not eating fruits and vegetables.  

Dehydrated Dog Food vs Kibble - 翻译中...

Dehydrated Dog Food vs Kibble - 翻译中...

Choosing the right dog food is very difficult. From feed labels to raw materials and many things in between, there are many things to understand.

To simplify the problem, we want to give you an overview of popular types of dog foods. Understanding the difference between kibble and dehydrated dog food will help you make more informed choices about your dog's diet.

Kibble overview

Dog dry food, or kibble, is one of the most well-known and commonly used types of dog food. Kibble is a processed, ground food product that is shaped into small balls for your dog to eat.

This dog food has a variety of qualities, prices, and nutritional value. Before making a purchase decision, it is important to analyze the ingredients of each brand.

Easy preparation

Among all the types of dog food, kibble is the easiest to prepare and serve to your dog. It does not need to be refrigerated, it is ready-to-eat, and is usually easy to distribute to your dog.

All you have to do is check the feeding instructions on the bag, and then dig out the amount that says your puppy needs. For busy dog parents, kibble is a good choice because of its convenience. Although it is the easiest to prepare, this level of ease also brings some disadvantages.

The nutrient content and taste

Over the years, dog mothers and dog fathers everywhere have begun to notice the decline in nutrients in kibble food. In order to eat such an easy meal to prepare, nutrition is sacrificed many times. Just like human food (think fast food), convenient and quick food choices contain preservatives, fillers, and unhealthy ingredients.

Go to any pet food store, whether online or in-person, and you will find that hundreds of dog foods are full of unnecessary fillers. Not only that, the high-temperature cooking methods used to eat dog food will reduce important nutrients, vitamins, and protein. Such processing may cause the originally healthy ingredients to lose their natural value.

And the taste! Let's face it, most dogs will eventually eat whatever you put in front of them because they know they can only eat these...but that doesn't mean your dog must like this taste. Once again, due to the high-temperature processing of dog food, the natural flavor, and aroma of many meat ingredients are reduced when the dog food enters your dog's mouth.

Shelf life and storage

Although the shelf life of kibble is second to none, storing it can become a heavy task. For example, I have three dogs, which means we have to eat a lot of dog food in our house. Reducing "bulk" has become our best friend.

So, the question is, where should you put these foods? A 30-pound bag of food is big and heavy and will take up a lot of space in your home. If you are just feeding a puppy, this may not be a big problem, but you still need a storage container to dump the big bag.

The shelf life of most kibble is an unopened bag of one to two years or longer. Once the bag is opened, you usually want to feed your dog in about 6 weeks.

Overview of dehydrated dog food

Dehydrated dog food such as dehydrated chicken hearts is a minimally processed dog food option, suitable for dogs of all ages, with rich flavors and high nutritional content-meaning your good kids (or girls!) get the most ingredients. The process of making this food involves using real ingredients, you guessed it, and dehydrating them so that there is very little water left.

The dehydration process is much less disruptive than cooking food and helps maintain more natural nutrients, protein, and vitamins in the food. Because water is removed, dehydrated dog food must be "re-dehydrated" before it can be given to your dog.

Many people tout dehydrated dog food as a more convenient version of raw dog food.

Easy preparation

If you have 2-3 minutes, then you have enough time to prepare dehydrated dog food. The process of making dehydrated dog food is very simple.

Nutritional content and taste

The process of making dehydrated dog food helps retain the natural vitamins, protein, and flavor in the original ingredients. The raw materials are gently heated in a non-invasive manner to remove moisture without "cooking" the natural flavors and flavors.

Just like with kibble, be sure to read the ingredient label of any dehydrated dog food such as dehydrated beef lung carefully to see what's in your cute dog's bowl. You want to find a dehydrated food that is rich in protein, meat, vitamins, and minerals, which is necessary for your dog's health.

Most dogs will like the taste of dehydrated dog food (different food consistency is weird to humans-dogs don’t mind!) When you add warm water to dehydrated dog food, its smell is very pleasant, increasing their desire to eat it.

In addition, because the processing of dehydrated food is very simple, the natural flavors of meat, vegetables, and fruits are usually more attractive to your dog.

Shelf life and storage

The shelf life of dehydrated dog food is usually around 12-18 months. Removal of water and antioxidant ingredients helps to maintain shelf life.

Once the food is rehydrated by the water, you can use the remaining 2-3 days. Just be sure to refrigerate the leftovers and add some fresh warm water when you are ready to store the food.

We are dog freeze-dried food manufacturers. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.


Keep the fresh - 翻译中...

Keep the fresh - 翻译中...

Keep the fresh and characteristic products of the ingredients easy to digest and absorb.

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

Raw Material Standard - 翻译中...

The production workshop is designed in accordance with the health standards for food factories. Its equipment, containers, tools, and workers' uniforms are regularly disinfected. The employees must take regular physical examinations, so as to prevent and control bacterial diseases and guarantee the safety of products.

3rd Step - 翻译中...

3rd Step - 翻译中...

Vacuum freeze-drying for 18 to 36 hours to sublimate its water, raising temperature to 72℃ for sterilization, completing the entire freeze-drying process.

Is Freeze Dried Food Healthy? - 翻译中...

Is Freeze Dried Food Healthy? - 翻译中...

After cleaning, shaping, cutting, through the freeze-drying technology rapid freeze dehydration and drying, made of crisp, delicious, and easy to chew freeze-dried meat particles, without frying, puffing, and other processing processes, no oil, no salt, without any additives, to ensure that the pet eats every bite is natural and fresh, 0 added pure meat food. 



All raw materials for freeze dry are of high quality and conform to standards for human edibility.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come! - 翻译中...

Hello Nuremberg, here we come! - 翻译中...

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Nuremberg Interzoo, held every two years since 1973, is the largest and most leading pet and aquarium trade fair in the world. The exhibition area is about 30,000 square meters, and various pet salons, pet shows and professional training activities are also held.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Each event successfully attracts exhibitors and professional visitors from all over the world, including pet traders, pet departments with garden centers, and pet supplies departments in department stores.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

The products on display are complete, in-depth, professional and innovative

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

After arriving, our staff members set up the booth without sufficient rest and jet lag

As with Ranova's always fresh and clean style,

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

The special throw pillow has been getting rave reviews

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Everything done!

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

The exhibition officially began, the visitors came into the exhibition with their lovely pet or not.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Professional, patient, meticulous service is our consistent purpose

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

We prepared the samples for visitors' lovely pets.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

More and more customers came to consult in our booth.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Customers come from all over the world

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Everyone would like to sit down and learn more about Ranova’s products.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

The best part is winning deals face to face.

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Customer recognition is our greatest sense of accomplishment

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Ranova is committed to introducing national good products to the world

The charming Nuremberg pact continues. See you next year

Hello Nuremberg, here we come

Alimentos para gatos secos congelados (receita de frango)

Alimentos para gatos secos congelados (receita de frango)

Matérias-primas frescas, conhecer o gato' s desejo de carne, congelamento de baixa temperatura, sempre manter o sabor original. & nbsp;& nbsp;

Preço completo liofilizado alimento básico para gatos, como um tipo de & nbsp; alimento cru liofilizado com nutrientes balanceados adicionados para atender às necessidades nutricionais. Comida congelada para gatos de frango seco!

Carne de bovino seca congelada

Carne de bovino seca congelada

As guloseimas de cão de carne liofilizada Ranova oferecem a melhor nutrição e a proteção mais segura para o seu animal de estimação' saúde.& nbsp;

Projetado para treinamento repetitivo, carne liofilizada para cães, como uma espécie de & nbsp; carne crua liofilizada , crocante e mastigável, é um deleite ideal para treinamento de animais de estimação.

Cordeiro Seco Congelado + Peixe + Espinafre

Cordeiro Seco Congelado + Peixe + Espinafre

Cordeiro é suave e nutritivo e rico em vitaminas, alto valor nutricional, pode melhorar o cão' Constituição.& nbsp;

Congelar espinafre seco, como um tipo de & nbsp; congelar alimentos secos para animais de estimação , contém muita vitamina E antioxidante e selênio, que podem não só ativar a função de desenvolvimento cerebral de animais de estimação, mas também aumentar a vitalidade dos animais de estimação. nbsp;& nbsp;

Batata Doce Seca Congelada

Batata Doce Seca Congelada

As batatas doces secas congeladas são ricas em açúcar, proteínas, mucina, lisina e muitas vitaminas, entre as quais o teor de β-caroteno, vitamina E e vitamina C é o mais alto. Batatas doces contêm muita fibra dietética. & nbsp;

Congelar doces secos do cão da batata doce, como um tipo de & nbsp; legumes liofilizados para cães são carboidratos muito bons, melhores do que arroz e batatas. Eles também fornecem fibra, vitamina B6, vitamina C, caroteno e manganês. nbsp;& nbsp;

Minhoca Seca Congelada

Minhoca Seca Congelada

As minhocas secas congeladas para aves selvagens são usadas principalmente para criar alguns animais econômicos especiais com alto valor econômico, como geckers, escorpiões, tartarugas douradas, peixes ornamentais, pássaros e rãs. nbsp;

Vermes secos congelados para peixes, um tipo de & nbsp; alimentos crus liofilizados também pode ser usado como aditivos gerais para animais e aves de capoeira, de modo a melhorar a produção e qualidade dos produtos. Nós também fornecemos nossos clientes & nbsp; Minhocas liofilizadas a granel a um preço barato!

Carne de bovino seca congelada em pó

Carne de bovino seca congelada em pó

Rico em proteínas de alta qualidade e complexo de vitamina B, sem grãos, conservantes, aditivos, corantes ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados. nbsp;

Ranova carne picada liofilizada, como uma espécie de & nbsp; carne picada seca oferece nutrição e proteção segura para seus animais de estimação' saúde.

Sugestões de alimentação de alimentos secos congelados para cães

Sugestões de alimentação de alimentos secos congelados para cães

Instruções de utilização:  

  1. Como o principal alimento para alimentação. & nbsp;

  2. Misture com preço completo inchado premium liofilizado ração crua para cães em qualquer proporção. & nbsp;

  3. Adicione 2 ~ 3 vezes água morna para misturar para um pouco de imersão, em seguida, alimente.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Aviso de mudança de alimentos: mudança repentina de alimentos trará desconforto gastrointestinal ao seu animal de estimação, use cerca de 10 dias para mudar gradualmente a comida. nbsp; Misture o alimento original com o alimento original e aumente gradualmente a proporção do alimento original até que todo o alimento original seja substituído.

Quantidade recomendada de alimentação:  

Para alimentar-se como um alimento abrangente e equilibrado para animais de estimação:  


  • A quantidade de alimentação de cachorros, cães prenhes e cães lactantes deve ser de 1,5 a 2 vezes a de cães adultos do mesmo peso. nbsp;

  • O conselho de alimentação é apenas para referência, e deve ser ajustado adequadamente de acordo com as condições reais, tais como o cão' s condição física e quantidade de exercício. & nbsp;

  • Forneça ao seu animal de estimação água limpa suficiente para beber. & nbsp;

Quanta comida liofilizada alimenta um cão?

Quanta comida liofilizada alimenta um cão?

Não existe um padrão fixo para a quantidade de cães que devem ser alimentados por dia. Existem diferenças de idade, diferenças de raça, diferenças individuais, etc No entanto, a maioria dos alimentos para cães tem uma quantidade recomendada de alimentos, que podem ser alimentados de acordo com a quantidade recomendada. Afinal, cada alimento para cães tem diferentes materiais e valor nutricional. nbsp;& nbsp;

Sobre Ranova

Sobre Ranova

Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. um fornecedor profissional de alimentos crus para animais de estimação e fabricante de tratamento para animais de estimação, especializado em guloseimas para animais de estimação liofilizadas e alimentos para animais de estimação por mais de 10 anos. Nossos principais produtos são guloseimas liofilizadas e alimentos para animais de estimação para todas as fases da vida (cães, gatos, répteis, peixes e pássaros). Todos os alimentos congelados secos para animais de estimação de Ranova  fábrica de alimentos para animais de estimação tem sido registro da UE, ISO 9001, IS022000, BRC, certificação BSC, FDA e IFS.

Para Réptil

Para Réptil

Existem mais de 6 . 500 espécies de répteis na Terra, e classificá-las e analisá-las nos ajudará a entender melhor a nutrição dos répteis e alimentá-los melhor . nbsp;

Dried Tortoise Food

Por que alimentar comida seca de dragão barbudo?

Répteis são poiquilotherms . Sua temperatura corporal é determinada pela temperatura ambiente, não seu metabolismo interno, e as mudanças na temperatura ambiente afetam sua taxa metabólica, o que por sua vez afeta as necessidades de energia, exercício e digestão . Eles podem ser alimentados como & nbsp; vermes liofilizados .

A baixa ingestão de calorias pode levar a baixo peso e doenças . O excesso de ingestão calórica pode levar ao crescimento rápido na primeira infância e ao excesso de peso e obesidade na idade adulta . nbsp; Répteis mantidos em pequenas gaiolas ou tanques e alimentados com uma dieta rica em gordura, como terrapinos em pequenos tanques, também estão particularmente em risco . nbsp; Então podemos alimentá-los . vermes tubifex liofilizados .

Freeze Bloodworms

Benefícios do alimento seco da tartaruga

Insectos congelados-secos, um tipo de & nbsp; alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade são uma boa maneira de evitar a alimentação de répteis desequilíbrios calóricos . Forma original do inseto e nutrientes retidos por insetos liofilizados . Alimentos secos de tartaruga como & nbsp; vermes liofilizados podem fornecer proteína adequada e baixa gordura . Devido ao produto liofilizado tem baixo teor de umidade, o alimento seco de dragão barbado pode ser armazenado por um longo tempo .

Tortoise Dry Food

Por exemplo, uma alimentação diária para terrapins pode ser alimentada três vezes por semana e legumes liofilizados podem ser fornecidos em outros dias da semana . nbsp; Todos os répteis em cativeiro são obrigados a fornecer água doce . & nbsp; Insetos e vegetais liofilizados estão bem hidratados e podem aumentar a quantidade de água que os répteis absorvem .

Vantagens da alimentação saudável para animais de estimação em comparação com outros tratamentos

Vantagens da alimentação saudável para animais de estimação em comparação com outros tratamentos

Factory Show - 翻译中...

Factory Show - 翻译中...

2006 - 翻译中...

2006 - 翻译中...

To produce the freeze dried bird food

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High nutritional protein content up to 80%.

4th Step - 翻译中...

4th Step - 翻译中...

Select qualified semi-finished products and remove the imperfect ones.

Other Freeze Dried Pet Treat - 翻译中...

Other Freeze Dried Pet Treat - 翻译中...

Under this category, most products are freeze-dried snacks for pet crawlers and fish.  Freeze-dried insects retain their original shape and color as well as their nutrients.  

Compared with the traditional live insects, the freeze dried dog snacks are more safe and can be stored for a long time, avoiding the seasonal growth of insects.  For human feeding environment, more hygienic. Easy for pet owners to feed. It is beneficial to reduce the disease rate of small pets.  Because freeze-dried insects are relatively clean and lightweight, pet owners can easily mix and match a variety of insects. Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables can also be added to increase the nutritional value of small pet feed.  

What To Do If The Cat Vomits After Eating Freeze-Dried Cat Treats - 翻译中...

What To Do If The Cat Vomits After Eating Freeze-Dried Cat Treats - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried cat treats are made from raw meat with bones and animal liver through low-temperature processing, which retains the original flavor and nutrition of the meat. Many cat food manufacturers use freeze-drying as a cat’s snack, but Some cats vomit as soon as they eat freeze-dried because the cat is too young or the way of feeding freeze-dried food is wrong. The cat will get tired after eating cat food for a long time. Cats will not eat if they are tired. Hosts need to spend more time making cats eat rich. Whether it is canned food, wet food, or freeze-dried, you can mix these delicious foods into cat food. it can attract cats to come and eat more.

Moreover, the taste of freeze-drying is relatively fragrant. Basically, no cats will not eat after smelling freeze-drying. Even cats who do not like cat food will eat freeze-dried cat food, so the cat owner does not need to worry again that cats will not be able to keep up if cats don’t eat cat food.

1. Pay attention to the age of cats when feeding freeze-drying

Freeze-drying is very nutritious, but not all cats can eat it. Freeze-drying is not recommended for cats under three months of age. After all, freeze-drying is pure meat. At this time, the cat's stomach and teeth are weak and cannot be digested, and cats vomit easily. Cats over three months old can be fed, but a small amount of feeding is required for the first feeding. After the cat's stomach adapts slowly, the lyophilized portion can be added slowly and appropriately.

2. Directly fed or mixed with cat food

If the cat is more than three months old, the cat can be fed directly by freeze-drying. When the cat is usually trained to shake hands, and the cat makes the correct action, you can take out the Freeze-dried Cat treats to reward the cat. Appropriate feeding of healthy pet treat can increase your relationship with you. Freeze-dried Cat treats can also be added to the cat's food and fed together with the cat's food so that the cat’s food is also delicious.

3. Drinking in water is easy to digest

If the cat's stomach is not very good, you can soak the freeze-dried in warm water and wait for the freeze dried raw food to soak before feeding it to the cat. Freeze-drying is originally crispy. After soaking in water, it will become a softer piece of meat. The meat contains water. Cats eating freeze-dried soaked in water can replenish some water. You do not have to worry about the problem that cats don't drink water all day.

4. Flour and mix with cat food

The freeze-dried bought cannot be soaked, so you can grind the freeze dried cat treats into powder. Because freeze-drying itself is very brittle, it can be pressed into a powder without too much effort. Mix the powdered freeze-dried into the cat food and stir evenly. After freeze-dried and ground into the powder, it tastes more fragrant. The cat has a sensitive sense of smell and will come out to eat when it smells the scent of freeze-dried cat treats.

We are a private label pet food manufacturer. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our products.


High nutritional - 翻译中...

High nutritional - 翻译中...

High nutritional protein content up to 80%.

4th Step - 翻译中...

4th Step - 翻译中...

Select qualified semi-finished products and remove the imperfect ones.

FAQs of Freeze Dried Raw Pet Food - 翻译中...

FAQs of Freeze Dried Raw Pet Food - 翻译中...



FDA registration, the EU registration, CFIA certification, ISO9001, ISO22000, BRC certification, BSCI certification, etc.

Alimento de Gatinho Seco Congelado (Receita de Frango)

Alimento de Gatinho Seco Congelado (Receita de Frango)

Dieta crua liofilizada completa e equilibrada. Alta palatabilidade e tolerância, nutrição rica. & nbsp;

Proteína de carne de alta qualidade, em linha com a natureza de caça de animais de estimação. Derivado da proporção de cálcio para fósforo na carne, o alimento seco para gatos para gatinhos, como uma espécie de & nbsp; alimento cru liofilizado para gatos , é rico em DHA, EPA, Omega 3, ômega 6.

Cordeiro Sujo Congelado

Cordeiro Sujo Congelado

Ranova liofilizado Cordeiro é rico em proteínas e gordura.& nbsp;

Congelar o alimento seco do cão do cordeiro, como um tipo do & nbsp; carne crua liofilizada , também contém vitamina B1, B2, e minerais como cálcio, fósforo, ferro, potássio, iodo, e nutrição abrangente, rica.

Carne Seca Congelada + Frango + Beterraba

Carne Seca Congelada + Frango + Beterraba

Carne seca congelada e frango e beterraba é além do alto teor de proteínas da carne bovina, a palatabilidade do frango e a abundância de vitaminas e folato na beterraba liofilizada. nbsp;

Carne seca congelada e frango e beterraba, como um tipo de & nbsp; cão tratamento mix , é muito bom para pet' saúde.

Batata Doce Roxa Seca Congelada

Batata Doce Roxa Seca Congelada

A batata doce roxa é rica em proteínas e aminoácidos, proteínas e aminoácidos na batata doce roxa são fáceis de digerir e absorver, a maioria dos quais são mucina, e a mucina pode prevenir a atrofia do tecido conjuntivo renal e hepático, de modo a melhorar a imunidade. nbsp;& nbsp;

Batatas doces roxas, como uma espécie de & nbsp; guloseimas liofilizadas são carboidratos muito bons, melhores do que arroz e batatas. Eles também fornecem fibra, vitamina B6, vitamina C, caroteno e manganês.

Tubifex liofilizado

Tubifex liofilizado

Os alimentos de peixe dos vermes tubifex secos congelados são ricos em proteínas e gorduras, a soma de aminoácidos essenciais atinge 35%& nbsp;& nbsp;

E vermes tubifex para peixes e betta, como uma espécie de & nbsp; guloseimas liofilizadas têm excelente palatabilidade, que é uma importante ração natural para peixes ornamentais.

Salmão seco congelado em pó

Salmão seco congelado em pó

Feito a partir de salmão norueguês escolhido.& nbsp;

Ranova liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação é produzido através da tecnologia avançada de liofilização a vácuo, em estrita conformidade com os padrões para alimentos humanos. Projetado para melhor misturar com o Kibble, complementar nutrição rica, aumentar o sabor.

Benefícios da comida seca congelada para cães

Benefícios da comida seca congelada para cães

  • Palatabilidade Favorável  

Alimento para cães liofilizado e Alimento para cachorros liofilizado usa ingredientes de carne fresca, carne fresca após liofilizado da fragrância de carne é mais rica e deliciosa, palatabilidade é excelente, pode facilmente abrir o apetite do animal de estimação. nbsp;

  • Rehydration

A tecnologia de secagem por congelamento extrai a maior parte da água dos materiais alimentares, e o local original do armazenamento de água fica vazio. O alimento liofilizado torna-se uma estrutura seca, solta e porosa, por isso tem reidratação muito alta. nbsp; Com apenas a quantidade certa de água, pode ser rapidamente restaurado para um ingrediente fresco e delicioso em apenas alguns minutos. nbsp;

  • Vida útil longa, fácil de armazenar  

A tecnologia de secagem por congelamento remove a maior parte da água em alimentos para animais de estimação, não deixando condições para o crescimento de microrganismos e enzimas. Portanto, alimentos liofilizados para animais de estimação, como uma espécie de & nbsp; alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade , com carne fresca pode ser mantido à temperatura ambiente por cerca de 3-5 anos sem descongelamento, refrigeração ou conservantes. nbsp; Compre N sacos de cada vez para armazenar em casa, não se preocupe com a deterioração! & nbsp;

Por que congelar seco

Por que congelar seco

Congelar alimentos secos para animais de estimação China, it' s a maior característica é reter a cor, cheiro, sabor, forma e nutrição do alimento ecológico original, alimento para animais de estimação de marca privada e tratamento para animais de estimação de Ranova & nbsp; O alimento liofilizado para animais de estimação é um alimento muito popular no campo da aviação, aeroespacial e alimentos de alta qualidade O alimento liofilizado para animais de estimação é um alimento natural, verde e seguro devido à sua baixa perda nutricional e boa reidratação.

Para Aquário

Para Aquário

Existem muitos tipos de peixes ornamentais, diferentes tipos de peixes ornamentais por dia tempos de alimentação não são os mesmos. nbsp; Porque os peixes são mais anti fome, então pode ser alimentado uma vez a alguns dias, mas assim alimentado fora do peixe crescer, a cor não é boa. & nbsp; Se você quiser que seus peixes cresçam bem, alimente-os pelo menos uma vez por dia, 2-3 vezes mais. & nbsp;

Freeze Dried Fish

Como alimentar alimentos secos congelados para peixes?

Cada vez que para alimentar o peixe ornamental precisa alimentar 70 por cento cheio, o julgamento ainda é a velocidade de reação do peixe após alimentar o liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação . Normalmente, no início da alimentação, eles se aproximam rapidamente da comida e engolem-na, e suas reações vão desacelerar à medida que são alimentados mais e mais. & nbsp; Depois de serem alimentados, os peixes têm pouco interesse na comida.

Freeze Dried Food For Fish

Freeze Dried River Shrimp

Que tipo de alimento de peixe seco deve ser alimentado?

Os peixes são alimentados com dietas diferentes por causa de suas dietas variadas, mas a maioria dos peixes pode aceitar dietas artificiais, sejam pellets ou fatias finas. nbsp; Para alguns peixes carnívoros, você pode alimentar alguns peixes pequenos e camarão liofilizado e outros alimentos liofilizados para peixes, mas deve prestar atenção à desinfecção, de modo a não comer o que o problema.

Dried Fish Food

Se a ração for demais, existem algumas iscas no fundo, que não só poluirão a água, mas também produzirão nitrogênio amoniacal depois de serem decompostos pelos microrganismos na água, que é um tipo de material prejudicial para os peixes. & nbsp; Assim, a isca residual deve ser limpa a tempo, geralmente quando a mudança de água pode ser bombeada a partir do fundo, de modo que a isca residual e o peixe serão descarregados. nbsp;

Garantia de Qualidade

Garantia de Qualidade

Garantia de qualidade dos tipos de alimentos para animais de estimação

Garantia de qualidade dos tipos de alimentos para animais de estimação

2009 - 翻译中...

2009 - 翻译中...

Ranova was established, area 25000㎡

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Pasteurization & Radiation Sterilization Product Safety

5th Step - 翻译中...

5th Step - 翻译中...

Package finished products, irradiate them for sterilization

Freeze Dried Meat Powder - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Meat Powder - 翻译中...

Product Safety - 翻译中...

Product Safety - 翻译中...

Pasteurization & Radiation Sterilization Product Safety.

5th Step - 翻译中...

5th Step - 翻译中...

Package finished products, irradiate them for sterilization.



Long service life, fast delivery, multilingual services.

How Often Should I Feed The Dog Chicken Heart? - 翻译中...

How Often Should I Feed The Dog Chicken Heart? - 翻译中...

Although this is annoying, many dogs still beg for leftovers. They sit there waiting for you to throw them a piece of meat from the dinner table.

But how healthy or safe is it to satisfy the dog's desire for chicken offal?

This may seem like a nature documentary, but dogs are hunters and they never lose their sense of taste for raw meat.

Are Chicken Hearts Good for Dogs?

Although you may be disappointed by the prospects, chicken hearts are an excellent source of nutrition for your puppy.

Think about it. Dogs are basically domesticated wolves that have migrated for hundreds of generations. Which wolf do you think will only chew on the outside of the carcass? These chicken hearts may not suit your taste but for dogs, they will certainly suit their taste.

There have many benefits of chicken hearts for dogs. The freeze dried chicken hearts are rich in vitamin A, iron, and various vitamin B. But this is not all, freeze dried chicken hearts for dogs are an excellent source of taurine, which is a sulfamic acid and an important part of the protein.

Animal hearts, especially chicken and turkey, are lean protein. They contain essential fatty acids. And cooking or raw chicken hearts are good for your dog companion. Most veterinarians think that raw chicken hearts is better and more natural for dogs.

Any heating of the raw heart, whether on your own stove or in the canning process of a dog food processing plant, will reduce the nutrient content of the raw heart. There can be a problem with processed food. The processing itself affects taurine, making it difficult for your pet's metabolism to process.

Chicken is a relatively economical white meat, a good choice for your pet and yourself. In addition, you can also buy Chicken Hearts separately at a cheaper price from freeze dried pet food manufacturers. Cooking by yourself can alleviate people's concerns about canned processed foods.

How to Prepare Chicken Hearts for Dogs?

Chicken hearts for dogs, as a kind of freeze dried raw meat, can be made in several ways. You can cook chicken hearts for dogs by yourself. Use a small amount of oil to fry them until light golden brown, or just boil them like. You can make dehydrated chicken hearts for dogs by using a food dehydrator. No matter how you prepare, your puppy will love it. It's up to you to decide whether to incorporate these hearts into your pet's daily diet or use the chicken hearts as worthy dog treats.

Note that the veterinarian says that if the chicken heart includes more than five percent of the diet, you may have to deal with excess vitamin A. These consequences include a loose, runny stool, a major inconvenience for you and your pet. They also warn that the nutritional needs of dogs may vary based on their age, breed, and general health, so consult your veterinarian before making any major changes to their diet.

How Many Chicken Hearts Can A Dog Eat?

Hearts are organ meats. Like other organs such as the liver and kidney, they should be eaten by your dog in moderation. If your dog is active, 10% organ meat in the diet is okay. If your pet is very active, he can tolerate about 15%. If your pet is extremely overweight, you should limit your intake to less than 10%.

In Conclusion

So next time you want to eat a whole chicken, think twice before throwing away the little surprise package you find. You may not like the taste of raw heart, but your dog partner will definitely like it.

Ranova as a freeze dried dog food manufacturer can provide freeze dried chicken hearts for dogs wholesale or in bulk, please come and buy them.

How Often Should I Feed The Dog Chicken Heart

Coelho Seco Congelado

Coelho Seco Congelado

Primeiro, a carne de coelho tem alto teor de proteína para atender às necessidades nutricionais dos animais de estimação. Em segundo lugar, a ração liofilizada para cães de coelho é baixa gordura e baixo colesterol para evitar a obesidade animal de estimação. Em terceiro lugar, a carne de coelho tem lecitina rica para fazer animais de estimação' cor do cabelo brilhante.& nbsp;

Carne de coelho contém vitaminas B ricas, teor de niacina é alto, impede animais de estimação' doenças da pele. O último, existem oito aminoácidos para aumentar a imunidade dos animais de estimação. E a digestibilidade é alta. Congelar ração seca de coelho gato, como uma espécie de & nbsp; tratamento de treinamento liofilizado , protege o sistema digestivo do animal de estimação.

Fígado de Frango Seco Congelado + Maçã + Abóbora

Fígado de Frango Seco Congelado + Maçã + Abóbora

A proteína de alta qualidade em cubos de frango liofilizado e as vitaminas nas maçãs fornecem nutrição adequada para animais de estimação, 

E a fibra dietética na abóbora faz fígado de frango liofilizado e maçã e abóbora,, o & nbsp; guloseimas para animais de estimação liofilizados mais saciante.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Ervilha Seca Congelada

Ervilha Seca Congelada

Ervilhas desidratadas  em alimentos para cães e gatos são ricos em vitaminas B, bem como cobre, zinco, magnésio, potássio e polissacarídeos. nbsp;

Ácido graxo insaturado e fosfolipídeo de soja estão contidos em ervilhas verdes secas e seguras para cães e gatos, que é uma espécie de alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade ,  pode proteger a elasticidade vascular, a saúde cerebral e impedir a formação de fígado gordo.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Artemia Seca Congelada

Artemia Seca Congelada

A artemia liofilizada é rica em proteínas, completa em composição de aminoácidos e rica em gordura bruta, entre as quais o ácido graxo insaturado é maior que o ácido graxo saturado.

Atum em pó liofilizado

Atum em pó liofilizado

O atum liofilizado é rico em proteínas de alta qualidade e ácidos graxos insaturados OMEGA-3, EPA e DHA, mas sem grãos, conservantes, aditivos, corantes ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados. nbsp;

Este tipo de  pó de carne seca oferece nutrição e garantia segura para a saúde de seus animais de estimação. Projetado para melhor misturar com o kibble, complementar nutrição rica, aumentar o sabor.

Benefícios do alimento congelado seco para gatos

Benefícios do alimento congelado seco para gatos

A nutrição liofilizada para gatos é alta, o processo de congelamento especial é muito bom para reter a nutrição e sabor da carne, o sabor da carne será mais rico após a desidratação, pois a palatabilidade do gato é boa, geralmente não adicionará atrativos de alimentos, o que é muito diferente do gato enlatado. nbsp; O teor de proteína liofilizada é tão alto quanto 60%, e o teor de água é apenas cerca de 5%. O produto de gato liofilizado, como um tipo de & nbsp; liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação , não adiciona nenhum conservante, e pode ser mantido por um longo tempo. nbsp; Alguns dos pacotes são pequenos e leves, por isso é conveniente carregá-los quando você sai.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Como é feito o alimento seco congelado para cães?

Como é feito o alimento seco congelado para cães?

Alimentos liofilizados são abreviados para alimentos liofilizados a vácuo, também conhecidos como alimentos FD. & nbsp; É o processo de congelamento de carne congelada, frutas, legumes e outros ingredientes em um vácuo. & nbsp; No processo de liofilização-secagem, matérias-primas congeladas na água de cristal de gelo, não derretam na água, sublimam diretamente no gás, secagem natural. nbsp; Todo o processo de secagem leva cerca de 24 horas a baixa temperatura, e apenas a água é drenada, e os nutrientes nos ingredientes são melhor retidos. É um processo muito cuidadoso e exigente para garantir que o produto está em um" fresco" estado, e então no processo de embalagem. & nbsp;

Notícias & Blog

Notícias & Blog

Serviços OEM/ODM

Serviços OEM/ODM


1. Embalagem a granel

Congelar produtos de carne pura secos: abt 8kgs / ctn

Congelar produtos de fígado puro secos: abt 10kgs / ctn

Congelar peixe puro seco: Depende de tipos de peixe

FD Salmon: 6kgs / ctn ou 8kgs / ctn

(depende da matéria-prima)  

FD Peixe Branco (Bacalhau): 4kgs / ctn

FD Atum: 8kgs / ctn

FD Peixe Inteiro (Smelt): 8kgs / ctn

2. Pacote do OEM:


(1). Sacos' pacote:

A: Color-printing Stand-up sacos;

B: Pacote selado 8 lados da impressão a cores;

C: Um pacote de impressão com etiquetas diferentes;

(Porque para o pacote Bags' tem MOQ, para economizar custo, basta projetar um saco e, em seguida, colar etiquetas de itens diferentes nos sacos.)

(2). Latas de plástico' Pacote:

A: As latas de plástico don' t tem o MOQ.

B: Etiquetas' O design deve ser especial!

C: Deve ser dada mais atenção antes do   label' s impressão em massa, precisa fazer as amostras para fazer o teste!

(Nesta etapa, ele também tem alguns detalhes importantes a serem confirmados! Se você quiser este pacote, entre em contato comigo para os detalhes).

3. Tubos de papel' pacote ou qualquer outro pacote que você gostaria


1. LCL é permitido!

2. Se no pacote a granel, o tamanho da caixa

é de cerca de 62*42*29.5cm

410ctns/20' recipiente

800ctns/40' contentor

3. Se no pacote do OEM,

Depende do pacote exato e do tamanho da caixa. Posso ajudá-lo a calcular todos os dados desejados.

4. Se quiser por correio, eu também posso ajudar a comparar a taxa de correio, e escolher o melhor para você.

Vantagens dos alimentos crus secos congelados

Vantagens dos alimentos crus secos congelados

Processo de secagem por congelamento de nossa comida de alta qualidade para animais de estimação

Processo de secagem por congelamento de nossa comida de alta qualidade para animais de estimação

2010 - 翻译中...

2010 - 翻译中...

1st & largest factory in China to R&D and produce the freeze dried pet food

6 - 翻译中...

6 - 翻译中...

Freeze-drying process for long-lasting quality without preservatives.

Lasting Quality - 翻译中...

Lasting Quality - 翻译中...

Freeze-drying process for long-lasting quality without preservatives.

LOW MOQ - 翻译中...

LOW MOQ - 翻译中...

Ready for providing the sample and producing some small orders.

Dehydrated Dog Food: The Ultimate Guide - 翻译中...

Dehydrated Dog Food: The Ultimate Guide - 翻译中...

What is dehydrated dog food?

Dehydrated dog food is a healthy, minimally processed dog food option suitable for dogs of all ages. It has rich flavors and high nutrient content which means your good kids get the most from the ingredients. Dehydrated food combines the best food in the world. The convenience of dry food and the many nutritional values and benefits of raw food (without the worry and confusion of bacteria). And it is very lightweight, dogs like this taste.

Dehydration is the process of removing water from raw materials while maintaining the nutrients and positive qualities of these raw materials. The moisture in the food is removed to create a light, nutritious, and healthy food that can replace "cooked" small grains and dry food.

Dry food has little effect on the nutritional value of ingredients, especially when compared with dry dog food and deeply processed canned dog food. When dog food is cooked (sometimes at a temperature above 500 degrees), it will kill many of the basic nutrients, enzymes, and proteins in the original ingredients. The dehydration process is gentle, effective, and ideal to maintain the main nutritional value of the ingredients. This process can ensure that your puppy is happy, healthy, and strong.

Is dehydrated dog food safe?

Among all kinds of dog food, dehydrated dog food such as dehydrated liver dog treats is one of the safest choices. The dehydration process removes water from the raw material, helping it to guarantee quality longer, especially when compared to raw food. This means a longer shelf life for you, without the need to find too many preservatives.

Combine a longer shelf life with healthier and more delicious ingredients, and you get food that is extremely safe for your dog.

How long is the shelf life of dehydrated dog food?

Dehydrated dog food, such as dehydrated beef lung, depending on the brand and product line, usually has a shelf life from 12 months to 2 years. The important thing is to use the brand to confirm how long their food can stay on your shelf and is still safe for your dog.

Once mixed with water, leftovers from dehydrated food can usually be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. When reusing leftovers, it is best to add some warm water, enough to improve the taste and aroma of your four-legged friends.

Air-dried/ freeze-dried/dehydrated dog food

In the field of freeze-dried, air-dried, and dehydrated dog food, each has some similarities, helping your dog get high-nutrient, easy-to-prepare and delicious food.

Air-Dried Dog Food

As it sounds, air-dried dog food takes away the ingredients and removes moisture by air-drying. In order to ensure that all potentially harmful diseases or pathogens are killed, many air-dried foods undergo multiple rounds of drying.

Air-dried dog food is known for its gentle processing, which helps the ingredients retain their natural enzymes, nutrients and vitamins. Most air-dried dog food is original, without any water or other ingredients.

Freeze-Dried Dog Food

For freeze-dried dog food and freeze dried puppy food, all water is removed from the ingredients while keeping the food frozen. Its freezing method keeps its composition from exceeding the frozen temperature, which means that the nutrients remain basically intact. Freeze-dried foods often have a tendency to crumble, but are still very nutritious for your dog.

Dehydrated Dog Food

Dehydrated dog food undergoes minimal heating and pressure treatment to remove moisture from the ingredients. In order to retain the natural enzymes, nutritional value, and vitamins in the raw materials, "cooking" is done at a very low temperature.

Dehydrated dog food is usually "rehydrated" with water before giving it to your dog. This rehydration helps your dog get enough water as part of their daily mealtime.

Dehydrated Dog Food: The Ultimate Guide

Venas Secas Congeladas

Venas Secas Congeladas

Carne de veado congelada é rico em proteínas, baixo em gordura, baixo em colesterol e contém muitas substâncias ativas.

Congelar carne de veado dired para gatos, como um tipo de & nbsp; alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade , é rico em proteínas, gordura, sal inorgânico, açúcar e uma certa quantidade de vitaminas.

Frango Seco Congelado + Maçã + Abóbora

Frango Seco Congelado + Maçã + Abóbora

A combinação de frango, maçã e abóbora é uma boa palatabilidade.& nbsp;

Além de fornecer proteína para animais de estimação, este tipo de  mistura de tratamento para cães também pode fornecer vitaminas ricas e fibras dietéticas. Animais de estimação são saudáveis e energéticos.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Maçã Seca Congelada

Maçã Seca Congelada

As maçãs contêm uma variedade de vitaminas e nutrientes, como cálcio, vitamina C, vitamina K e pectina. Essas substâncias na maçã são boas para o animal de estimação, então, além de dar comida para o animal de estimação, você também pode dar algumas maçãs.& nbsp;

Maçãs, um tipo de  frutas secas congeladas para cães são ricos em fibras alimentares: vitamina K, cálcio, vitamina C e fibra solúvel, por exemplo, pode até reduzir um cão' s risco de acidente vascular cerebral, e pectina é boa para remover toxinas do corpo. Preste atenção para remover o núcleo e sementes também cortadas, não deve comer excessivamente. Nós também fornecemos & nbsp; maçãs secas congeladas a granel para os nossos clientes!

Vermes Sanguinárias Secas Congeladas

Vermes Sanguinárias Secas Congeladas

Vermes de sangue liofilizados frescos para peixes e betta foram selecionados como matérias-primas para liofilização em ambiente estéril. nbsp;& nbsp;

Congelamento Seco Bloodworms, um tipo de liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação , retém os nutrientes e palatabilidade do verme vermelho. A infecção de doenças é eliminada pelo tratamento estéril.& nbsp;

Fígado de Frango Seco Congelado em Pó

Fígado de Frango Seco Congelado em Pó

Fígado de frango contém principalmente proteína, gordura, carboidratos, vitamina A, vitamina D, fósforo e outros ingredientes, alto valor nutricional, boa palatabilidade e cheiro único.

Como alimentar alimentos congelados secos para gatos?

Como alimentar alimentos congelados secos para gatos?

Resposta: Existem muitas maneiras diferentes de alimentar produtos liofilizados. Aqui apenas listei alguns conselhos.

1. Para alimentar os lanches para os animais de estimação diretamente.

2. Colocar os lanches na água para restaurar a carne fresca, em seguida, alimentar os animais de estimação.

3. Misturar com o alimento principal para melhorar a palatabilidade do alimento. Cenário de uso:

A. Se os animais de estimação estão doentes, as guloseimas liofilizadas do animal de estimação podem ser acompanhadas com o medicamento para alimentar os animais de estimação. Você terá um efeito muito bom!

B. Se os animais de estimação não' Se gosta de beber água, basta misturar o Freeze-Dried com água, ele vai ajudá-lo demais!

Por que as guloseimas liofilizadas são populares?

Por que as guloseimas liofilizadas são populares?

Um animal de estimação' A dieta é carne crua. Sempre houve um grande debate sobre a dieta de carne crua na China, mas os alimentos congelados e secos de carne fresca podem ser uma solução muito inteligente para este problema. nbsp; Os snacks liofilizados para cães e gatos usam liofilização para manusear alimentos, o que economiza tempo e esforço de preparar alimentos crus e resolve o problema de preservar alimentos crus. nbsp; Porque ele' s criogênico, você don' não tem que se preocupar com parasitas, ele' s tão fácil de alimentar como pellets normais, private label pet treat , incluindo private label freeze dried dog treats são & nbsp; emocionalmente aceitável para o proprietário, e o mais importante, você obtém todos os nutrientes de alimentos crus sem ter que lidar com todas as preocupações acima. nbsp;

Perguntas frequentes sobre alimentos para cães secos congelados

Perguntas frequentes sobre alimentos para cães secos congelados



Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd.


R& D Centro & Endereço de fábrica: No. 2 Road, North Area, Jinghai Economic Development Area, Tianjin, China

Sede de vendas: 2505Room, LuNeng International Center, Nankai District, Tianjin, China

  • info@ranova - Pettreats. com

  • Call Center: +86 22 6812 8206

  • Tel: +86 185 0220 2068

  • WhatsApp: +86 185 0220 2068

Ingredientes de Ranova Freeze Dry Pet Food

Ingredientes de Ranova Freeze Dry Pet Food

Feito de matérias-primas puras e naturais, comestíveis mesmo para seres humanos. The  Private label pet food e tratamento de & nbsp; fabricantes de alimentos para animais de estimação liofilizados são made  de carne apenas, sem quaisquer aditivos, excelente palatabilidade. Fresco e fácil de digerir e absorver levemente nutritivo: seu conteúdo de proteína é muito mais do que outras guloseimas.

Comparação de doces congelados para animais de estimação

Comparação de doces congelados para animais de estimação

2013 - 翻译中...

2013 - 翻译中...

ISO9001 & ISO22000

What Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food? Is It Better Than Dehydrated Dog Food? - 翻译中...

What Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food? Is It Better Than Dehydrated Dog Food? - 翻译中...

There are numerous dog foods offered today that it's difficult to stay on par with all the brand-new fads. As animal parents, we desire the very best for our hairy pals, especially when it comes to nutrition.
Discovering the best dog food for your family pet can be an overwhelming experience; nonetheless, with the help of your veterinarian, you can decide on the most effective food alternative.
You might have found out about freeze-dried food or perhaps dehydrated dog food, but what's the distinction between them? Are they better than damp or completely dry food?
Right here's what you require to know about freeze-dried food and also dehydrated dog food so you can be far better notified in making your choice.

What Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

Natural freeze dried dog food is the foodstuff that goes through a procedure where it is dehydrated under a low-temperature level in order to preserve high quality and raise the life span of the item.
In the process of suspended animation, the product is frozen, the is pressure lowered, and the ice is eliminated by a process called sublimation (the procedure where a material such as ice goes from the state of solid to a gas, basically skipping the state of a liquid).

Freeze-Dried Dog Food

Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food comparable to Raw Dog Food?

The concern of whether freeze-dried dog food is just as good as raw dog food is based upon your very own choice when it involves preparation and cost.
Freeze-dried dog food, as a kind of high quality pet food, belongs to a line of raw, meat-based foods that have ingredients from food pets that are not prepared. The only difference between freeze-dried dog food and also raw dog food is that freeze-dried dog food has undergone a process to remove most of the wetness in the product. Nevertheless, in the freeze-drying process, nutrients are conserved. Additionally, the look of the product is kept, and also some bacteria may be eliminated.
In regards to expense, the extra step of processing the foodstuff with suspended animation might make it much more pricey than raw canine food diet plans.

H3 Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food Safe?

Freeze-dried dog food such as freeze dried salmon dog food might have lower some microorganisms; however, there are still some germs that make it through the process.
Inspect the internet site of the dog food that you are considering to figure out the procedures used in developing their freeze-dried dog food. You can additionally search for any previous recalls that they might have had with their foods.

Dogs ought to not be provided raw food if they are immune-suppressed or have serious illnesses. Furthermore, if a house has participants that have young kids (under 5 years), elders, immune-compromised individuals, persons preparing pregnancy, or persons that are pregnant, freeze-dried pet dog food can be an issue for health and wellness safety.
Proper hand cleaning and also prevention of cross-contamination are important for those who like a raw diet plan for their family pet.

What Is Dehydrated Dog Food?

Dehydrated dog food undertakes a process where the wetness is gotten rid of by evaporation to raise shelf-life. Both processes of dehydration and also freeze-drying rise shelf-life; nonetheless, suspended animation includes drying out a product under a reduced temperature.

Is Dehydrated the Same as Air-Dried Dog Food?

Dehydrated dog food such as  is the same as air-dried dog food.
Basically, air-drying is an approach of dehydrating or getting rid of much of the moisture in the food. In dehydrated dog food, moisture is eliminated gradually by low warmth. It is unidentified if the top quality of nutrients is very affected by the dehydration process.
Just like the freeze-drying process, dehydration might decrease some microorganisms; nevertheless, some germs survive the process.

Do You Have to Include Water to Dehydrated Dog Food?

The addition of water to dehydrated dog food will rely on the directions given by the manufacturer. Following the guidelines on feeding, directions are very important in order to prepare the food correctly.

Which Is Better: Freeze-Dried, Dehydrated, Canned, or Wet Dog Food?

Some pet parents and also vets may report seeing a renovation in coat, skin, as well as habits, and a reduction in clinical conditions and also smell in dogs consuming raw meat diet regimens. Nevertheless, scientific analysis has actually not been done to examine these feasible benefits.

Whether you make a decision to feed freeze-dried, dehydrated, canned, or completely dry pet food depends upon:
1)Pet dog safety and security.
2)Family safety and security.
3)Whether the diet is balanced and also complete.
4)Usefulness for you to feed continually.
Every animal, household, as well as a pet parent, is various. What is appropriate for one pet dog may not be appropriate for the following. Seek advice from your key vet or board-certified veterinary nutritionist to establish what will certainly be best for you as well as your pet.

Bacalhau congelado seco

Bacalhau congelado seco

Bacalhau congelado e seco não é apenas rico em DHA e EPA, que são óleo de peixe comum, mas também rico em vitaminas A, D, E e outras vitaminas que são necessárias para o corpo humano, que é propício para o cabelo liso e brilhante, olhos brilhantes e desenvolvimento cerebral de animais de estimação. nbsp;

Além disso, carne de bacalhau, como uma espécie de & nbsp; congelar alimentos crus secos , é rico em magnésio, que tem um bom efeito protetor sobre o sistema cardiovascular.

Frango seco congelado + espinafre + cenoura

Frango seco congelado + espinafre + cenoura

Adicionar espinafre e cenoura ao frango não só adiciona sabor, mas também dá ao seu animal de estimação vitamina A, caroteno e ferro. nbsp;

Este tipo de alimento para animais de estimação de alta qualidade nutre o sangue e ilumina os olhos. nbsp;

Pêra Seca Congelada

Pêra Seca Congelada

As peras são ricas em fibras alimentares: vitamina K, cálcio, vitamina C e fibras solúveis, por exemplo, podem até reduzir um cão' s risco de acidente vascular cerebral, e pectina é boa para remover toxinas do corpo. Preste atenção para remover o núcleo e sementes ao alimentar seu animal de estimação este tipo de liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação , não deve comer excessivamente.

Poliquetas secas congeladas

Poliquetas secas congeladas

Rico em proteínas e uma variedade de aminoácidos também pode fortalecer o corpo.& nbsp;

Polichaetes secos congelados, como um tipo de & nbsp; Alimentos liofilizados para animais de estimação   pode acelerar o corpo' s metabolismo da endotoxina e melhorar o corpo' capacidade de resistir à pressão. Reduzir a incidência de doenças de pele. É a comida favorita de peixe e camarão.

Fígado de bovino seco congelado em pó

Fígado de bovino seco congelado em pó

Fígado de Carne Congelada Seca em Pó é rico em vitamina A e B. 

O fígado, como uma espécie de  pó de carne seca também contém vitamina C, que não é encontrada na carne, e oligoelemento selênio, que pode aumentar a imunidade dos animais de estimação. Dar aos animais de estimação fígado de carne torna o cabelo mais liso.

FAQ sobre Alimentos Secos Congelados para Gatos

FAQ sobre Alimentos Secos Congelados para Gatos

Os petiscos liofilizados para animais de estimação são seguros?

Os petiscos liofilizados para animais de estimação são seguros?

A liofilização é o processo de congelamento e desidratação de carne fresca, frutas e legumes em um vácuo. nbsp; Toda a tecnologia de liofilização ocorre a baixas temperaturas, e a água no alimento congelado não derrete em água, mas sublima diretamente fora do alimento em gás. A tecnologia de liofilização de alimentos de liofilização para animais de estimação é basicamente a mesma, mas guloseimas de gato congelados geralmente usam carne natural pura, fígados, peixes e camarões, frutas e vegetais como matérias-primas, sem aditivos como atrativo, conservante, óleo e sal, que é um alimento natural ideal para animais de estimação. nbsp; & nbsp;

Resultado da Pesquisa

Resultado da Pesquisa



Processo de liofilização de alimentos para animais de estimação e guloseimas

Processo de liofilização de alimentos para animais de estimação e guloseimas

2014 - 翻译中...

2014 - 翻译中...

Built up the inner ERP, CRM system

Are freeze-dried cat treats nutritious? How to give cats freeze-dried treats? - 翻译中...

Are freeze-dried cat treats nutritious? How to give cats freeze-dried treats? - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried cat treats are a kind of cat treats, which have certain nutrients. Most freeze-dried cat treats are made from meat and are rich in vitamins and minerals. It is usually a good choice to feed cats. Next, cat treats suppliers will tell you how to feed freeze-dried cat treats to the cat owners

1.Feeding by Age

When you feed freeze dried cat treats, there is a certain correlation with the cat's age. The cat has just been born in its mother's belly, and it is still a young cat. The teeth have just grown out, and the stomach is still relatively fragile. At this time, if feed the cat freeze-dried treats, the cat may not be able to eat them. I recommend that you wait for the cat to grow to about three months old and start to feed the cats freeze-dried treats. In the beginning, don't eat too much. You can give the cat a little bit and then increase it slowly so that the cat has a slow adaptation process, but usually, we don't give the cat constant treats, to avoid the cat's picky eating leading to malnutrition.

2. Direct Feeding

Cats are carnivorous animals, and freeze-dried cat treats are generally freeze dried raw meat, so there is no problem with feeding them directly. Some cats do not chew well, so you can soak the freeze-dried meat in warm water, and then feed the cat. In addition, cat owners can also add freeze-dried meat to cat food. It is also a good choice for cats to eat as a complementary food.

3. How to Choose Freeze Dried Treats?

Freeze-dried treats and freeze dried pet food are the most common kind of cat treats, so there are many types on the market. When choosing freeze-dried treats, cat owners can look at the production date, shelf life, and ingredient list of freeze-dried products. This information can be clearly seen on the regular freeze-dried treat packaging. Some cats' treats of poor quality will be freeze-dried and shipped abroad, repackaged, and then sent back to China, disguised as foreign cats' treats, and sold. So when you choose cat freeze-dried treats, you should carefully look at and choose regular cat freeze-dried treats to feed your cats.

And there are also many cat owners who see these and don't know where to start. You can refer to these pet treats from me. The freeze-dried pet treats series are all raw materials added through vacuum freeze-drying technology. According to sterilization, the fresh and nutritious substances are fully locked, which is convenient to carry and store. The production process is zero-additive, the grains are full, and the packaging is double-sealed to make the food material longer insured. The entire process from raw material procurement, production, storage, transportation to sales is strictly monitored and traceable to ensure the safety of each pet food. It is high quality and delicious. Usually eaten occasionally to cats, freeze-drying can exercise the cat's masseter muscle and clean the teeth.

freeze-dried treats

The above content is about the relevant knowledge of freeze-dried cat treats. I hope that everyone can feed some cat treats occasionally while ensuring the normal diet and drinking of cats.

We are a pet food supplier. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.

Salmão seco congelado

Salmão seco congelado

Feito a partir de salmão norueguês escolhido, Ranova liofilizado alimentos para animais de estimação é produzido através da mais avançada tecnologia de liofilização a vácuo, em estrita conformidade com os padrões para alimentos humanos. nbsp;

Ranova salmão liofilizado cão e gato guloseimas, como um tipo de & nbsp; carne crua liofilizada , são ricos em proteínas de alta qualidade e ácidos graxos insaturados OMEGA-3, EPA e DHA, mas sem grãos, conservantes, aditivos, corantes ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados. Oferece a melhor nutrição e garantia segura para a saúde de seus animais de estimação.& nbsp;

Frango Seco Congelado + Espinafre + Abóbora

Frango Seco Congelado + Espinafre + Abóbora

Produção de carne fresca, sem conservantes, desidratação a vácuo de baixa temperatura liofilização, estéril, seguro, crocante e delicioso.& nbsp;

Flocos secos de espinafre, como um tipo de & nbsp; alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade , tem alto grau de retenção de aminoácidos de carne, vitaminas e outros nutrientes. nbsp;

Quivi Seco Congelado

Quivi Seco Congelado

Kiwi é uma fonte de potássio e rica em vitamina C, por isso' é um deleite para alimentar o seu cão um ou dois.& nbsp;

Esta deliciosa fruta tropical, como uma espécie de legumes e frutas liofilizadas tem propriedades antioxidantes, e alguns estudos até mostraram kiwi para melhorar a respiração e retardar o envelhecimento.

Camarão fluvial seco congelado

Camarão fluvial seco congelado

As matérias-primas vêm de lagos naturais sem poluição industrial, e a tecnologia de secagem por congelamento é usada para manter as enzimas ecológicas de baixa temperatura e multivitaminas do camarão. nbsp;& nbsp;

Pó de coração de frango seco congelado

Pó de coração de frango seco congelado

Comer corações de frango dá ao seu gato taurina, proteína e vitaminas lipossolúveis A e D. 

Após liofilização, pode ser armazenado mais facilmente e sua vida útil pode ser estendida. Durante o processo de liofilização, a aparência e a estrutura das matérias-primas não são fáceis de serem destruídas, e o pó de carne seca é fácil de ser digerido e absorvido.

Quanto tempo duram as guloseimas para cães liofilizadas?

Quanto tempo duram as guloseimas para cães liofilizadas?

Se não houver abertura, carnes liofilizadas podem manter por vários anos. No entanto, os ingredientes ainda contêm um pouco de umidade, fazendo com que os petiscos do animal de estimação acabem estragando.

Se você tem um saco fechado de petiscos para animais de estimação que' Se existe há mais de um ano, guloseimas liofilizadas ainda podem ser boas. Se você abrir o saco ou lata e ele já cheira mal, por favor jogue-o fora. & nbsp;

Além disso, é o melhor guia para verificar o saco' s data de validade se os lanches são seguros para dar aos seus animais de estimação.

Produto do resultado da pesquisa

Produto do resultado da pesquisa

2015 - 翻译中...

2015 - 翻译中...

BRC Certificate, Construction of new factory 

Benefits of Freeze Dried Pet Treats - 翻译中...

Benefits of Freeze Dried Pet Treats - 翻译中...

  • Freeze-dried food will have a longer shelf life than fresh food

  • Freeze-drying technology can retain the nutrients of the raw materials

  • Freeze dried cat treats, without preservatives, additives or flavorings

  • Freeze-dried snacks are quick and easy to feed

  • Freeze dried dog treats, fast rehydration and easy to carry

Why Is Freeze Dried Dog Food So Expensive? - 翻译中...

Why Is Freeze Dried Dog Food So Expensive? - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried pet dog food is one alternative that provides a number of advantages of feeding raw minus the effort of preparing raw dog food.
But all for rather a significant additional expense.

What is Freeze-Dried Pet Dog Food?

Freeze drying dog food is literally the very best method in maintaining canine food securely with almost zero nutrient/ mineral loss. Extremely little warmth is needed to "sublimate" the liquid out of the food.
Freeze dried raw dog food is made similarly to high-tech astronaut food.

The exact same outstanding technology that makes tasty, light-weight, as well as shelf-stable meals for are astronauts is also used to make freeze-dried pet food.
Freeze-dried raw pet dog food usually consists of a combination of premium quality meat, bones, veggies as well as fruits.

The process of freeze-drying includes 3 actions. First, the food is iced up and also taken into a vacuum chamber. It's after that warmed at a low-temperature level and also the ice crystals evaporate straight right into steam, which is gotten rid of.

Lastly, the food is nitrogen secured so it can be saved without running the risk of contamination from oxygen or water.
The history of freeze-drying food such as pure freeze dried cat food goes back to the start of the 20th century. It's a procedure which has actually progressed for many years, from protecting plant and also pet tissue to creating military food distributions, space food, as well as a lot more recently - pet food.

What is the Distinction In Between Dehydrated as Well as Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

Freeze drying out as well as drying out are 2 techniques of protecting food; removing most of the moisture web content reduces the capability of undesirable microorganisms to flourish.

While you may assume the resulting products would be really similar, there are big differences in both the processes and also the end results.
Dehydration is when the pet food is heated to temperatures of 120-150 levels Fahrenheit; the dampness in the food is gotten rid of as a result of prolonged direct exposure to warmth.

It's a cheaper process than freeze drying food, nonetheless, the quality of the final product is impacted.
Exposure to higher temperatures indicates the dehydrated foodsheds more of its taste and also dietary worth than the freeze-dried product.

It can likewise occupy to 24 hrs. to re-hydrate, compared to the freeze-dried variation which can take just mins.
Freeze-dried pet food is a much more light-weight product than dried pet food. It also keeps even more of its taste as well as nutritional value as the water is gotten rid of from it quicker and at a reduced temperature level.

Why Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food So Expensive?

Freeze drying out requires costly devices that consume a lot of power; these boosted expenses lead to a costlier item.
Furthermore, freeze-dried canine food normally contains higher quality food such as fresh beef versus rendered "beef secret meal".

Additionally, you need to consider that ice up dried out pet food has actually shed all of its moisture weight.
So although you might be getting just 14 ounces of freeze-dried food, when properly re-hydrated the final weight will be considerably a lot more.

How do I Utilize Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food?

Freeze-dried canine food is easy to prepare as well as serve.
Follow the manufacturer's directions and also blend the appropriate serving dimension for your canine with the right amount of water.
It is very important that the food is offered to your dog as quickly as it prepares. Any kind of leftovers must be cooled or disposed of. This is because it's possible for dangerous microorganisms to expand in warm, wet problems.

When you select a freeze-dried raw dog food, it's crucial to ensure that the item you choose is suitable for your pet dog and will certainly provide them with the nutrition they need.
There are many items offered for extra usage which aren't a total diet regimen for your pet.

Inspect that there's sufficient healthy protein, fiber as well as fat, and also ensure that the freeze-dried item suffices for the life stage of your pet.
Bear in mind that while the freeze-dried item appears to be a much more costly option, you obtain what you spend for in terms of grain 'filler' cost-free and additive-free products, which are much better for your dog's wellness.

What Are The Advantages of Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

There are numerous advantages for you and also your pet dog, ranging from its convenience as well as dietary worth to just how simple it is to make use of.
First of all, freeze-dried raw canine food is taken into consideration to be the most nourishing choice for your pet after fresh raw food.
The low handling temperatures of the food are much less most likely to damage or damage vitamins, proteins, and also important enzymes than the heats used to make conventional dog food.

The quality of any type of continuing to be vitamins additionally decreases by around 50 percent if the traditional dog food is stored for 6 months at area temperature.
Freeze-dried pet dog food is very easy as well as convenient to prepare as well as is significantly lighter weight than conventional pet dog food. It also has a long life span; this item can last in your pantry for around 25 years!

This item uses up a lot less space than fresh raw pet food, as well as it does not call for refrigeration prior to preparation.
It also includes a reduced risk of bacterial contamination during prep work and also is much less unpleasant to feed to your pet dog.

What Are The Drawbacks of Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

Apart from the high price, if you have worries about overfeeding your pet a raw diet as a result of virus worries that this kind of raw canine food isn't the best choice for you.
Due to the fact that this kind of canine food is not overly refined at high temperatures like traditional pet food, bacteria could be a concern at times.
Nevertheless, the levels of the germs will be a lot less than those found in fresh raw pet food.

Freeze dried raw dog food has an appearance like oatmeal that may not be as interesting pets that are used to crunchy food or fresh meat.
The taste is likewise somewhat various to fresh meat, although it preserves even more natural preference than dried canine food.

Tips for Picking the Right Types of Dog Food for Your Dog

There are 2 main sorts of freeze-dried pet food choices - one that has some "eat" or "attack" to it, and the other that is generally like "mush".
To get right to the point, we as well as our pets favor the type that still has to chew as well as the attack in it.

The pet treat manufacturer that is slushy and wet simply won't attract a lot of canines. Nevertheless, it may appeal or be a good choice for older pet dogs that have trouble chewing because of health and wellness or teeth problems.

Quality Components of Freeze Dried Dog Food

Look for freeze-dried food that has top quality healthy proteins along with other vital free ingredients such as Omega 3 fats, organ meat, fruits, and veggies.
Try to prevent big manufacturers from tool sized specialized makers that put more heart, initiative, and also love right into the foods they develop.
These smaller firms typically will utilize better meats that are fairly and also humanely raised.

Quality Components

Nutritional Account of Freeze Dried Dog Food

See to it you choose a freeze-dried out food that has the proper amount of healthy protein, fat, and also carbohydrates for your particular pet's requirements.
Freeze-dried pet dog food is an excellent food to feed your dog yet the high costs might not make it a functional choice for many.
Sometimes, supplementing your pet with freeze-dried pet dog food could be an option that stabilizes benefits, prices, as well as adding some variety to your canine's meals.

It would certainly be an excellent "back-up" dish plan when other sources of fresh food are not available because of its great life span when effectively refrigerated.
In general, older dogs require much less fat, while active, functioning canines require even more protein as well as carbohydrates.

Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food a Good Choice for Dog Treats?

Yes! It makes an exceptional reward for your canine. These deals are tasty, nutritious, and also preferred with even the fussiest of dogs!
It is necessary that you think about the number of treats you exchange that right into account when feeding the various other regular dishes for the day.
Numerous dog owners are guilty of being too charitable with their treat offerings leading to excessive weight along with picky consuming habits.

Atum Seco Congelado

Atum Seco Congelado

Feito de Atum Pacífico, Ranova liofilizado alimentos para animais de estimação é produzido através da mais avançada tecnologia de liofilização a vácuo, em estrita conformidade com os padrões para alimentos humanos. nbsp;

O atum liofilizado Ranova é rico em proteínas de alta qualidade e ácidos gordos insaturados OMEGA-3, EPA e DHA, mas sem grãos, conservantes, aditivos, corantes ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados. Congelar guloseimas secas de atum gato, como uma espécie de & nbsp; guloseimas liofilizadas , oferecem a melhor nutrição e garantia segura para a saúde de seus animais de estimação. Projetado para treinamento repetitivo, este produto, crocante e mastigável, é um deleite ideal para treinamento de animais de estimação. nbsp;

Salmão seco congelado + espinafre + cenoura

Salmão seco congelado + espinafre + cenoura

Salmão seco' s alto teor de proteína fortalece os níveis musculares.& nbsp;

Espinafre, como uma espécie de & nbsp; alta qualidade alimentos para animais de estimação , its & nbsp; A vitamina C pode aumentar a capacidade celular. A vitamina A e o caroteno podem promover o desenvolvimento ocular. nbsp;& nbsp;

Morango Seco Congelado

Morango Seco Congelado

Morangos secos congelados são considerados superalimentos: eles são ricos em coisas como antioxidantes e silício, vitaminas C, E, A e B, zinco e ferro. nbsp;

O silício em pedaços e fatias de morango liofilizado, um importante tipo de & nbsp; frutas liofilizadas para cães demonstrou melhorar e apoiar a função cognitiva em animais de estimação mais velhos, enquanto outros estudos científicos descobriram que mirtilos são realmente bons para a saúde cardiovascular em animais de estimação. Nós também temos morangos liofilizados a granel para os clientes! Entre em contato conosco para comprar morangos liofilizados!& nbsp;

Rotíferos Secos Congelados

Rotíferos Secos Congelados

Os rotíferos são pequenos, amplamente distribuídos e se reproduzem rapidamente.& nbsp;

Eles são importantes liofilizado alimentos para animais de estimação para produtos aquáticos e alimentos naturais para corais. nbsp;& nbsp;

Como podemos escolher o pó congelado da carne seca para o animal de estimação?

Como podemos escolher o pó congelado da carne seca para o animal de estimação?

  • Olhe para os ingredientes  

Geralmente, a lista de matérias-primas diminuirá de acordo com a ordem do conteúdo de matéria-prima, e devemos olhar para o primeiro item da lista de matérias-primas. Os mais tipos de carne picada seca, como & nbsp; pó de frango liofilizado na mistura, melhor. & nbsp;

  • Observe a superfície do alimento  

Os grãos estão intactos, uniformes em tamanho e têm uma superfície áspera com traços de fibra de carne. Bom alimento seco para cães geralmente tem um leve aroma carnudo. & nbsp; Se a comida de cão é muito gordurosa, don' t escolhê-lo! & nbsp;

Resultado da Pesquisa Outro

Resultado da Pesquisa Outro

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2016 - 翻译中...

2016 - 翻译中...

BSCI Certification

FAQs of Freeze Dried Pet Treats - 翻译中...

FAQs of Freeze Dried Pet Treats - 翻译中...

Can Dogs Eat Beef Liver? - 翻译中...

Can Dogs Eat Beef Liver? - 翻译中...

As a nutrient-rich food, beef liver is increasingly popular and can be added to the human diet. For people following an ancient or primitive diet, experts encourage the addition of organ meat whenever possible. Not everyone likes the taste of the liver, heart, or other internal organs. Dogs have been eating them for years. Learn why beef liver is such a healthy addition to any puppy's diet. Who knows, maybe by the end of this article, you'll be fighting the butcher for some beef liver over two dinners tonight!

4 Beef Liver Benefits as Dog Food

1. Rich in nutrients

Most importantly, beef liver is A good source of vitamin A, iron, copper, phosphorus, and zinc, as well as B vitamins and essential fatty acids. If you've recently rescued a malnourished dog, finding a way to incorporate freeze dried beef liver into a dog's diet may change the game for restoring them to health. This is also true if your puppy is sick or injured. Ask your veterinarian about adding beef liver to their diet to help them recover quickly.

2. Good for the liver

The liver of a puppy... Easy to remember, right? Find out why you want to study Chinese medicine. They believe that in Traditional Chinese medicine if there is a "blood deficiency" or "a deficiency of vital blood", the liver can be used. Even though Chinese medicine is not your area of expertise, because you now know that the liver is so rich in nutrients, it is easy to understand how it can help your dog if the liver is anemic, tired, or suffering from general discomfort.

3. Boost energy

Not only is the liver a good source of protein, but it is also rich in vitamin B12. This combination will help keep your puppy alive. If your dog likes to run or hike, consider using the liver as a snack to maintain energy!

4. Important sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids

Not only do these fatty acids boost the immune system, but they also help keep your puppy's skin and coat healthy and shiny. Like humans, beautiful skin and healthy hair start with what you eat. So does your puppy. If the dog is prone to illness or if the skin or coat looks dull and dull, it is a good addition to the dog's diet.

How to Cook Beef Liver for My Dog?

Beef liver for dogs, as a kind of freeze dried raw food is a key ingredient in the beef recipe. In addition to the beef heart and other cuts of beef, it is mixed with vegetables such as sweet potatoes and peas, fruits such as blueberries, and vitamins and minerals to keep the puppies healthy. This recipe is not only delicious but also an excellent nutrient for keeping your best friend healthy.

If your freeze dried puppy food does not contain beef liver, try a snack made with this nutrient. Many foods on the market contain beef liver. If you like to cook for your pups, you can also make your own delicious beef liver snacks. You can use the following simple recipe to dry the beef liver at home. If your puppy is tastier, try the following recipes, including liver-based muffins and truffles. Whether you choose to provide it, your puppy will likely ask for more.

Another delicious way to serve beef liver is to grind it up with other cuts of beef and cook it like an extra tasty hamburger (optional cheese)! If you don't like the taste, this method can also be used to add beef liver to your diet. Remember not to overcook, because heat is the first killer of nutrients in beef liver. If you keep seasonings to a minimum, such as skipping garlic or adding too much salt, share them with the whole family! Remember to keep your dog's diet appropriate to its size and needs!

The Risk of Freeze Dried Beef Liver Treats

Like anything else, too much of a good thing can be bad. You'll want to make sure that when your dog eats enough beef liver to get all the amazing health benefits, you don't give them too much.

If you feed your beef liver, they might get:

High vitamin A

This condition, also known as vitamin A toxicity, is found in dogs whose livers have taken too much or in combination with vitamin A supplements. Symptoms include bone deformation, including extra bone growth in the elbow and spine, anorexia, and weight loss. If you suspect that your puppy has vitamin A hyperemia, consult your veterinarian. If left untreated, it can be fatal. To prevent this, make sure you feed your dog the right amount of liver for its size and dietary needs and don't overfeed vitamin A.

Beef Liver

Too much iron

Iron is important, but you don't want to have too many puppies. If your puppy has too much iron, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, internal bleeding, and even seizures.

Even if your puppy does not suffer from either of these diseases, the liver is a rich food that should be slowly added to your dog's diet. Consult your veterinarian for information on how much liver is appropriate for your dog. There are many health benefits to properly feeding these delicious and inexpensive food. Let your puppy enjoy it safely.

Filete de frango seco congelado

Filete de frango seco congelado

Existem principalmente dois tipos de carne de peito de frango: carne de peito de frango e filé de frango. nbsp;

O filé de frango, como uma espécie de & nbsp; tratamento de treinamento de cão liofilizado , está localizado no lado da carne do peito de frango. A composição proteica de guloseimas e nbsp de cão de peito de frango liofilizado; são bastante grandes. Na carne, um dos alimentos de carne que pode ser dito ser a maior proteína é atribuído a alimentos ricos em proteínas e alimentos de baixa caloria.

Frango Seco Congelado + Coco + Abóbora

Frango Seco Congelado + Coco + Abóbora

Recursos de qualidade de carne estáveis qualificados, em conformidade com as normas europeias de segurança alimentar, com um elevado grau de redutibilidade. nbsp;

O processo de liofilização do tipo de & nbsp; alimentos crus liofilizados para animais de estimação preserva o sabor natural dos ingredientes. nbsp;

Banana Seca Congelada

Banana Seca Congelada

As bananas contêm vitaminas B, vitamina C e potássio, que são boas para animais de estimação em pequenas quantidades. nbsp;

Congelar batatas fritas de banana secas, um tipo de & nbsp; frutas secas congeladas para cães são ricos em fibras dietéticas, podem aumentar o volume de fezes e promover a motilidade intestinal, e muita fibra vegetal solúvel em água pode tornar as fezes macias e fáceis de descarregar. Temos fornecimento de varejo de ração para animais de estimação para os clientes comprarem bananas liofilizadas a granel também!

Mistis Secos Congelados

Mistis Secos Congelados

Camarão mysis liofilizado contém uma variedade de vitaminas, aumenta o apetite, promove o crescimento, o uso de tecnologia de liofilização, retém nutrientes, tem um longo período de armazenamento. nbsp;& nbsp;

Melhores maneiras de alimentar animais de estimação usando pó de carne seca congelada

Melhores maneiras de alimentar animais de estimação usando pó de carne seca congelada

Mistura-o com bolinhos. Salmão em pó pode complementar a proteína e enriquecer a nutrição. nbsp; Sabor rico de grãos principais. & nbsp; Pode ajudar os pais do animal de estimação a mudar de comida. Também pode ajudar os pais a ajustar seus animais de estimação' hábitos alimentares. & nbsp;

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2017 - 翻译中...

2017 - 翻译中...

Ranova Brand with new package launched into Chinese Marketing

The Benefits of Freeze-Dried Cat and Dog Treats - 翻译中...

The Benefits of Freeze-Dried Cat and Dog Treats - 翻译中...

Dog and cat treats are made in several ways. Freeze-dried cat and dog treats are actually cooked to remove all moisture. The resulting product is light and dry. Then wrap it in an airtight wrapper and open it only after you've fed your pet. Freeze-dried treats have an extremely stable shelf life, which means they can be stored for a longer period of time. Dogs also find freeze-dried food attractive. It is sometimes recommended for dogs with poor appetite (such as superior dogs or dogs with chronic diseases). Freeze-drying helps retain the most nutrients.

On the other hand, air-drying pet treats involve air-drying at low temperatures to remove water from the food by evaporation. Air drying is a natural way of preserving food without the use of any artificial preservatives. The process also retains a lot of nutrients, which means it's healthier than heated, dehydrated dog food. Air-dried dog food does not require refrigeration. It's actually like rough grinding, but the nutritional benefits are closer to a raw diet.

Freeze Dried Cat Treats and Dog Treats

Freeze dried cat treats are not new to the pet treat industry. But these products are just beginning to become more important among dog and cat owners. Here are some of the benefits that make freeze-dried treats so popular:

  • The freeze-drying process is actually a preservative technology, so no chemical preservatives or additives are added to the product.

  • Given the risks associated with any ingredient, most freeze-dried treats contain the least amount of ingredients, which can have a big impact on allergic dogs.

  • While not all freeze-dried treats contain raw meat, those do contain more nutrients. Many dog treats on the market are dehydrated during processing, and the high-calorie content removes most of the nutrients.

  • Freeze-drying snacks offer a higher cost performance because the freeze-drying process significantly reduces the weight and size of treats.

  • Freeze-dried treats are an excellent source of protein.

  • These treats do not need to be refrigerated, so they are easy to store.

  • Freeze-dried treats are easy to feed because they are highly portable and do not cause confusion.

Freeze Dried Dog Food Recipe

Freeze-drying is a process that involves only the removal of moisture from the product. First, the food is "quick-frozen" and subjected to extremely low temperatures. This process helps maintain body integrity and nutrition. Next, moisture or water is removed by sublimation. This is a vacuum process in which heat is added, so that water evaporates. The sublimation process removes about 95 percent of the water. The remaining water is removed by a final process called secondary drying (absorption).

Freeze-dried Food

Freeze Dried Liver Treats

The freeze-dried liver treat is a popular treat for dogs. But, according to Peter Tobias of DVM, "dehydrated liver (freeze-dried liver) is harmless in small amounts but toxic when taken regularly. " Excessive consumption of liver treats has been linked to vitamin A hypervitaminosis or so-called liver poisoning. So, remember to keep pets in moderation!

Is Freeze Dried Raw Food Good for Dogs?

A dog or cat's raw diet consists of feeding the dog or cat raw meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables. It is an effort to replicate the normal diet of its ancestors. However, it has its advantages and disadvantages. The potential benefits of a raw diet include healthier skin and outer skin, cleaner teeth, smaller feces, and higher energy levels. However, it is not without potential risks, as an unbalanced diet can have a negative impact on your pet's health, especially if eaten over a long period of time. The potential threat of bacterial contamination in raw meat could also pose a threat to humans and pets. The entire skeleton may pose a choking hazard or may block the passage of the gastrointestinal tract.

Unlike freeze dried pet food, raw dog food is uncooked and unprocessed, meaning it is in its natural state. It's fresh. Freeze-drying, on the other hand, is a three-step process that can destroy or remove some nutrients. The process involves the freezing stage, the sublimation stage (primary drying), and the absorption stage (secondary drying). Most of the companies that make freeze-dried food for pets also conduct rigorous quality checks to make sure there are no harmful bacteria - something that is hard to spot in raw dog food.

In addition, freeze-dried pet food is nutritionally superior to dehydrated pet food because freezing before drying keeps proteins, vitamins, and minerals intact.

Are Freeze Dried Dog Treats Safe?

Freeze dried dog training treats are not only attractive and nutritious but can also be safely fed to pets. The process is designed to ensure the elimination of harmful bacteria.

Is Freeze Dried Raw Dog or Cat Food Safe?

The safety and hygiene of freeze-dried raw dog food are problematic. The truth is, the bacteria present in the raw meat diet may also be resistant to freezing and freeze-drying. But brands such as raw pet food test each batch of the finished product to see if they are negative for certain disease-causing bacteria before they are sold.

Filete de pato seco congelado

Filete de pato seco congelado

O valor nutricional da carne de peito de pato liofilizado é muito alto, que contém proteínas mais altas do que outras carnes. nbsp;

A gordura e carboidratos contidos na carne do peito de pato, uma espécie de & nbsp; guloseimas liofilizadas , são moderadas. A gordura contida na carne do peito de pato é principalmente ácidos graxos insaturados e ácidos graxos saturados de baixo carbono. Contém mais vitaminas.

Krill Pacifica Seco Congelado

Krill Pacifica Seco Congelado

A refeição de krill do Pacífico contém até 50% de proteína e é rica em cálcio.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Devido ao cheiro único de peixe, krill pacifica liofilizado, como uma espécie de & nbsp; Alimentos liofilizados para animais de estimação   é muito atraente para a forragem de peixes.& nbsp; Gatos e cães de estimação também podem ser alimentados, adicionar cálcio.& nbsp;& nbsp;

Salmão Seco Congelado + Coco + Abóbora

Salmão Seco Congelado + Coco + Abóbora

O salmão é rico em ácidos graxos insaturados e uma variedade de oligoelementos benéficos para o corpo humano, rico em nutrientes e fácil de absorver e usar. nbsp;

Adicionado abóbora e coco, este tipo de liofilizado alimento para animais de estimação é rico em fibras dietéticas, propício para o condicionamento do estômago. nbsp;& nbsp;

Como podemos escolher legumes secos congelados e frutas para animais de estimação?

Como podemos escolher legumes secos congelados e frutas para animais de estimação?

Evite alimentos que são tóxicos para o seu cão. Cebolas, alho-poró, nozes, abacates, etc. são todos tóxicos para cães. Don' não dê repolho demais ao seu cão, pois eles podem causar problemas de tireóide. & nbsp; É melhor dar ao seu cão legumes como batata doce liofilizada , batatas e ervilhas. & nbsp; Peles de batata são ricas em nutrientes e você pode dar-lhes para o seu cão, ralando-os, desde que eles' não são verdes, o que pode ser tóxico. & nbsp;

Benefícios para a saúde da carne picada congelada seca para animais de estimação

Benefícios para a saúde da carne picada congelada seca para animais de estimação

Além de um bom suplemento proteico para promover o crescimento e desenvolvimento, também pode ser complementado com uma variedade de vitaminas e minerais para reduzir doenças dos animais de estimação. nbsp; A forma de carne picada é muito pequena, conveniente para a postura e a idade dos animais de estimação mais jovens para alimentar.



  & nbsp;

What Are The Benefits Of Freeze-Dried Dog Food? - 翻译中...

What Are The Benefits Of Freeze-Dried Dog Food? - 翻译中...

Today, dog food comes in many formats, flavors, and forms. As freeze-dried dog food has become increasingly popular lately, many pet parents have raised questions about the new breed of dog food. Here, we break down what freeze-dried dog food is, and the benefits and challenges of feeding it. Then, we'll share tips on how to add freeze-dried food to the dog's food.

First, let's explain why freeze dried pet food is becoming more and more popular. Pet parents and nutritionists agree that high-quality protein (such as Turkey, Chicken, or Salmon) commonly found in freeze-dried foods provides excellent nutrition. Protein is essential for the growth and maintenance of almost all tissues in dogs. At the molecular level, dietary proteins provide the body with the amino acids needed to build hair, skin, muscles, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. A protein-rich diet will always be a top priority for dogs, as high-quality meat ingredients can bring delicious aromas and tastes.

1.What is freeze-dried dog food?

Freeze-drying is a technology that preserves raw materials such as fresh meat to provide finished, safe, shelf-stable, and lightweight dog food. Freeze-dried dog food is technically primitive and nutritious.

2.What are the benefits of freeze-dried dog food?

  • Freeze-dried dog food provides dogs with the least processed nutrients, which appeals to pet parents looking for alternatives to regular roughing. Freeze-dried dog food tastes great and can be used as a complete meal for picky eaters, or as a tasty top hat for all dogs to add a variety of flavors to their meals.

  • The least processing.

  • Retain the flavor of the meat ingredients.

  • Retain the nutritional value of the ingredients.

3.How is dog food freeze-dried?

Freeze drying is a special form of drying that removes moisture at very low temperatures. In freeze-drying, the raw material is first frozen and then placed in a strong vacuum to convert the water in the food into steam. You may buy pet food for yourself, such as instant coffee or cereal and freeze-dried berries.

4.How does freeze-drying affect the nutritional content of food?

Freeze-drying retains more of the nutrients in the raw material than other methods, such as cooking or dehydrating pet food. Because raw meat ingredients are freeze-dried, they help preserve the healthy nutrients that are naturally present.

5.What types of freeze-dried dog food are available?

Premium freeze dried dog food includes everything from delicious meat snacks to freeze-dried dog food mixers or top cutters and even complete and balanced freeze-dried foods.

6.Is all freeze-dried dog food the same?

Although the technology is similar between the brand and the company, the differences will come down to the type of food and ingredients to be freeze-dried. High-quality products usually include whole pieces of meat as well as visible fruits and vegetables. Some brands that use dog freeze-dried products may not freeze-dry the whole piece of raw meat. Instead, they may mix ingredients to make a piece of meat similar to a hamburger or sausage.

Freeze-dried Dog Food

7.Should I worry about bacteria in fresh meat from freeze-dried dog food?

If you want to feed freeze-dried dog food, it's best to find a brand to see how they ensure the product is safe. The quality and safety of every recipe we make is a priority in everything we do. This is why each of our freeze-dried batches of meat goes through a special process of autoclave pasteurization (HPP) before being freeze-dried. This innovative safety step adds additional pressure to kill bacteria while maintaining component integrity.

8.How do you incorporate freeze dried food into your dog's diet?

Dog diets made from completely freeze-dried ingredients can be expensive, can be hard to find, and may not be suitable for all dogs. Dog food manufacturers suggest adding some freeze-dried nutrients to your dog's diet while still maintaining the convenience of feeding your dog on a regular schedule.

Pescoço de frango seco congelado

Pescoço de frango seco congelado

O pescoço de frango liofilizado é rico em vitamina E, melhora a fertilidade e tem um alto teor de proteína, o que ajuda a fornecer imunidade e é propício ao crescimento e desenvolvimento. nbsp;

A vitamina abundante em a  frango' pescoço é importante para o desenvolvimento ocular. Pescoços de frango secos congelados para cães e gatos, como uma espécie de & nbsp; petiscos , contém outras vitaminas e oligoelementos que podem ajudar a absorção de cálcio, promover o metabolismo ósseo. O pescoço de frango é rico em colina, o que melhora a memória.

Copépodes Secos Congelados

Copépodes Secos Congelados

Congelar Copepods Seco é um alimento liofilizado de dois peixinhos que prometeu ser seus peixes' nova comida favorita.& nbsp;

Copépodios Secos Congelados, um tipo de & nbsp; comida para animais de estimação de alta qualidade é um alimento ideal para qualquer coisa com uma boca pequena o suficiente.

Como podemos escolher a mistura congelada do tratamento do cão seco?

Como podemos escolher a mistura congelada do tratamento do cão seco?

Com o aumento das marcas de liofilização e a popularidade da liofilização, existem muitos liofilização de qualidade ligeiramente baixa no mercado agora, devemos prestar atenção à qualidade da liofilização quando compramos. Para o bem de seus próprios animais de estimação, eles ainda querem evitar liofilização caseira ao comprar liofilizado alimentos para animais de estimação e escolher boa reputação marca liofilização. As informações de produção de produtos de liofilização regulares são relativamente claras, porque afinal de contas, certamente não é descuidado comer coisas como alimentos. Se você ficar doente por causa de comer liofilização ruim, o ganho não vale a pena a perda. & nbsp;

Melhores Maneiras de Alimentar Pet Usando Legumes Secos Congelados e Frutas

Melhores Maneiras de Alimentar Pet Usando Legumes Secos Congelados e Frutas

Os cães devem comer 10% de sua ingestão total de frutas e vegetais todos os dias. Algumas frutas e legumes que podem ser comidos crus são recomendados para ser alimentados diretamente ao seu cão, como batata doce roxa liofilizada . Se você está preocupado que eles não serão capazes de digeri-los, você pode usar um liquidificador para separá-los. Frutas e legumes crus são os mais nutritivos. & nbsp; Se o seu cão ainda faz' t digerir bem frutas e legumes picados, vaporizá-los e dá-los ao seu cão. & nbsp; It' s melhor para alimentar o seu cão legumes e frutas que estão na estação e tão diversificada quanto possível.

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The Best Freeze-Dried Dog Food - 翻译中...

The Best Freeze-Dried Dog Food - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried dog food isn't just a novelty, but it's also made using the same techniques used to prepare food for space travel - by removing water, the food weighs less and takes up less space.

1.There are Many Benefits to Freeze-Dried Dog Food

High-quality ingredients. A freeze-dried diet usually consists of an impressive array of ingredients, including muscles, organs, and shredded bones (some also include freeze-dried fruits and vegetables). Most also have no artificial additives.

Unprocessed diet options. Many freeze-dried breeders began to do so rather than providing a primitive diet. Raw foods are difficult to assemble and prepare and are laborious, but freeze-dried foods are often as easy as coarse-ground foods.

Long shelf life. Also, the shelf life of Freeze Dried Pet Food is often ridiculous, which makes it easy to hold on to in an emergency. For example, if you find yourself snowing for a week or living in a hurricane-prone area, you won't run out of dog food because the grocery store will be completely empty every time a hurricane threatens.

Dogs only like frozen food. Among other things, most dogs find freeze-dried foods to be mouth-watering. In fact, some people use them as health (if calorific) remedy.

Pet Food Supplier notes that some dogs produce much less waste when they switch to a freeze-dried diet because they usually have less fiber than typical roughened food. More food is converted into new tissue and energy.

2.What are the Disadvantages of Freeze-Dried Food

Freeze-dried foods such as freeze dog food have two main disadvantages. For some owners, they can be deal-breakers, while others are willing to ignore the negatives. We will discuss this below.

Frozen Food is Expensive.

The single biggest problem with freeze-dried foods (and to a lesser extent, dehydrated foods) is their cost - every product on the market is very expensive compared to dry (cooked) rough grinding.

However, it's important to remember that most dehydrated foods inflate three to five times their original size once they are rehydrated. Therefore, you don't throw them away in their small packages.

Because freeze-dried dog food such as freeze dried chicken dog food can be expensive, many owners end up using it as a "top hat" by eating it with other, more affordable foods. Please note that some manufacturers discourage this use, so be sure to refer to the feeding instructions before using food in this manner.

Freeze-Dried (raw) Food may be Contaminated with Bacteria.

Raw meat is often contaminated with bacteria that can make you or your pet sick. That's part of the reason humans cook food - it keeps us healthy.

Broadly speaking, dogs do not appear to be fairly susceptible to illness, resulting in bacteria for humans. But they still get sick from time to time after eating raw meat.

As a result, raw meat contained in some freeze-dried foods may cause illness in some dogs.

Indeed, freeze-drying removes most of the moisture from a piece of meat, thereby slowing the rate at which bacteria can multiply. This may make some freeze-dried foods safer than completely unprocessed raw foods. But once water is poured over the dog's freeze-dried dinner, the bacteria begin to breed again.

3.Freeze-Dried Food

Freeze-dried foods are not heated at any time during the manufacturing process.

The freeze-drying process begins with frozen food, which is then placed in large machines to reduce atmospheric pressure around the food. This causes the water to sublimate (change directly from ice to gas) and diffuse out of the food.

This means that freeze-dried foods are never cooked at all, a fact that many raw feeders appreciate very much.

In addition, because the structure of the food remains largely intact (except in contractions), the ingredients still resemble their original shape. This makes it easy to look at peas, for example, and know exactly what they are.

Freeze-Dried Food

4.What to Look for in Freeze-Dried Food

In any Nutritious Dog Food Treats, whether freeze-dried or otherwise, there are many properties to look for. In addition, there are a few other considerations to keep in mind when considering switching.

The best freeze-dried foods are characterized by their high content of omega fatty acids. Some of the most common ingredients used in this way include salmon and flaxseed, as well as various vegetable fats, fish oils, and fish meal.

Most freeze-dried foods are mainly made up of meat and minerals, but many of the best diets also include antioxidants and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Some of the most common examples include cranberries, blackberries, blueberries, spinach, parsley, and carrots.

Although freeze-dried foods are rarely a problem, be sure to avoid any foods that contain artificial colors, flavors, or additives. These types of ingredients not only invalidate many of the reasons for eating raw food, but are simply unnecessary.

Avoid low quality, economical products just to save a few dollars. When buying expensive, high-quality dog food, price is always an important consideration, and it makes sense to save a few dollars whenever possible. But frozen food can be dangerous when it's cheap. One way manufacturers can try to cut costs is to use cheap packaging - if the packaging doesn't stay airtight, moisture can seep in, causing bacteria to grow.

Pescoço de pato seco congelado

Pescoço de pato seco congelado

Não só o pescoço de pato liofilizado é rico em proteínas de alta qualidade e complexo de vitamina B, mas também contém cálcio suficiente para a saúde dos animais de estimação' articulações e o crescimento de seus ossos.& nbsp;

Livre de grãos, conservantes, aditivos, corantes ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados, pescoços de pato liofilizados para cães, como uma espécie de & nbsp; carne crua liofilizada , oferecem a melhor nutrição e a proteção mais segura para seus animais de estimação' saúde.

Melhores Maneiras de Alimentar Animais de Estimação Usando Doces Mistos Congelados Secos

Melhores Maneiras de Alimentar Animais de Estimação Usando Doces Mistos Congelados Secos

Alimente-se diretamente: Os snacks para cães liofilizados são crocantes e têm o aroma dos ingredientes. Doces mistos liofilizados como recompensa podem aumentar a ligação entre pessoas e animais de estimação. & nbsp;

Misture-o com bolinhos. Pode complementar a proteína e enriquecer a nutrição. & nbsp;

Benefícios para a saúde de vegetais secos congelados e frutas para animais de estimação

Benefícios para a saúde de vegetais secos congelados e frutas para animais de estimação

Frutas e legumes são uma boa fonte de água. & nbsp; Cães que comem comida de cachorro por muito tempo podem facilmente ficar desidratados. & nbsp; A desidratação prolongada pode levar a problemas renais ou à formação de cálculos na bexiga. & nbsp;

Frutas e legumes podem fornecer ao seu cão muitas vitaminas. & nbsp;

Frutas e vegetais são ricos em vitaminas B, mas eles são deficientes em VITAMINA B12 e vitamina B1, que são encontrados no fígado e ovos. nbsp;

Vitamina C e cofatores: Os cães podem produzir vitamina C por conta própria, mas eles ainda precisam de cofatores para ajudar seus corpos a usá-la. nbsp;

Rico em vitaminas A, E e K.  

Além de vitaminas, frutas e legumes fornecem ao seu cão uma rica fonte de minerais. nbsp;

Legumes verdes escuros contêm alguns minerais importantes, como cálcio, potássio e magnésio. nbsp;

Legumes como alfafa e algas marinhas também são boas fontes de minerais. nbsp; As raízes da alfafa descem 12 metros e podem absorver minerais suficientes do solo. & nbsp; As algas podem armazenar minerais no mar. & nbsp;

Como podemos escolher doces congelados para animais pequenos, como pássaros, tartarugas?

Como podemos escolher doces congelados para animais pequenos, como pássaros, tartarugas?

Damos prioridade à escolha da ração, por um lado, fácil de economizar, por outro lado, custo-benefício também é relativamente alto. Em relação aos alimentos vivos, alimentos para peixes liofilizados e lanches, alimentos para peixes liofilizados , mais em linha com os requisitos. Por exemplo, minhocas, grilos, vermes vermelhos e assim por diante, esses alimentos vivos de preservação não é tão fácil, alguns precisam ser colocados na geladeira e, como grilos, precisam ser alimentados. Snacks de insetos liofilizados, como um tipo de & nbsp; gato liofilizado guloseimas , é claro, também são benefícios óbvios, deixe o peixe se divertir de caçar ao mesmo tempo, não só pode preservação a longo prazo, segurança e saúde, reduzir doenças. nbsp;

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How to Cook Beef Liver for Dogs? - 翻译中...

How to Cook Beef Liver for Dogs? - 翻译中...

When someone brings up the topic of eating liver, most people will make an "Ewww" expression. His is not a favorite grocery for many individuals, and most people prefer to avoid it. Dogs, on the other hand, react differently, which is a temporary blow to them. But what are the benefits of the liver? For example, it contains up to 100 times more nutrients than muscle. The liver contains lots of vitamins A and B, iron, trace minerals, and CoQ10, which makes an excellent protein. Herbivores produce livers with better nutrients, but that doesn't mean you should skip them if you can't find one. Although the liver can clear toxins from the body, it can also store them. If your pet can tolerate it without stomach problems, you should consider feeding your dog up to an ounce of liver a day. For medium to large dogs, this amount is recommended, if you have a small dog, use half. The liver is a nutritious food that will keep your pet healthy. That's why we're going to teach you how to prepare a liver for a dog.

Cook Beef Liver for Dogs

Baked Beef Liver

Even if cow liver, as a kind of high quality pet food, is rich in vitamins and minerals, too much of the grocery can be toxic to your dog. You should not exceed the recommended dose, which is three times a week. First, make sure you choose a good fresh liver and set the oven temperature to 250F to baking beef liver for dogs. Put beef liver for dogs on the foil in the pot and avoid using pepper or spicy seasonings as they can damage the smell of the liver. You can cover the liver with tin foil and prevent it from drying out too much. Wait for 15 minutes, then remove the foil and cooking beef liver for dogs for another 10 minutes. In preparation, the liver releases the juice, which you can giving beef liver to your dog's dry food to make a perfect meal for him.

After the liver has cooled, it can be cut into small pieces. Be sure to do this step (cooling) because if you slice it while it is still warm, beef liver for dogs may become sticky later on. If you don't know how to give liver to your dog, limit the amount you use. So far, the best we've found is 1 gram of fresh liver for every 1 kilogram of body weight. You can cut open the liver, put it in a plastic bag, and store it in the refrigerator. This way, you can keep your dog's favorite food for weeks, and we're sure your pet will love it.

Baked The Liver

 Cooked Beef Liver

How to make freeze dried beef liver for dogs -- In some cases, a cooked liver is better for your dog than a roasted liver. But you shouldn't make him soup every day. Many people aren't big fans of the smell, but it's a delicious meal for your pet. Once the health benefits of beef liver for dogs are discovered, you will tolerate the smell. The raw dog food supplier provides you with a healthy recipe.

  • A pound of beef liver

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • A sweet potato, cut into small pieces

  • A carrot - cut into small pieces

  • Mash half the chickpeas

  • 1.5 a glass of water

This stew is easy to make, but you will need some time. First, cut up the beef liver, then you can use a sharp knife to accomplish this sticky task. Put the olive oil and beef into a skillet and fry over medium heat until browned. When finished, pour the beef liver into a large pot, add potatoes, carrots, chickpeas, and boil water. You should simmer until the vegetables are tender. For this, you may need up to an hour. Ensure the portion size of each meal. You should freeze the rest and use it when needed. If you buy it commercially, please buy a product with a single ingredient, namely beef liver. Just like Ranova pet snacks.

Cooked Liver

Benefits of Beef Liver for Dogs

The beef liver is more convenient than the raw liver carried with you. They are the best way to train your dog because they are high in protein, do not have any fillers or unnatural additives, and have a real liver smell that your dog will like. You can use these snacks anywhere without worrying about them going bad. These snacks are perfect for people who want to provide the best natural diet for their dogs, free of additives, and unwanted meat by-products.

How Long to Boil Beef Liver For Dogs?

Put the raw beef liver for dogs into boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes, add salt and simmer for another 50 minutes. Remove, drain and cut into small cubes. Alternatively, cook in a pan of boiling water for 15 minutes until tender and pan-fry over medium heat, or place on a baking sheet in a 375-degree oven for 15-20 minutes. When preparing cooking beef liver for your dogs, avoid adding butter, oil, or any other spices. While it is easy to overcook liver slices, it is best to cook them for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Enough to brown them, but not overcooked, which can make the liver chewy.

How Much Beef Liver Can I Give My Dog?

Although beef liver for dogs is considered healthy, like most things, it can be harmful if used in large quantities. Because liver meat is rich in vitamin A, if your dog eats too much of it he could get hypervitaminosis, which basically means consuming too much vitamin A. This means your dog has consumed so much vitamin A that his body can't absorb it or process it properly. Too much vitamin A can cause bone deformities, weight loss, bone spurs, muscle weakness, digestive problems and more. But don't let that deter you from giving your dog liver altogether, as it can still be a good food choice when eaten in moderation. Feed beef liver for dogs as a supplement to his diet, not as a food substitute, and be sure to take his weight into account. As a rule of thumb, organs should make up about 5% of your dog's diet. So for a small breed of dog, that might mean just 1/5 of an ounce a day. A medium-sized dog may need about 1 ounce of liver, while a large dog may need a little more than 2.5 ounces of liver per day. Dogs with iron stomachs may not respond to beef liver, but some dogs do not adapt well to even the slightest dietary change, and the liver can cause stomach upset. In this case, wait until his bowel movement stabilizes before trying to feed the organ meat in a smaller amount.

Can Dogs Eat Liver Every Day?

Although the liver can remove toxins from the body, it is also a storage site for toxins. If your pet can tolerate beef liver for dogs without gastrointestinal problems, you should consider feeding your dog 1 ounce of liver per day. This amount is recommended for medium to large dogs, and if you have a puppy, use half of it.

Can You Freeze Cooked Liver for Dogs?

Frozen cooked liver is a very healthy pet food with no additives or preservatives added. You can freeze the cut liver in an airtight container. When you're ready to use baking beef liver for dogs, pop a few slices in the fridge to thaw. Freeze-dried beef liver is also a great option when you don't have time to prepare dog food.

Fígado de Frango Seco Congelado

Fígado de Frango Seco Congelado

Fígado de frango liofilizado contém principalmente proteína, gordura, carboidratos, vitamina A, vitamina D, fósforo e outros ingredientes, alto valor nutricional, boa palatabilidade e cheiro único.

Congelar guloseimas secas do cão do fígado de galinha, assim como outros  carne liofilizada , are  feito em estrita conformidade com os padrões de alimentos humanos, com matérias-primas cuidadosamente selecionadas de fazendas de qualidade e processo avançado de liofilização a vácuo.

Fígado de frango liofilizado para cães e gatos contém principalmente proteína, gordura, carboidratos, vitamina A, vitamina D, fósforo e outros ingredientes, alto valor nutricional, boa palatabilidade e cheiro único.

Benefícios para a saúde da mistura de guloseimas secas congeladas

Benefícios para a saúde da mistura de guloseimas secas congeladas

Um bom liofilizado é de cerca de 70 a 80 por cento de carne, porque' s carne pura e tudo o resto é gordura bruta e fibra. & nbsp; O teor de água é menos geralmente cerca de 8% & nbsp; A liofilização de boa qualidade tem as mesmas características, ou seja, a carne é firme e não solta, liofilização-secagem no estado seco sem detritos e forma completa. nbsp; A morfologia da carne liofilizada de boa qualidade após reidratação não é muito diferente daquela durante a secagem. Após a reidratação, a carne fica intacta e firme, e a reidratação é mais rápida. & nbsp; Claro, alguns liofilizados devido à forma do efeito de reidratação será um pouco mais lento, mas a forma de reidratação deve estar completa, não haverá reidratação solta. & nbsp;

Benefícios para a saúde dos doces congelados para animais

Benefícios para a saúde dos doces congelados para animais

Snacks de insetos liofilizados são ricos em nutrientes e ricos em proteínas. Promover o crescimento e reprodução de peixes, pássaros, tartarugas e outros animais de estimação pequenos. & nbsp; A técnica de liofilização mantém a forma e a cor dos insetos crus e dos nutrientes.

Perguntas frequentes sobre Legumes Secos Congelados e Frutas

Perguntas frequentes sobre Legumes Secos Congelados e Frutas



Can Dogs Eat Organ Meat? Why? - 翻译中...

Can Dogs Eat Organ Meat? Why? - 翻译中...

Can Dogs Eat Organ Meat?

Compared with lean muscle, organ meat is richer in important nutrients. In addition to high-quality protein and fat, offal is also rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, and important minerals such as iron, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc.

What is Freeze Dried Organ Meat for Dogs?

Organ meat is usually understood as the internal organs of larger livestock (such as cattle or sheep). In addition, the hearts and livers of poultry such as chickens, ducks or turkeys are also considered suitable organs for feeding dogs.

Organ Meat

Are Organ Meats Good for Dogs?

Freeze dried organ meat for dogs is one of the most nutritious foods you can give your dog. In fact, the internal organs contain more vitamins, minerals, and other valuable nutrients than muscles. In addition to high-quality protein and fat, offal meat is also rich in vitamins A, B, D, and E, as well as minerals such as copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc. All of these are vital to the health of the dog.


Protein is an essential nutrient for dogs. It has many functions in the body, such as muscle growth, tissue repair, enzymes, oxygen transport in the blood, and immune function. Protein is also an important source of energy.

Protein is made of amino acids. There are essential and non-essential amino acids. The dog's body cannot produce essential amino acids. These amino acids must be provided through diet. Dogs produce sufficient amounts of non-essential amino acids and usually do not need to be supplemented by diet.


Fat plays an important role in dog nutrition. It is an extremely dense energy source. Compared with protein and carbohydrates, fat contains about 2.25 times the calories per gram. Fat is also a source of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids can promote brain development in puppies, strengthen the dog’s immune system, reduce inflammation, enhance anti-cancer ability, support heart health, and support many other aspects of dog health.


Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (vitamins B and C). Water-soluble vitamins are essential in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, the latter providing energy for the growth process. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body and must be consumed daily. Fat-soluble vitamins are important for bone shape and the dog's vision.


Minerals are essential for many different functions of the human body, such as the formation of bones and cartilage, enzymatic reactions, maintenance of fluid balance, the transport of oxygen in the blood, normal muscle and nerve function, and hormone production.

Minerals are generally divided into minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium) and trace minerals (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iodine). There are more minerals found in dogs than trace minerals. Dogs also need more minerals than trace minerals as part of their diet.

What Meat is Good for Dogs?

Organ Meat

Dogs can eat all animal organs as long as they come from healthy and well-raised animals. Include:

  • Reproductive Organs (Testes, Uterus)

  • Brain

  • Spleen

  • Kidneys

  • Liver

  • Lungs

  • Heart

  • Trachea

  • Spleen

  • Eyeballs

  • Brain

  • Sweet Bread (Pancreas and Thymus)

  • Tongue

Ideally, dogs should eat regularly to obtain all of the above-mentioned organs. At the same time, it is understandable that not everyone is suitable for filling the refrigerator with brains and eyeballs. However, because organ meat is very rich in nutrients, you only need to add some of the more common organs to enhance your dog's diet.

Vitamin A [IU]1470.001,39716,89846.
Thiamin [mg]
Riboflavin [mg]0.200.912.842.760.230.370.340.21
Niacin [mg]3.557.358.0313.184.008.404.242.99
Pantothenic Acid [mg]2.011.793.977.
Vitamin B6 [mg]
Folate [mcg]3.003.0098.029011.
Vitamin B12 [mcg]9.518.5527.559.33.815.683.792.60
Vitamin D [IU]n.a.n.a.45.049.0n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.
Vitamin E [mg]0.990.220.220.38n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.
Vitamin K [mcg]

As you can see, each organ provides its own unique set of minerals and vitamins. The more organs you add to your dog's diet, the better the nutrients the dog receives.

Calcium [mg]43.07.0013.05.0010.
Copper [mg]0.290.400.439.760.
Iron [mg]2.554.314.604.907.9544.62.952.35
Magnesium [mg]
Manganese [mg]
Phosphorus [mg]362212257387224296133181
Potassium [mg]274287262313340429315304
Selenium [mcg]21.321.814139.744.362.29.4017.1
Sodium [mg]12698.018269.019885.069.049.0
Zinc [mg]1.021.701.924.001.612.112.873.05

It is important to note that pasture-raised animals contain higher levels of essential nutrients than grain-raised animals.

Beef lung

Bovine lung is rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin E, and enzymes related to immune function in the form of minerals such as zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese. These substances can improve the dog's immunity and enhance disease resistance. The content of iron trace element in the bovine lung is high and it is well absorbed. The freeze dried beef lung is rich in phosphorus, which forms bones and teeth, promotes growth and repairs body tissues and organs, provides energy and vitality, and participates in the regulation of acid-base balance.

Beef liver

A whole beef liver can weigh up to 30 pounds. ⁵The color of raw liver is reddish-brown and the texture is soft. The main task of the liver is to filter toxins from the blood, but it does not store pollutants.

Freeze dried beef liver treats are one of the highest sources of vitamin A in all foods. Vitamin A helps digestion, keeps reproductive organs healthy, and is a powerful antioxidant. Beef liver is also very rich in folic acid and vitamin B12, which are essential for the health of the nervous system. They help in the production of red blood cells. In addition, the liver is a rich source of trace minerals copper and iron. Both are essential for the transport of oxygen in the blood.

Organ Meat

How to Prepare Organ Meat for Dogs?

The easiest way to prepare organ meat for your dog is to consume Freeze-Dried Beef Powder. The type of organ meal given to the dog every day is not important. Instead, make some changes in the diet and make sure that your dog consumes enough offal meal within a week. If your dog has never eaten this type of food before, it is recommended to start with a small amount and gradually increase the amount until your dog is used to the new food. Freeze dried dog treats are very suitable for all kinds of dog training because of dogs like their smell and taste.

Cooked Liver

Where Can I Buy Freeze Dried Beef Lung for Dogs?

Just contact us now!

Ranova has obtained global recognition, such as FDA registration, EU registration, CFIA certification, ISO9001, ISO22000, BRC certification, BSCI certification, etc. Our advanced organ freeze-dried powder is made from only one ingredient-completely free of additives and preservatives. Is your ideal choice?

Summary of Freeze Dried Organ Meat Dog Food

Organ meat is rich in important nutrients. In addition to high-quality protein and fat, the internal organs are also rich in vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Organ meat accounts for 25% of the dog's total food intake. However, the content of any single organ must not exceed 10%. Ideally, raw organ meat can be consumed, and a more convenient option is to buy our products directly.

Fígado de Pato Seco Congelado

Fígado de Pato Seco Congelado

Fígado de pato congelado seco também é um dos alimentos favoritos para famílias de gatos tradicionais. Fígado de pato para cães contém principalmente proteínas, gordura, carboidratos, vitamina A, vitamina D, fósforo e outros componentes, com alto valor nutricional, boa palatabilidade e cheiro de peixe único, que é amado por quase todos os gatos. nbsp;& nbsp;

A vitamina A rica tem a função de manter o crescimento normal e a função reprodutiva, pode proteger o olho e pode manter a lã macia e brilhante. Fígado de pato, como uma espécie de  carne liofilizada para cães , também é rica em vitamina B e C, e oligoelemento selênio pode aumentar a imunidade, antioxidante. Rico em ferro é essencial para a produção de glóbulos vermelhos, o que ajuda a aumentar a vitalidade dos animais de estimação.

Perguntas frequentes sobre Dog Treat Mix

Perguntas frequentes sobre Dog Treat Mix

The Benefits of Frozen Salmon Dried Pets - 翻译中...

The Benefits of Frozen Salmon Dried Pets - 翻译中...

Freeze dried salmon is as good for your dog as a salmon filet is for humans. Salmon is delicious and nutritious food for dogs and people. One of the easiest ways to feed dog Salmon is to give them FD Salmon.

Does Your Pet Like Freeze Dried Salmon Treats?

Salmon snacks are an excellent source of the following nutrients:

1. Omega-3 fatty acids-reduce systemic inflammation

2. Vitamin B12-Regulates the nervous system, reduces depression and stress

3. Selenium – enhances cognitive function and a healthy immune system

Freeze-dried Salmon for dogs has a good effect on the following symptoms:

1. Dry and dull skin

2. Arthritis

3. Decreased cognitive ability

Freeze-dried salmon dog treats are ideal for winter pets or pets living in cool climates.

Salmon can provide high-quality protein, contains a lot of vitamin D, vitamin B6, B12, riboflavin, and rich selenium; What's rarer is that salmon is a rare food containing long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Eating salmon regularly can effectively improve the hair color, effectively promote hair growth, and keep the hair shiny at all times. Salmon is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, OMG-3 can also accelerate metabolism, convert excess fat into muscle, effectively protect skin health~ Reduce itching, dander, red spots, dull redness, and swelling. It can also reduce and control skin inflammation. A large amount of high-quality protein is easily absorbed, and the redder the fish, the higher the astaxanthin content. The antioxidant rate of astaxanthin is 500-1000 times that of vitamin E! Salmon has a strong anti-aging effect, increases immunity, nourishes and repairs joints, and strengthens bones!

FD Salmon

About Freeze-dried Salmon

Freeze drying is one of the best ways to process pet snacks. This process allows the meat to maintain its ideal characteristics, especially the flavor and nutrients.

How to Freeze-dried Food?

Freeze-drying first freezes meat or fish in a vacuum chamber at -50 to -60 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, a small amount of heat is applied to evaporate any ice crystals, removing about 98% of the moisture.

Why Freeze Dry Food?

Quick-frozen food does not contain preservatives, additives or chemicals. Freeze-dried meat retains its vitamin, mineral and fat content.

Compared with heat-based preservation methods, the freeze-drying process is less harmful to meat. Regular cooking will reduce amino acids, denature peptides, change flavor and aroma, and decompose vitamins and fatty acids. Freeze-dried meat retains many characteristics of raw meat. Compared with other cured products, freeze dried meat for dogs can remain stable for a longer period of time because the process reduces oxidation.

How Long does Freeze Dried Food Last?

Freeze-dried salmon snacks are listed as the "best" date 18 months after production. As long as the unopened bag is placed in low humidity, the taste will last for 18 months or more. However, if kept under the right conditions, their service life may be longer. Just like beef jerky, they will last a long time (several years) as long as they cannot absorb water.

Fígado de bovino seco congelado

Fígado de bovino seco congelado

O fígado de carne de vaca liofilizada é rico em vitamina A e B. As guloseimas de treinamento de fígado de carne liofilizada também contêm vitamina C, que não é encontrada na carne, e oligoelemento selênio, que pode aumentar a imunidade dos animais de estimação. nbsp;

Dando aos animais de estimação fígado bovino desidratado, um tipo importante de & nbsp; guloseimas liofilizadas para animais de estimação , faz seu cabelo mais liso.& nbsp; Temos fornecimento de varejo de ração para animais de estimação para os clientes comprarem guloseimas de fígado de carne liofilizada para cães e gatos a granel!

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? - 翻译中...

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? - 翻译中...

First of all, the freeze dried pet food manufacturer answer you affirmatively, dogs can eat eggs. Appropriate feeding of dog eggs can allow dogs to obtain more high-quality nutrients and help their healthy growth! How to eat eggs correctly is the key to safe and effective nutrition. What are the nutrients in eggs? Eggs are one of the complete sources of amino acids, and amino acids are a component of protein, an important nutrient needed for the growth of dogs. In addition, eggs are rich in: vitamin A, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, selenium, fatty acids, etc. The egg shell contains calcium.

Can dogs eat egg whites?

One of the reasons why many owners are warned not to feed their dogs' eggs is that the enzyme inhibitors contained in the egg white can hinder digestion, and the egg white contains a biotin inhibitor called Avidin. The concern is that they interfere with digestion, especially in young and old animals.

This is true, but it only means that eggs should not be the main food in a dog's diet. As long as you provide a balanced and fresh diet when feeding your dog's eggs, Ranova freeze dried pet food, for example, you will not put him in danger. In fact, it is absolutely safe to feed an average dog a few eggs a week. You can start by feeding only one egg to the dog. If you do not see signs of indigestion, then he should not have any problems adding eggs to his diet.

Ranova Freeze-Dried Pet

Ranova Freeze-Dried Pet

Will feeding egg whites cause a lack of biotin in dogs?

Egg white, as a kind of high quality pet food contains avidin, a biotin inhibitor. Biotin is one of the B vitamins. This is important for dog cell growth, fatty acid metabolism, and healthy skin and hair. However, biotin deficiency is very rare. Only eating a lot of eggs will cause insufficient food.

Do eggs contain salmonella?

Your dog is actually capable enough to deal with bacteria in freeze dried raw dog treats...In addition, proper storage and selection of organic eggs can keep harmful bacteria within a certain range.

Don't forget the eggshell at the end!

If fed with eggshells, this can almost become a complete food chain for dogs to obtain nutrients, and the eggshells are rich in calcium. Eggs contain 55mg/100g of calcium, duck eggs are 71mg/100g, and eggshell powder is 37000mg/100g, much higher than eggs or duck eggs. It is very valuable for dogs (such as puppies or elderly dogs) that have difficulty eating bones. You only need to clean the eggshells, dry them and bake them in a pan until they are dry, crush them into powder with a rolling pin and mix them with dog food.

Eggs are cheap, easy to obtain, and an important source of nutrition for dogs. The overall health benefits of eggs must outweigh the risks. But it is important to remember that many eggs are sprayed with chemicals to make them look shiny...Therefore, it is best to obtain eggs from local organic farmers.

Fígado de Coelho Seco Congelado

Fígado de Coelho Seco Congelado

Ranova liofilizado Fígado de coelho cão e filhote de cachorro tem alto teor de proteína e rico em Vitamina & amp; D. 

Doces de fígado seco congelado para cães e gatos, como um importante tipo de & nbsp; guloseimas de treinamento liofilizado , têm alto valor nutricional e boa palatabilidade.

Four Reasons to Choose Venison As Dog Food - 翻译中...

Four Reasons to Choose Venison As Dog Food - 翻译中...

You don't usually think of venison as a source of protein that can be used in dog food. However, Freeze-Dried Venison is one of the most nutritious options you can feed puppies. Many dog food companies do not provide venison because it is more expensive. Other protein sources may bring greater profits. However, high-quality pet food suppliers (such as Ranova) are more concerned with providing optimal nutrition. There are several reasons why you should choose a dog food with venison.

1. Venison contains more nutrients that dogs need

Venison is rich in nutrients and can help your dog stay healthy. Freeze dried venison contains a lot of B vitamins, which can provide your dog with the energy it needs. Freeze-dried venison powder also provides appropriate amounts of zinc and iron to support a healthy immune system and organ function.

2. Venison is an ideal protein for dogs with food allergies

Some dogs' food allergies are related to familiar sources of protein, such as chicken. Symptoms of a dog food allergy include itchy skin, rash, and gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea or vomiting. Dog food and snacks usually contain chicken or beef liver treats as the main ingredient, leading to overexposure of these protein sources. If you are allergic or sensitive to dog food, venison may be a good choice.

Freeze-Dried Venison

Freeze-Dried Venison

3. Freeze-dried Beef and freeze-dried venison are better choices

If your dog is overweight or obese, switching to a venison-based dog food such as venison liver for dogs may be the perfect solution. Venison is naturally lean meat and has lower fat and cholesterol content compared to other protein sources. Venison can help your dog maintain an optimal weight, thereby reducing the chance of heart disease and other weight-based health problems.

4. Dogs like the taste of venison

If your dog has never eaten dog food with venison, they may think it is a delicacy. If your dog is very picky about food, it is a good idea to try venison. Even the most special dogs seem to like the taste of venison. If you are looking for the best venison dog food, try Ranova freeze-dried pet food. We are confident that you (and your dog) will fall in love with our quality dog food.

Fígado de Venina Seco Congelado

Fígado de Venina Seco Congelado

Fígado de veia para cães contém proteína rica, vitamina A, fósforo, pode complementar a nutrição. nbsp;

Quando o animal de estimação está sofrendo de uma perda de apetite, você pode alimentá-lo algumas guloseimas de cão de fígado de veado, que é um tipo importante de & nbsp; carne crua liofilizada . It  pode aumentar seu apetite devido ao seu cheiro único de peixe.

Can I Feed My Dog Human Food? - 翻译中...

Can I Feed My Dog Human Food? - 翻译中...

We've all heard that dogs shouldn't eat table scraps. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many dog owners in many supermarkets are facing a shortage of dog food and may be inclined to share food with them. If you want to know which foods can be shared with dogs and which foods should be avoided, check the following list:

First, the safety checklist: foods you can share with your dog:

  • Sweet potatoes (cooked): Sweet potatoes are a healthy vegetable choice. Cook it first to make it easier to digest. Discard the peels of non-organic sweet potatoes, as most peels are sprayed with anti-mold fungicides.

  • Pumpkin: Canned pumpkin is convenient and nutritious. However, cooked fresh pumpkins and other pumpkins are the best choices.

  • Pea: Fresh or freeze dried pea is a great way to add beneficial nutrients to a dog's diet. In addition to green beans, snow peas and snow peas are also a healthy snack.

  • Organ meat (some): The liver and heart of a chicken, turkey, and beef are healthy sources of vitamins and minerals for dogs. Freeze dried Chicken powder is rich in cartilage and is an important part of a healthy pet diet.

  • Egg: Eggs provide your dog with an excellent source of protein and essential omega-3 fatty acids. Dogs can eat raw or slightly boiled eggs. For optimal nutrition, please consume organic pastured eggs.

  • Haricot vert: Mung beans are a nutritious vegetable for your dog. Before feeding your pet, boil the green beans to make it easier to digest.

  • Fruits: Freeze dried pear, apples (without seeds), bananas, blueberries, cantaloupes can all be safely eaten with your dog, even though melons are high in sugar.

Freeze-Dried Chicken

Food "be careful when sharing" list:

  • Popcorn: Popcorn is a regular snack in most households. Occasionally a few slices of organic popcorn will not hurt your dog. Air popcorn or popcorn with a little coconut oil are better snack options.

  • Sardines and other fish: Canned sardines filled with water (not oil or soy sauce) are the best fish for dogs for many reasons. Sardines are an important source of vitamin D: This small wild-caught fish is less likely to contain toxic heavy metals than other fish species. The bones of canned sardines are very soft, so there is no health risk. Other types of fish are harmless to dogs, but the preparation method may harm them. For example, fried fish can cause stomach upset and even pancreatitis. Fish containing an onion meal may be poisonous. However, the biggest risk of feeding dogs fish is bones. Therefore, please be extra careful.

  • Ice cream: Products containing milk can cause diarrhea and other digestive diseases in dogs, which can lead to food allergies (usually itching). Avoid adding artificial sweeteners and other additives to commercial ice cream, especially those that contain xylitol. For occasional snacks, please provide homemade frozen snacks or yogurt made with coconut milk or almond milk instead of milk. Sometimes non-dairy ice cream flavored with blueberries or other fruits can be used, but it never contains chocolate.

  • Citrus fruits: Freeze-dried pet food manufacturers believe that oranges, tangerines, and tangerines are non-toxic to dogs. However, they are high in sugar, and if your pet eats too much sugar, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. The citric acid in these fruits is not important to dogs.

  • Watermelon is safe for dogs, but the seeds must be removed first, and the only watermelon is the safest (no skin).

List of dangers: foods you should never share with your dog:

  • Grapes, cherries, and raisins: Since food-borne fungi produce toxic chemicals that can cause mycotoxins, grapes and raisins may cause organ damage to your dog. You don't have to see the mold on the grapes to be toxic.

  • onion: As we all know, onions can cause anemia in dogs. Do not feed onions to dogs or foods containing onions to avoid toxic effects. Not even part of the sandwich.

  • Poultry skin, neck, back, and wings: The chicken parts left over after cooking should not be fed to pets. The cooking process breaks down the bones, making the bones brittle and more likely to harm your dog when ingested. Fatty skin can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas. It is best to stick to some healthy white meat. High-fat content can also cause gastrointestinal discomfort and life-threatening inflammation.

  • Chocolate: Although chocolate maybe your favorite food, it may be harmful to your dog.

  • Dogs eating large amounts of chocolate can cause circulation and breathing difficulties or death. Always keep chocolate and foods containing chocolate (including biscuits and brownies) out of your pet's reach.

  • Bacon. Let's face it: Bacon is irresistible to anyone. But the health problems it brings are not worth the risk. Eating too much bacon food can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Bacon is usually high in salt, which may also cause other health problems for your dog.

  • Avocado: The pits, skin, and leaves of avocados contain persin. Persin is a toxin that often causes vomiting and diarrhea.

  • Macadamia: These nuts can cause vomiting, weakness, and depression. The good news is that the effect is not fatal. However, if ingested accidentally, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Pulmão de carne seca congelada

Pulmão de carne seca congelada

Os pulmões de carne são ricos em proteínas, vitaminas A, E e minerais, que aumentam a imunidade. Bom para o crescimento e desenvolvimento. As guloseimas para cães pulmões de carne liofilizada também contêm o oligoelemento essencial ferro.

Pulmões de carne de bovino, um tipo de  tratamento saudável do animal de estimação , são ricos em proteínas, vitaminas A, E, e minerais, que aumentam a imunidade. Bom para o crescimento e desenvolvimento. Os pulmões dos bovinos também contêm o oligoelemento essencial ferro. O ferro promove o crescimento, aumenta a resistência a doenças, previne a fadiga e restaura a boa cor da pele. O pulmão bovino desidratado é rico em fósforo, que forma ossos e dentes, promove o crescimento e a reparação dos tecidos e órgãos do corpo e fornece energia e vitalidade.

How to Choose Freeze-Dried Chicken for Cats? - 翻译中...

How to Choose Freeze-Dried Chicken for Cats? - 翻译中...

For cats of the same breed, due to the differences in the living environment, geographical conditions, temperature difference, climate, and other conditions, food selection for cats must be cautious, which also has a great impact on cats' health.

Freeze-dried chicken breasts and duck breasts are equivalent to raw chicken breasts and duck breasts. Freeze dried chicken is so delicious for cats to refuse. The reason why cats like it crazy is that the freeze-drying process is carried out at low temperatures. The taste and nutrition of the freeze dried chicken for cats are retained to the greatest extent.

But there is still a difference between chicken and duck: From the appearance, raw duck meat is reddish, while raw chicken meat is white. Duck meat is thicker in fat, lean meat is softer, duck meat is darker in color, muscle fiber texture is thicker and clearer, and has more fat content; Chicken is lighter and whiter because of its low-fat content. The texture of the meat is finer and the fat content in the muscle is less. Duck has less water content and chicken has more water content, so cooked duck meat is chewier, while the chicken is smoother and tender.

The difference in taste: freeze dried duck has a unique bad taste of meat. The freeze dried chicken for cats just has a meaty smell.

Chicken contains phospholipids that play an important role in the growth and development of the body and is one of the important sources of fat and phospholipids in the diet of cats.

Chicken has a good therapeutic effect on malnutrition, chills, fatigue, anemia, weakness, etc.

Those who have kittens must prepare some freeze dried chicken cat food because the kittens are too easy to accumulate food, their acquired spleen and stomach are very weak, they need to improve the gastrointestinal tract frequently, the kitten’s gastrointestinal tract is strong, and the body will be strong.

Freeze-Dried Chicken

Freeze-Dried Chicken

Selection of Freeze-dried Chicken:

1. Produced by regular pet food companies, Ranova freeze-dried pet food has a set of strict procedures for meat quality requirements such as stability and freshness;

2. Labeling of nutritional ingredients: The moisture content of freeze-dried chicken breast is <6%. If it is higher than 6%, it may not be produced by the drying process rather than the freeze-drying process. If the moisture content is too large, it will easily cause browning and mold during storage. Protein content annotation: crude protein ≥80%;

3. Color: the color of freeze-dried chicken breast is whitish; the color of freeze-dried chicken thigh and chicken neck is dark;

4. The amount of rehydration and the speed of rehydration: If the whole chicken breast is freeze-dried and then cut into pieces, the rehydration time is very fast. Generally, the rehydration rate is more than 5 times. If the rehydration rate is too high, there will be problems;

5. Smell the taste: In any case, freeze dried chicken breast is the smell of fresh meat. If it has the taste of cooked meat, there is roasted in the production process. High-temperature roasting denatures the protein, reduces the digestion and sales rate, and the rehydration time is long;

6. Product bulk density: For chicken breast produced by the pure freeze-drying process, after the moisture in the meat is sublimated, it must retain complete air bubbles and the bulk density will be low. In the drying process, most of the bubbles burst, and the bulk density is much larger;

7. Look at the texture: the texture is clear and recognizable.

8. Irradiation: The freeze-drying process is carried out at low temperatures, which cannot effectively kill parasites and parasite eggs, nor can it effectively inactivate possible E. coli, Salmonella, etc. Only irradiation can kill eggs and harmful bacteria, and generally, 2.5kGy irradiation is sufficient according to EU standards.

Notes for giving freeze-dried chicken to cats:

1. Try not to eat more chicken. Cats with bad breath, dry eyes, and tears are recommended to choose duck meat.

2. Unbalanced nutrition of freeze-dried chicken breasts:

(1)As a snack reward, it is still very good. If it is fed to kittens in large quantities as a staple food, it is not appropriate, because chicken breast contains less calcium and more phosphorus. For every 100 grams of freeze-dried chicken, you need to add 2-3.5 grams of calcium. The calcium to phosphorus ratio reaches the golden ratio of 1.2-1.5:1.

(2)The protein content is unbalanced, the crude protein is high and the fat is low, and too much protein that exceeds the nutritional needs will be converted into energy, which will increase the metabolic burden of the liver and kidneys. For cats, the energy provided by proper fat is more appropriate.

(3) Unbalanced vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc.

3. The daily feeding amount should be appropriate.

Ranova can provide freeze dried chicken for cats at a suitable price, please come and buy it.

Pulmão de cordeiro seco congelado

Pulmão de cordeiro seco congelado

Pulmões de cordeiro secos congelados para cães contém ferro, selênio, proteína, cálcio, matéria cinzenta, tiamina, riboflavina, ferro, niacina, que pode dar ao corpo um tônico abrangente e proteína de alta qualidade para o tratamento de corpo fraco.

Congelar doces secos do cão do pulmão do cordeiro, como um tipo de & nbsp; alimentos crus liofilizados , contêm ferro, selênio, proteína, cálcio, matéria cinzenta, tiamina, riboflavina, ferro, niacina, uma proteína de alta qualidade que é muito útil no tratamento da deficiência de corpo fraco e sangue. Grandes quantidades de vitamina A também podem ajudar a manter a visão.

Who Should Buy Primal Freeze-Dried Dog Food? - 翻译中...

Who Should Buy Primal Freeze-Dried Dog Food? - 翻译中...

Freeze-Dried Dog Food

If you prefer to feed your dog a raw diet, but because of a variety of reasons (cost, time, etc.) it is not feasible, then freeze-dried food can be a good choice. Freeze-dried dog food is easy to process, so it is closer to its original state than food that has been processed into the coarse ground or even canned dog food. It doesn't need to be refrigerated, so it's easy to store or travel. When eaten, it is usually necessary to replenish water.

Even if you don't want to feed your dog completely raw or lyophilized, consider adding freeze-dried pet snacks to its regular diet. This will add ingredients to ordinary dry foods to make them healthier and more nutritious. You can do this by buying freeze-dried Beef Powder or using only a small amount of freeze-dried food. Add or reduce only the coarse food you are feeding, as freeze-dried food can add calories to a dog's diet.

Important functions to consider when choosing to freeze-dried

There are some important things to keep in mind when choosing freeze dried dog food for your dog. Here are some features you need to consider.

  • Processing location. Some products may have safety problems due to processing in certain countries/regions. For the best product, please look for dog food made and processed in China.

  • Food composition. Many freeze-dried foods do not contain grains, but some do. If your dog is allergic to grains, make sure the ingredients are not present in the food that you choose.

  • Packing measurement. Freeze-dried foods can be expensive, so it makes sense to carefully check the size of the package to buy. Remember, when you mix food with water, the volume of the food will increase greatly.

  • Remember to add vitamins and minerals. If you are feeding a freeze-dried food as a whole diet, make sure it contains all the nutrients that your dog needs. Freeze-dried pet food manufacturers are an excellent choice to help you make the right diet plan for your dog.

Frequently asked question list

What is freeze-dried dog food?

The food is quickly frozen at very low temperatures, turning the food's moisture into ice and preserving the food's nutritional status. This results in a light, dry food that needs to be soaked in water before being freeze-dried before feeding the dog. Because of its unique processing, it absorbs nutrients better than foods made by other methods, such as air-dried dog food.

Is eating freeze-dried dog food good for your dog?

Generally speaking, yes. The vitamins and nutrients in the food are retained in the food through a unique drying process. In addition, many of these foods are made with organic ingredients and do not contain grains or other ingredients that dogs might be sensitive to. Some are even considered the best food for pregnant and lactating dogs, puppies, and older dogs. You can always ask us to find out if freeze dried pet food is right for your particular dog. We are always ready to answer your questions.

Is freeze-dried dog food all raw?

Some freeze-dried foods such as freeze dried raw dog treats are made from raw food, while others are made from cooked food. Freeze-dried food is often a good choice for dogs that prefer raw food. Your dog gets the same nutritional benefits eating raw without confusion. These foods are nutritionally balanced, easy to handle, and store, and last a long time. If you're looking for more raw food, you'll need to check out our list of best raw dog food.

Do you need additional water to your dog food?

Yes. The specific amount of water that needs to be added will vary by brand and type, so be sure to read the instructions carefully when preparing dog food. If you're pet is picky or has a weak appetite for food, adding water to the food can help stimulate their appetite. When adding water, the dog food expands and releases its aroma, which can increase your pet's interest. Some pets just like wet food instead of dry, so adding water to dog food will help.

Pulmão de coelho seco congelado

Pulmão de coelho seco congelado

Os pulmões de coelho são ricos em proteínas, vitaminas A, E e minerais, que aumentam a imunidade. Bom para o crescimento e desenvolvimento. As guloseimas do cão do pulmão do coelho também contêm o oligoelemento essencial ferro. O ferro promove o crescimento, aumenta a resistência à doença, previne a fadiga e restaura a boa cor da pele. nbsp;

Pulmões de coelho, como um tipo de & nbsp; liofilizado cru alimento para animais de estimação ,  são ricos em fósforo, que forma ossos e dentes, promove o crescimento e a reparação dos tecidos e órgãos do corpo e fornece energia e vitalidade.

Pet Snack - Is Freeze-Dried Quail Reliable? - 翻译中...

Pet Snack - Is Freeze-Dried Quail Reliable? - 翻译中...

Freeze-Dried Quail

Nowadays, more and more people are starting to feed cats with freeze-dried pet food, and we can see people feeding cats and dogs with freeze-dried quail, so is freeze-dried quail good?

Freeze-dried quail is rich in nutrients, high in protein and low in fat. The amino acid content is the highest in white meat. Quail is known as "animal ginseng".

Similarly, the young quails, which are rich in amino acids, are better for cats to eat. Freeze-dried quails are crunchy and chewy, keeping the whole quail intact. Its internal organs are preserved and nutrients are not lost, which is good news for obese cats. Low fat and cholesterol can help cats lose weight.

What is Freeze Dried Quail?

Quail is a small bird. Fresh quail meat is chewier. After being freeze-dried, the quail will taste crispier. The bones in the freeze dried quail have not been taken out, so the cat can enjoy the behavior of biting the meat from the skeleton.

Benefits of Freeze Dried Quail

1. Freeze-dried quails taste crispy and delicious. Many cats like to eat it. The bones of the freeze-dried quail have not yet been removed, so the cat can enjoy the act of biting off the bone while eating. Freeze-dried quails are more fun to eat than processed raw meat.

2. Freeze-dried quail not only tastes good, but is also rich in nutrients, making it a good choice as a supplementary feed. Fresh quail itself, as a high-quality pet food, contains amino acids and is relatively low in fat. Lyophilized meat retains these advantages and still has the advantage of crispiness.

3. Convenience should also be a reference when considering a cat's food choices. While cats love some snacks, they can be cumbersome to make or inconvenient to store. Cat owners should choose more convenient cat food, such as freeze-dried quail, which can be stored well.

Lyophilization Is Short for Vacuum Freeze Drying

Freeze-dried quail is to freeze the newly hatched quail in a vacuum environment at -40°C, so that the water is sublimated to dryness. It is made by freeze-drying technology, which can retain the nutrients in fresh meat to a great extent. Although the degree of hatching is different, the feathers of each quail are very small and will not affect its taste and nutrition.

What should I Pay Attention to When Feeding Freeze Dried Quail Treats?

Although freeze-dried quail, as a kind of freeze dried raw meat, has many benefits, not all cats are suitable for eating freeze-dried quail.

First of all, it is not recommended to feed freeze-dried quails to kittens less than three months of age, because the kittens' digestive systems are not yet well developed and are not suitable for eating meat. We should wait until the kittens are three months old before we feed them with freeze-dried quails. Secondly, for cats with weak intestines and stomach, such as the muppet cat, you can remove the head of the freeze-dried small quail, break the rest of the body to feed, to prevent the head of the freeze-dried quail is too hard to injury the mouth of a cat.

In addition, it is best not to give your cat a large amount of Ranova freeze dried pet food for the first time. If your cat has never been freeze-dried before, it needs to undergo an adjustment process so that your cat's stomach can get used to freeze dried quail.

Finally, feeding freeze-dried quail cannot be used as a staple food for cats, because quail lacks some nutrients such as vitamins and taurine that cats need. And if the cat eats too much quail treats at one time, indigestion will lead to soft stools.

How to Feed Quail Treats?

1. Feeding directly. This is also the favorite way for cats to eat freeze-dried quail, which can feel the crispness of small quail to the greatest extent.

2. Soaking in water. Some cats have a tender mouth. In order to protect the cat's mouth from being scratched by the bones of the quail, soak the freeze-dried quail in water and feed it to the cat. The softened freeze-dried quail is safer; it can also indirectly increase the cat's drinking water when eating and add water to prevent cats from urinary diseases.

3. As a nutritious food, add it to cat food. Freeze-dried quail has good meat quality, high nutrition, and strong palatability. One or two small quails can be added to the cat food during the food exchange period to make the cat more receptive to the new cat food.

Coração de Frango Seco Congelado

Coração de Frango Seco Congelado

Comer liofilizado  corações de frango desidratados fornecem taurina, proteínas e vitaminas lipossolúveis A e D. A proteína promove o crescimento do gato, a vitamina A é boa para a visão e a vitamina D promove a absorção de cálcio.

Comer doces de cão de corações de galinha liofilizados, o tipo importante de & nbsp; congelar alimentos crus secos , dá ao seu gato taurina, proteína e vitaminas lipossolúveis A e D. Primeiro, taurina é um aminoácido essencial para gatos. A falta de taurina em gatos pode levar a problemas nos olhos, cérebro, nervos, coração, sistema digestivo e sistema imunológico. Em segundo lugar, em corações de frango liofilizados para cães e gatos, a proteína promove o crescimento do gato, a vitamina A é boa para a visão e a vitamina D promove a absorção de cálcio.

Will Pets Grow Parasites When Eating Freeze-Dried Snacks? - 翻译中...

Will Pets Grow Parasites When Eating Freeze-Dried Snacks? - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried pet treats do not have parasites, some pet owners have this concern, maybe because the raw material for freeze-dried pet snacks is raw meat. Although freeze-dried pet snack is made from raw meat, after a series of processing procedures, such as vacuum drying and freezing, it is not to worry about parasites, can not only eat but also eat in different ways.

1. Freeze Dried Pet Treats Soak Water to Eat

Some small animals may like to eat soft food, or their bodies may be weak, it is not appropriate to eat dry food. Pet owners can try freeze dried dog snacks to their pets by soaking them in water to soften them so the animals can enjoy the tender flesh. Since the pet is made of fresh meat, the owner should pay attention to the water temperature when soaking in the water, do not choose too high-temperature water, or the nutrition in the food will be destroyed.

Ranova Freeze-Dried Pet Snack

Ranova Freeze-Dried Pet Snack

2. Freeze Dried Pet Treats Ground Into Water

Sometimes, pet owners may experience a situation in which a pet suddenly doesn't eat properly. At this time, Ranova freeze-dried pet snacks can be ground into tiny grains and added to the pet food. Pet snack can be added to dog food or cat food or mixed into your pet's porridge. If you have a dog at home, you can ground the freeze-dried snack into powder and add it to your dog's diet.

3. Eat Freeze Dried Pet Treats Directly

In fact, the freeze-drying of pets itself can be eaten directly by small animals. Pet freeze-dried treat' s size is suitable for small animals to eat by bite, the general square block, taste very delicious. If your pet wants a crunchy snack, it's a good idea to enjoy the crunchy freeze-dried treats. For example, many dogs like to go out for a walk, and dog owners can choose several kinds of freeze dried meat as a reward for their obedient dogs and feed them alternately.

4. Guide to Freeze Dried Pet Treats Selection

(1) Choose pure natural meat, freeze-drying without preservatives, so as to lock the freshness, nutrition, and deliciousness of the meat.

(2) Choose freeze-dried foods that are vacuum dehydrated and physically pasteurized so that no preservatives are added.

(3) Taste recommendations: chicken breast, duck, beef, salmon, chicken + fruits and vegetables, diced egg yolk.

Ranova pet snacks of these flavors are rich in protein and micronutrients, which are good for pet health.

Coração de Pato Seco Congelado

Coração de Pato Seco Congelado

Pato' s coração é rico em riboflavina, zinco, selênio, vitamina B, etc.

Congelar corações de pato secos  para cães, como um importante tipo de  guloseimas para animais de estimação liofilizados , pode ter a ação de cabelos macios e brilhantes, e ser benéfico para um cérebro saudável. Para os outros órgãos do animal de estimação para jogar um efeito quente e tônico, aumentar a imunidade e vitalidade do animal de estimação.

Does Freeze-Dried Food Have Nutrition? - 翻译中...

Does Freeze-Dried Food Have Nutrition? - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried pet food is food that has been processed by rapid dehydration and rapid freezing. Today pet food supplier introduces pet freeze-dried food in detail.

Does freeze-dried food have nutrition?

Believe that the most important question many friends want to figure out is whether freeze dried pet food is nutritious because freeze-dried food is stored by dehydration and freezing, the purpose of this is to extend the shelf life of the food and preserve the nutrition of the food itself. The biggest feature of freeze-drying is that it retains nearly 100% of the nutrients in the meat. And under low temperature and dry conditions, bacteria and parasites have already died, so there is no need to worry about hygiene. In addition, because the raw meat is frozen directly, there is no need to worry about any attractants or preservatives.

So, what are the freeze-dried foods that cats and dogs can eat?

There are many types of freeze-drying, from seafood freeze-drying to meat freeze-drying. Such as freeze-dried chicken strips, freeze-dried beef jerky, freeze dried quail, etc. Occasionally giving pets some frozen food can be a good supplement of protein.

Freeze Dried Chicken Fillet

Freeze-Dried Duck: Low sensitivity and easy to absorb.

Freeze-Dried Quail: Rich in high protein and comprehensive nutrition.

Chicken cubes: best palatability, easy digestion, high protein, suitable for pets with the weak gastrointestinal tract.

Freeze Dried Chicken Breast: high protein and low fat (suitable for fattening/fat-prone pets)

Of course, there is another problem that needs attention. If you have fed freeze-dried food to your pet cats and dogs, it is best to ensure that the cats and dogs are 6 months or older, otherwise, some pet cats and dogs with fragile stomachs may experience indigestion or vomiting.

What are the disadvantages of freeze-dried food?

Freeze-dried food is very nutritious food. Regularly feeding cats and dogs with freeze-dried food not only allows them to take in more protein and nutrition but also increases their appetite. It is the best choice for cats and dogs who don't like to eat food. But it must be noted that if you often give them freeze-dried food, it may cause picky eaters. After all, freeze-dried food is different from cat food and dog food. Since freeze-dried food is relatively simple in nutrition, it cannot be as comprehensive and balanced as cat food. Therefore, we suggest that it is best not to often give pets' freeze-dried food, occasionally as a reward or regulating appetite is completely fine.

Summary: Freeze-dried food is rich in nutrients and has few shortcomings. As long as you don't often feed freeze-dried food for cats and dogs, there will be no problems. In addition, freeze-dried foods are high in protein and are especially suitable for cats and cats.

Coração de Coelho Seco Congelado

Coração de Coelho Seco Congelado

Coração de Coelho liofilizado  guloseimas para cães contém proteína de alta qualidade, livre de cereais, conservantes, aditivos, pigmentos.& nbsp;

E Coração de Coelho liofilizado  guloseimas para cães, como uma espécie de alimentos para animais de estimação de alta qualidade , contém ingredientes geneticamente modificados, proporcionando nutrição de alta qualidade e saúde segura para o seu animal de estimação.

The Difference Between Cat Food and Dog Food - 翻译中...

The Difference Between Cat Food and Dog Food - 翻译中...

Many people are confused about whether cats can eat dog food? Can dogs eat cat food?

The answer is: no!

The following pet food supplier analyzes the reasons for "No":

Pet Food

1. Cats are carnivores, dogs are carnivorous omnivores

Although cats and dogs can live in the same room, and we are considered companion animals and keep them as pets in the family, they are really different animals. Dogs are defined by us as "carnivorous omnivorous animals", while cats are identified by us as "outright pure carnivores". The reason for this is that in the primitive natural environment, dogs will eat plants and rhizomes when they go out foraging, but cats do not eat plants at all, and cats need to hunt carnivorous animals. The only food eaten is meat like freeze dried cod.

2. Cat teeth are different from dog teeth

This can be found from the teeth that cats are born with. Cats have 30 teeth, but dogs have 42.

But cats have fewer molars than dogs because all teeth of cats are sharp and do not have molars that can "grind" plant-like rhizomes. The cat's teeth are more like a pair of sharp scissors. It does not need to rely on "grinding". It can tear and cut various meat foods with low fiber content.

3.The difference in the length of the intestines between cats and dog

Cats and dogs have different digestive tract lengths. For example, a dog with a body length of 0.75m has an average intestinal length of 4.5m, including a small intestine length of 3.9m and a large intestine length of 0.6m; But for a cat with a length of 0.5m, the average length of his intestine is 2.1m, of which the small intestine is 1.7m and the large intestine is 0.4m. Calculated from this, the intestinal length of the dog is about 1:6 of the body length, and the cat is 1:4.2. The length of the cat's intestine is relatively short because the cat does not need to digest them more difficult to digest crude fiber and more carbohydrates, this intestinal length can meet their daily digestion of meat.

4. The "saliva PH" and "stomach PH" of cats and dogs are also different

Although the digestion of cats and dogs starts from the mouth, and their saliva also lacks amylase that can digest starch. However, there are some similarities and differences in the saliva PH value. The saliva PH value of dogs is 7.34~7.80, and the cat's saliva pH value is relatively stable 7.5. This is also the reason why the food structure ingested by the cat is relatively simple. In addition, there are differences in the stomach environment of cats and dogs, and the pH range of dog gastric juice is relatively wide. Because the difference in food intake generally changes between PH2.0~6.0. However, the cat is relatively stable at PH2.5 ± 0.07, which shows that the cat's feeding type is relatively simple and stable. Dogs will take corresponding measures because they need to eat more kinds of food, but cats do not.

5. Cat and dog foods have a large gap in carbohydrates

Cats and dogs have a large gap in the digestibility of carbohydrates because cats cannot adapt to the increase in carbohydrate concentration in frozen cat food. Therefore, when designing cat food formulas and nutritious dog food treats, there are relatively large design differences. Compared with dogs, cats have great differences in the time and speed of digesting and using carbohydrates. Cats need a longer time to decompose and use carbohydrates in food. Otherwise, the cat's blood sugar will rise rapidly, and long-term consumption of foods with higher carbohydrates will cause the cat to have a high risk of diabetes. Dogs are not so sensitive in this respect, and the tolerance range for carbohydrates is relatively loose. There is another view that cats should not eat any carbohydrates. This conclusion is not completely accurate. The correct statement should be that because cats lack enzymes to digest carbohydrates, cats cannot accept high concentrations (generally recommended ≤10%) of carbohydrates.

6. Differences in demand for amino acids

10 essential amino acids (arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine) required for regular animals ), both cats and dogs need. But for cats, there is another amino acid taurine, which is an essential amino acid for cats, and pure carnivores have very limited ability to synthesize cysteine into taurine, which is quite different from dogs. Therefore, when pet nutritionists design cat food formulas for cats, they will add and supplement taurine nutritional requirements according to different physiological stages of cats. But when designing dog food formulas, taurine is not necessary as long as the ingredients of the dog food already contain sufficient protein, so when we design dog food formulas, taurine is not required. If cats eat dog food, cats will lack taurine, which can easily lead to degeneration of the central retina of the cat, or blindness, so dog food is strictly forbidden to feed cats for a long time. Arginine is also different for dogs and cats. Although dogs' needs for arginine are also necessary, they are not as sensitive as cats. When the cat's food lacks arginine, the cat is prone to high blood ammonia, and the reaction of lacking arginine is much stronger than that of the dog.

7. Vitamins are also different

The vitamin trace elements in cat food products and the vitamins in dog food will also be different. For example, vitamin A, dogs can effectively convert the pre-vitamin β-carotene into vitamin A, while cats can't. Therefore, in the formulation of dog food and cat food, the ratio of vitamin A as a micronutrient is completely different from the method of addition. No matter whether it is directly added or any other method, cats have no way to convert beta-carotene into vitamin A. Therefore, if the cat eats frozen dog food for a long time, it is easy to appear vitamin A deficiency. Dogs can synthesize the vitamin C they need, so it is not necessary to add vitamin C to dog food to provide this nutrient to dogs. Although cats and dogs have similarities in this respect, cats are not as capable as a dog in this respect. Therefore, when the cat's living environment changes, it is best to add some vitamin C to prevent possible stress and adverse reactions. In terms of B vitamins, there is also a big gap between the demand for cats and dogs. Generally speaking, the need for thiamine is 5 to 6 times that of cats. These are the major gaps between vitamins and trace elements in cats and dogs.

8. Other

In addition to the above points, there are also a series of differences in protein content, fat, mineral trace elements, etc. in cat food and dog food. In the process of formula design, a large gap will be made. Not only is there a huge difference in the design of the formula, but even in the process of food production process design, it will be treated differently according to the different nutritional characteristics of cats and dogs.

So now you understand that cats have their own food, and dog food is not allowed. There is a difference between cat food and dog food. Different types of cats (dogs) should be fed different cat (dog) foods, and cats (dogs) with different life cycles should be treated differently!

Estômago de coelho seco congelado

Estômago de coelho seco congelado

What Do You Know about Dog Food Classification? - 翻译中...

What Do You Know about Dog Food Classification? - 翻译中...

There are many types of dog food on the market, how to choose which dog food is suitable for your situation and your dog? The raw dog food supplier summarizes the five types of dog food that are currently common and analyzes their respective advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, let me explain the point. Dogs are omnivorous animals. Nutritional balance is very important. Nutritional balance is an important indicator to consider which types of pet food is suitable.

Dry food

Dry food

It is the most common dog food, similar to small biscuits. The dog food we generally refer to refers to dry food because it is the easiest to obtain. Depending on the brand, the dry food comes in different sizes and shapes. But overall, it feels like puffed food.


The price is relatively affordable, with a wide range of options, from cheap to expensive. Dry food is better preserved, pay attention to moisture and moth. Generally, it is enough to prepare a storage bucket with desiccant, which is very convenient to carry. Good dry food has been fully considered for nutritional balance, and the formula includes a variety of meat, vegetables, and other nutrients. Dry food is relatively easy to buy and can be bought in shopping malls, pet stores, and e-commerce. It can be eaten directly without additional processing, which is more convenient.


Dog Dry food generally have a higher carbon and water content. Although dogs are omnivorous animals, they still advocate higher protein content in foods, but definitely not the higher the better. Now the protein content of high-end dry food has met the standard. I see that the protein content in dry food is about 40%.

The biggest drawback of dry food is that many raw materials are mixed together, and you can't check whether one of the ingredients is OK. Therefore, there will be situations where big brands are recognized. Large companies will be better protected, but they still cannot be guaranteed 100%. This requires everyone to learn to understand the ingredient list on the packaging.

Wet food (canned)

It is mainly the canned dogs that are usually said, and it is also more common on the market and the types of dog food that are easier to obtain.


The palatability is better because it is direct fresh meat, the taste is much better than that of dry food, and it is also more fragrant, without the trouble of picky eating.

Many canned dogs have various types of meat and vegetables, and the nutritional mix is even. Of course, there are also pure meats, so it is not recommended to be fed as a staple food alone. Compared with dry food, canned dogs have lower carbon and water content and higher protein. Just like dry food, it is ready to eat and does not require other processing. It is heavier than dry food, but it is also more convenient.


The price will be relatively expensive, and the fat content in wet food is often higher, and the dog is easy to gain weight. There is often news that the meat used for wet food is not good, so it is also necessary to recognize the brand, the company.

Air-dry food

Small dried meat can achieve balanced nutrition, but pay attention to digestion issues. 


Air-dried grains are small dried meats. Generally, raw meat is directly used for air-drying, and the processing is less, which is closer to the raw materials. The dried food tastes harder, but it is also more fragrant (imagine beef jerky), and dogs generally prefer to eat it. The shelf life is relatively long, very light, and very suitable for carrying.


Expensive price: Some can achieve balanced nutrition, but still need to pay attention to the digestion problems of dogs.

Freeze-dried food

Lyophilized food refers to the rapid freezing of meat or other fresh food, then continuously vacuum drying under high pressure. The moisture contained in the fresh food is directly sublimated from ice to steam, and no liquid is generated in the process. At present, it is quite popular on the market and advocates that the nutrition of raw materials can be best preserved and the closest to the state of fresh food.


Freeze-dried raw dog food is the closest to raw meat, the least processed, In addition, the quality of freeze dried meat is generally high, which leads to the highest price of freeze-dried food to a certain extent. The palatability of lyophilized food is also relatively good, and dogs love it. It is very light and very suitable for carrying.


Good quality, the price is expensive.

Some freeze-dried foods do not fully consider the nutritional balance, and some may only contain meat, so you need to pay attention to the nutrient composition table. Because the water content is particularly low, it is best to add blisters before eating, otherwise, it may cause metabolic difficulties. It is recommended to buy freeze-dried dog snacks and dog food mixed to eat, reducing the cost, and can take into account nutritional balance and taste.

Homemade dog food

Main ingredients fresh and assured


You can buy good ingredients and feed them with different ingredients, and the ingredients are very fresh and safe! The palatability is good, and dogs generally like to eat.


Because dogs eat more and more complicated foods, they often don't match their own collocations very professionally, and they are likely to be nutritionally unbalanced. Over time, dogs may lack certain nutrients.

To make good dog food is actually not cheap. In fact, all kinds of dog food can be mixed and used, with dried meat or freeze-dried for small snack training, and occasionally make a big meal for dogs. These five are the most discussed dog foods on the market, and I hope they can help everyone.

Camarão congelado seco

Camarão congelado seco

Camarões salgados congelados e secos; guloseimas para gatos são ricas em nutrição, ricas em proteínas, ricas em cálcio, ferro, magnésio e outros elementos minerais e vitamina A. 

Camarão seco congelado para peixe, como uma espécie de & nbsp; congelar alimentos crus secos , é macio e fácil de digerir.

Can Puppies Eat Freeze-Dried Dog Food? Is Freeze Dried Dog Food Good for Dogs? - 翻译中...

Can Puppies Eat Freeze-Dried Dog Food? Is Freeze Dried Dog Food Good for Dogs? - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried dog food is a high-protein food that contains a certain amount of nutrition. Puppies can eat freeze-dried dog food, but it is more appropriate to wait until the dog is three months old before feeding.

Some dog owners may not know much about how to feed freeze-dried dog food.

Then, the raw dog food supplier will introduce you.

1. Freeze Dried Dog Food Feeding Depends on the Age

Freeze-dried dog food, as a kind of freeze dried pet food has relatively high protein content and contains certain vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are also important for dogs.

When feeding lyophilized dog food to dogs, it is better for the owner to wait until the dog is three months old before feeding, because the younger dog's stomach is not very good. If the dog owner wants to feed, you can soak the freeze-dried dog food in warm water first, and then feed the dog.

2. Freeze Dried Dog Food Can Be Mixed with Dog Food

Freeze dried dog food is generally made from chicken, duck, or beef. Dogs are omnivorous animals and are meatier. There are many ways to feed freeze-dried dog food. Owners can use freeze-dried dog food as a snack to feed dogs. You can also grind the freeze-dried dog food into powder, and then mix it with the dog's dog food to feed the dog, and the dog can also enjoy the freeze-dried dog food when eating the dog food.

If you often give dog food to dogs, dogs may be fed up with it.

The palatableness of dry dog food is better, but if only freeze-dried dog food is fed, the dog may not be full. Therefore, the dog owner can try to mix the freeze-dried dog food with the dog food and feed it as a complementary food to the dog.

3. Freeze Dried Dog Training Treats Can Be Used As a Reward

Freeze dried food for puppies can be fed with dog food; of course, freeze dried food for puppies can also be fed to dogs individual. Owners of dog owners know that not every dog learns a lot of knowledge after birth. There are some lifestyle habits that require the dog owner to help the dog develop and learn later. Therefore, when the dog owner trains the dog, the freeze dried treats can be used as a reward for puppy training. When the dog successfully completes the things specified by the dog owner, the dog owner can touch the dog's head and then give the dog some freeze dried puppy treats to let the dog know that his behaviour is encouraged.

Freeze-Dried Dog Food

The pet food supplier gives you a few suggestions for feeding dogs.

1. Choose freeze-dried dog food with strict packaging

2. Pay attention to the preservation of freeze-dried dog food at home

3. Pay attention to clean hands when using freeze-dried.

4. Do You Have to Rehydrate Freeze-Dried Dog Food?

Freeze-dried food for dogs is the same as frozen food, except that the moisture has been removed. When feeding freeze-dried dog food as a separate meal, it's best to rehydrate them. In fact, you don't even need to hydrate dog food to let dogs enjoy them -- they're just as delicious as crunchy snacks when freeze-dried. However, it is easy to rewater produce to eat boiled or add to recipes. For some food, just put it in a bowl of water and let it soak until it rehydrates. And how long does it take for freeze-dried puppy food to rehydrate? The ability to rehydrate with cold water takes 15 minutes or less, while some dehydrated foods take 90 minutes. Less water required to recombine ingredients=less water carried.

5. Benefits of Freeze-Dried Dog Food

1. High-quality ingredients. Freeze-dried food for dogs often includes a natural array of ingredients, including muscle meat, organs and ground bones. Most contain no artificial additives.

2. Alternatives to raw food diets. Many freeze-dried feeds are starting to do this as an alternative to raw feeds. Collecting and preparing raw food can be difficult and laborious, but freeze-dried food is often as easy as dog food.

2. Longer shelf life. In addition, freeze-dried food for puppies often has a long shelf life, which makes them easy to preserve in an emergency.

3. Dogs love freeze-dried food. Most dogs find freeze-dried food tasty. In fact, some people use them as healthy food.

4. Better absorption. Some dogs produce much less waste after using freeze-dried food for dogs because they usually have less fiber than regular dog food. More food is converted into new tissue and energy.

Ranova can provide freeze dried food for puppies at a suitable price, please come and buy it.

Capelina Seca Congelada

Capelina Seca Congelada

O maior encanto de Capelin é que eles são ricos em cálcio, que ajuda a desenvolver ossos e construir um corpo forte. nbsp;

O valor nutritivo de muito peixe liofilizado para cães, uma espécie de & nbsp; carne liofilizada , é muito alto, comeu pode olhar brilhante, e que ovas de peixe contém o microelemento que a pele precisa, sal mineral, proteína, conduce para cabelo macio e brilhante. nbsp;

Which Kind of Dog Food Is Best? - 翻译中...

Which Kind of Dog Food Is Best? - 翻译中...

Natural food and commercial food are the production standards for pet food. Grain-free food is comprehensive nutrition, anti-allergenic, and easily digestible formula food. Freeze-dried food and plain food are the processing technology of pet food. The following raw dog food supplier to discuss in detail the differences between these five kinds of food:

Freeze Dried Food

Natural grain

The so-called natural food refers to dog food that does not contain dead animals, animal by-products and other raw materials, and can not use attractants or preservatives that are harmful to dogs. Natural food is preserved by its own vitamins and does not rely on preservatives and other insurance chemicals Keep it, the elements inside are good for the dog. After long-term use, the dog's hair and stool will be healthier and more beautiful.

There are currently two sets of international standards for natural grains, which were developed by the American Feed Management Association (AAFCO) and the European Pet Food Industry Federation (FEDIAF). However, due to the relevant laws and regulations still in progress in China, there is no clear certification standard for the concept of pet "natural food".

The standards formulated by AAFCO: First, the so-called "natural food" refers to the whole pet food. Among them, additives can be used, but these additives must be natural, not chemically synthesized; second, except for vitamins, minerals, and other processing aids, if the remaining constituent raw materials are all-natural, it can be marked that the product is natural Yes, but synthetic non-natural vitamins, minerals, or processing aids must clearly inform consumers that the font used cannot be smaller than the "natural" label.

On the other hand, AAFCO also made strict regulations on how to use the "natural food" label. If non-natural raw materials are added to pet food, it must be marked as "natural food, additional vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements". As long as the "natural food" appears on the package, the instructions for additional additives must appear in the same place. The font and size of the description must be consistent with the words "Natural Food", and the text size must be at least half of the words "Natural Food".

Standards formulated by FEDIAF: European standards on "natural food" raw materials are basically consistent with American standards, and FEDIAF has set stricter standards for the manufacturing process of pet food. In the process of processing pet food raw materials, physical means must be used in the steps of freezing, concentration, extraction, drying, sterilization, and smoking. The steps of microbial treatment, enzymatic, hydrolysis and fermentation are also considered to meet the "natural grain" standard. The FEDIAF standard also specifies that genetically modified raw materials do not meet the definition of "natural food". In other words, no genetically modified products can be used, either in raw materials or during processing. Consistent with US standards, if pet foods are added with vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements of unnatural origin, they must also be noted on the packaging. FEDIAF has made stricter regulations on the use of the "natural food" label: when using it, each natural raw material must be marked separately.

Due to the strict standards of natural food, only a handful of large-scale freeze dried pet food manufacturers worldwide can meet the requirements. In some mature pet food markets in the world, the share of "natural food" is also very small.

Commodity grain

The main ingredients of dog food raw materials are 4D ingredients and their by-products. 4D ingredients are the abbreviations of the following four states of raw materials: Dead is Dead, Diseased, Dying dying, and Disabled disabled. By-products are the internal organs of these dead animals, Fur, blood, etc. The raw materials of commercial grain are not attractive to dogs, but merchants add attractants to the grain-based on this feature to improve palatability.

Foreign authoritative research reports show that dogs fed 4D and animal by-products to make dog food for a long period of time are in good health and normal development, but in the later stages of growth, they are aging compared to dogs fed purely natural dog food The speed is more than 20% higher, the life span is also shortened by 27%, and the incidence rate is also greatly improved. The main manifestations are immune system disorders, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, bladder cancer, and many degenerative diseases. These are The difference between dogs feeding with natural food and commercial food.


Grain-free is a new concept that has emerged in the past two years. The better dog foods on the market are all grain-free. The so-called grain-free grains refer to cereals such as corn, wheat and grain husks, but not starches and carbohydrates. Dog foods made from low-carb raw materials such as vegetables and fruits generally highlight low-carb, easy-to-digest, emphasize hypoallergenic, easy to absorb, and free of all incompatibility caused by grains and grain husks.

Pets are allergic just like humans, but only a small number of people are allergic, but because cats, dogs, and dogs do not speak, it can be said that it is more prudent and safe to choose grain-free.

From the perspective of the manufacturer, the grain-free dog food uses potatoes (ie potatoes) instead of cereals, which not only avoids allergic reactions caused by the intake of cereals in some dogs but also plays a role in pellet formation and cost reduction. Therefore, more and more brands are now switching to grain-free.

Freeze dried food

The freeze-drying technology began in the early 20th century, when the purpose of research and development was to allow astronauts to eat fresh and nutritious food even in space. So cut the ingredients into the required shape and size, and put them into the quick freezing warehouse at minus tens of degrees to freeze the ingredients. Quick freezing can reduce the water crystals in the meat. After a few hours, it was pushed into the freezer and lyophilized for tens of hours. Then use a vacuum to sublime the ice. During this process, the ingredients will maintain their original size and shape and have good stability. But it is undeniable that from machines, labor to food ingredients, the production cost of this process is indeed very high.

Freeze dried dog treats compared with traditional puffed dog food, the fat, vitamins, and protein in the ingredients will not be lost due to high temperature and the palatability is better, and the raw material nutrition is also preserved more perfectly. And freeze-drying is almost free of water, light in quality, crisp in taste, and original flavor, easy to store.

However, freeze-dried food is not as chewy as ordinary natural food. We should pay attention to preventing pet calculus and other things. In addition, we have to decide whether to feed freeze-dried food or natural freeze dried dog food according to our own economic conditions. Natural food has a history of many years, the process is very mature in all aspects, nutrition can fully meet the daily needs of pets!

Plain food

At present, the latest emerging raw food is actually a processing technology, which uses pure natural food. Through the original processing technology, the taste of the food itself is preserved, and the nutrition of the food itself is retained to the maximum extent.

To put it simply, plain food should be a combination of the advantages of natural food and grain-free food. In addition, some special adjustments have been made for pet food according to the physiological characteristics of dogs. Because dogs evolved from wolves, they still maintain the characteristics of carnivorous, but the dog's sense of taste is not developed, and the sense of smell is very developed. The original grain is directly added with freeze-dried meat floss to improve the palatability, and the price of freeze-dried is more expensive, so only a few brands currently adopt this method.

The idea of simple foods is consistent with the genetic nature of cats and dogs. In fact, cats and dogs have been eating food (taste of the ingredients themselves) for thousands of years, which is why dogs always come back with a bone in their mouth.

The above four types of dog snacks have their own characteristics. If you are smart, you should polish your eyes and choose carefully for the pets at home, because it is related to its lifetime health.

Krill Seco Congelado

Krill Seco Congelado

Alimentos para peixes de krill liofilizado da Antártida  é um krill, o papel principal é ser capaz de complementar muitos oligoelementos, alto valor nutricional.

Tratamentos de krill liofilizado para tartarugas e cães, como uma espécie de & nbsp; guloseimas liofilizadas , é alta proteína, baixa gordura como as principais características. Os clientes podem comprar krill liofilizado a granel porque temos fornecimento de varejo de ração para animais de estimação!

Pet Cat Snacks: What's Healthy and Balanced? - 翻译中...

Pet Cat Snacks: What's Healthy and Balanced? - 翻译中...

If you're seeking a healthy and balanced cat treat, look no more. Freeze dried pet food manufacturers offer 10 pointers for acquiring or making nutritious pet cat deals with.

Individuals like to treat their animals, lavishing them with deals with and also love.

Although you can probably never provide too much love, pet cat deals with are another thing. Felines can develop weight issues just like people do. According to a research study reported by the Organization for Pet Dog Excessive Weight Prevention, an estimated 57% of pet cats are obese or overweight.

Can cat treats ever before be good for feline? Are some deals better than others? And also is "individuals food" healthy for your feline? Below are solutions as well as pointers from feline experts.

FD Cod

FD Cod

What Makes a Pet Cat Treat Healthy And Balanced?

Small amounts are key.

It's fine to feed your pet dry cat food for kittens, however they "ought to be a really small part of the diet regimen," says Marla J. McGeorge, DVM, an Oregon veterinarian that deals with felines only.

How small? Several specialists suggest pet cat treats to make up no more than 10% of the complete calories a cat eats.

That's since many deals with don't add anything however calories to a cat's diet regimen, McGeorge states.

The staying 90% of your pet cat's calories must originate from a high-quality, nutritionally complete cat food products.

Pet Cat Deals With: Decoding the Labels

Discovering what remains in packaged feline deals with can be a little bit of a problem.

To learn the number of calories is in your cat's treats, you can call the freeze dried pet food manufacturers or get in touch with your vet for recommendations.

At a minimum, I recommend considering labels to see if a reward is authorized by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). This group establishes pet food manufacturing requirements, "marginal as they are," McGeorge says.

10 Reward Tips for a Healthy Pet cat

1. Bear in mind moderation.

Like people, cats can create a taste for deals with, and also they may determine to avoid their own food for the rewards they like. Therefore, keep cat deals with the novel by supplying them no more than 2 or three times a week, claims Susan G. Wynn, DVM, CVA, a vet nutritional expert in Georgia.

2. Go easy with "people food."

Foods produced cats are created to have the vitamins, minerals, and also amino acids a cat requires forever wellness, so "people food" must be a minimal part of your feline's diet regimen. For an occasional special, you could attempt small bits of cheese or cooked tuna, hen, fish, or liver. You can likewise offer your pet cat a tablespoon of milk occasionally, but for felines that are lactose intolerant, this may create diarrhea, Wynn claims.

3. Stay clear of toxic foods.

Raisins, grapes, onions, alcohol, salt, tea--we may enjoy them, but these and also other typical foods can be hazardous to cats. If you're unsure a reward is risk-free, speak your vet prior to giving it to your cat.

4. Restriction asking.

When providing your pet cat freeze dried cat snacks, stay clear of doing it at the table or at the cat's persistence. Don't award pleading.

5. Overweight pet cats require care.

There's no way around it: Cat treats add calories. However just eliminating treats isn't going to do much for an overweight pet cat, McGeorge claims. She recommends having your feline assessed by a veterinarian, that will certainly establish a secure diet plan to aid your feline to reduce weight "gradually and also thoroughly. Fast weight management in an obese feline can result in a severe liver condition called hepatic lipidosis."

6. Go environment-friendly.

A lot of cats like both catnip and also "cat yard," which is in fact a grain turf like wheat or oats. Both deals with are simple to expand in a warm home window, and you can additionally discover dried as well as fresh greens in animal stores. Constantly make certain the plant you're offering your cat is safe for felines. Yet do not be upset if your cat spits up the kitty lawn you acquire-- some just do that. Stick with catnip for those pet cats, McGeorge suggests.

7. Give cat treats for enjoyable as well as fitness.

Aid your cat workout mind as well as the body by using cat deals with to educate them in dexterity exercises or techniques. This can be even more delightful for indoor-only cats.

8. Apologize with a pet cat deals with.

Attempt offering cat treats after something feline does not like-- such as claw cutting, tooth cleaning, or a dosage of drug. In addition to appreciation as well as stroking, this can go a long way towards soothing a feline that's been forced to do something unpleasant.

9. Don't utilize feline deals with to replace love.

Cats do not have several needs: a healthy and balanced diet, safe residence, caring attention. When you're short on time, it can be very easy to think a handful of treats develops the very same bond as a stroke or cuddle, however, "I'm uncertain it truly works that way," states Anthony Herrig, an Oregon engineer with four pleased felines. "My pet cats are no more lovable for having had a reward. I believe it's physical call like playing, stroking, as well as holding that assists a feline bond with you."

10. Make your own all-natural pet cat treats.

By preparing smidgens of liver, fish, or eggs for your feline, you'll understand specifically what remains in the treats she's eating. You can also make natural pet cat deals with for kitty by purchasing meat, fish, as well as eggs that are certified organic. Yet bear in mind, these treats ought to comprise only a tiny part of your cat's overall diet plan.

Quarenta Seca Congelada

Quarenta Seca Congelada

A codorna liofilizada também é rica em aminoácidos, proteínas, vitaminas e outros nutrientes, geralmente pode ser usada como um pequeno lanche para animais de estimação, codorna liofilizada geralmente pode complementar os nutrientes para o animal de estimação, mas também pode ajudar os animais de estimação a moer os dentes para que os animais de estimação possam crescer de forma saudável. nbsp;

Congelar guloseimas secas de codorna, como um tipo de & nbsp; carne liofilizada , também são ricos em aminoácidos, proteínas, vitaminas e outros nutrientes, e sua carne é muito macia, geralmente pode ser usado como um pequeno lanche para animais de estimação, codornas geralmente pode complementar os nutrientes que os cães precisam, mas também pode ajudar animais de estimação moer os dentes para que os animais de estimação possam crescer de forma saudável. Na verdade, codornas também podem desempenhar um papel no tônico do sangue; pode fazer o animal de estimação mais espírito. codornas liofilizadas são baixas em gordura, então don' Não se preocupe com obesidade animal.

Are Freeze-Dried Cat Snacks Healthy? - 翻译中...

Are Freeze-Dried Cat Snacks Healthy? - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried feline treats are ending up being increasingly popular in the pet globe since they are delicious, nourishing, and also offer a benefit for feeling guilty. Ingredient listings are frequently extremely limited, as well as treats are typically low in calories. In this write-up, pet food suppliers will certainly discuss the other advantages of providing these unique feline snacks to kitty cats as well as share with you our 7 favorite freeze-dried snack choices!

What is the Most Effective Freeze Dried Cat Treats?

Freeze-dried Beef

freeze-dried chicken for cats

Freeze-Dried Duck

Freeze-dried Tuna

Freeze-dried Salmon

Freeze Dried Chicken Heart

Freeze-Dried Venison

6 Advantages of Using Freeze-dried Cat Snacks

Freeze-dried snacks are a wonderful means to reward your cat or include enjoyable to their diet. Choosing to utilize freeze-dried pet cat treats is a wise and healthy and balanced choice for a range of reasons:

Protein keeps its taste: freeze-dried foods are made with some animal protein. The freeze-drying process ensures that the meat preserves its original flavor, so the end item will certainly be as delicious as raw meat, satisfying your kitty's hunger for meat.

Maintain appearance: another benefit of the freeze-drying procedure is that it additionally protects the structure of the meat. Because the texture is maintained, these snacks are crispy however vulnerable to tearing and attacking.

Nutrients are not prepared with meat: meat sheds several of its initial nutrients when cooked. Freeze-dried cat snacks still include all the nutrients from raw meat sources.

Easy to consume: even if cat teeth are sensitive, freeze-dried snacks are very easy to use for cat food.

Make a wonderful food top hat or treat: freeze-dried out cat deals with can be mashed onto food to make it tastier, or you can make use of chewy cat food as an everyday treat and training reward.

Generally suitable for pet dogs: lots of freeze-dried cat treats are made with simply one active ingredient as well as are additionally appropriate for our canine buddies.

Freeze-Dried Beef

Freeze-Dried Beef

The difference between freeze-dried and dried pet cat snacks: there is often complication concerning what makes freeze-dried as well as dried pet food so special. Both kinds of snacks experience a distinct manufacturing process. Freeze as well as completely dry the snacks to preserve the raw texture of the meat. The suspended animation procedure likewise preserves the meat's all-natural nutrients. When the pet cat treat is dehydrated, use the low-strength tea for a long time. This process eliminates water from the meat by evaporation. However, freeze-dried foods are made using a reduced temperature level and also pressure procedure to get rid of moisture. Freeze-dried treats to retain all taste and health and wellness benefits. When calories are used to make food, crucial nutrients are usually boiled away.

Given that freeze-dried feline snacks preserve every one of their initial dietary worth, they are a much better selection than dehydrated snacks

5 Components to Search for in Freeze-dried Cat Snacks

Think it or not, freeze-dried feline treats can be different in many ways. So when picking the appropriate food for your cat, think about the adhering to attributes:

Protein kinds: freeze-dried pet cat treats are most frequently found in preferred proteins, such as poultry or beef. Other cat-treated healthy proteins we see consist of Turkey, salmon, shrimp, shrimp, duck, and more.

Other ingredients: some of the freeze-dried pet cat snacks on our checklist are made with simply one ingredient. But others likewise have other active ingredients, such as veggies, salt, or preservatives. If you want to know precisely what you're feeding your feline, make certain to read the ingredient listing.

Caloric intake: most freeze-dried pet cats treat calories that float around 2 calories. One recommendation on our listing is that each treat has 3 calories. If your cat is obese or has diabetic issues, you will need to think extra thoroughly regarding the calories burned per therapy.

Package size and kind: there's nothing even worse than catching a bag of cat treats as well as discovering they run out date. This can be practical when positioning freeze-dried snacks in resealable bags or containers.

The Types and Effects of Pet Snacks! - 翻译中...

The Types and Effects of Pet Snacks! - 翻译中...

When it comes to pet treats, people tend to think of them as just for pets. In fact, pet snacks are not only used for pets to eat, there are many kinds of it, the relative function is also a lot of. Most are rich in a variety of nutrients that suit the nutritional needs of a variety of pets. Pet food supplier introduces you to the types and functions of pet snacks.

Meat snacks:

Freeze dried raw meat is a high-quality pet snack with less than 14% moisture content. John farm meat snack series contains super high meat content, with original flavor and flavor, ensuring that the product per unit weight can contain more nutrients, while also being tough, chewy, and chewy. When pet enjoys these delicious CHC, his teeth will completely into the jerky and seal, then through multiple chewing can reach the effect of clean teeth. The function of pet snack like flossing his teeth, and refreshing taste, delicious and tenacity of CHC make pet is willing to spend more time to chew, to make it clean action time is longer, are guaranteed to have good teeth cleaning effect. To reduce the accumulation of plaque and calculus, let pet fresh breath, approached we won't have bad breath.

Pet Treats

Healthy Pet Treat

Wet food categories:

Water content is high, wet food to help pets hydration;

During the food change, the pet appetite is small, appetite reduction, wet food can help to eat;

High summer temperature, pets do not love to eat, add wet food to help eat.

Teeth cleaning and chewing gum:

It can effectively exercise the mandibular chewing ability of the pet, grind the pet's teeth, and prevent dental stones. It can also be used as a toy to prevent pets from harming and biting things at home. Mouth cleaning after meals is also an important part of a pet's life. After eating, many food scraps will stay in the cracks of teeth, which will make them feel that their teeth need cleaning. Pets with unhealthy teeth will become less and less fond of eating in their old age, and their bodies will become weaker due to poor nutrition, so they are likely to leave us.

Deodorant biscuit:

Deodorant can effectively clean your pet's mouth, protect your teeth, and remove bad breath. And make your pet's excrement and body odor significantly improve, until disappeared. Deodorant crackers tend to be well-balanced. This will help your pet get a better balance of nutrients and development. At the same time also can regulate qi digestion, improve appetite and body immunity. Cookies are also a great helper when it comes to training pets. When the pet performs the assigned behavior well, the deodorant can be used as a reward.

Como podemos escolher o tratamento congelado da carne seca para o animal de estimação?

Como podemos escolher o tratamento congelado da carne seca para o animal de estimação?

Olha para a cor primeiro. O processo de liofilização requer produção de baixa temperatura e não altera a fibra e cor da carne. nbsp; Veja se a cor é uniforme, o tamanho é uniforme, e não' não são muitos detritos. & nbsp;

Teste de reidratação. No processo de liofilização, há um processo de secagem por sublimação, deixando a lacuna e o canal de vapor de água por sublimação é fácil de reidratar. Quando reidratamos a liofilização, a composição da matéria-prima é reduzida, carne fresca ou pó de carne, uma bolha pode ser vista.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cats Eating Freeze Dry Cat Food - 翻译中...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cats Eating Freeze Dry Cat Food - 翻译中...

1. The benefits of cats eating freeze dry cat food

The freeze dry cat food is processed using the freeze-drying technology, which can retain the nutrition and flavor of the meat. Therefore, the content of protein in freeze dry cat food is relatively rich. For cats, the palatability of freeze dry cat food is better.

Cats need a lot of protein during the growth process, and freeze dry cat food can meet cats' protein needs. The freeze dry cat food is not only rich in protein, but also contains a certain amount of trace elements, amino acids and some minerals. These nutrients are also needed by cats during their growth process.

Note: If cats eat too much freeze dry cat food, they will develop a bad habit of picky eating and anorexia, and cats will become reluctant to eat cat food. Cat food contains nutrients needed for cats to grow up. Cats who do not eat cat food will become malnourished.

Cats with fragile stomachs are not easy to digest freeze dry cat food, and cats are prone to vomiting or diarrhea.

2. What is the difference between freeze dry cat food and ordinary cat food

The freeze dry cat food as high quality pet food is a dry food snack for cats, and cat food is the staple food of cats, so cat food is better than freeze dry cat food, but it is good to feed cats in daily life. Eating freeze dry cat food to replenish protein and water can open up their appetite.

The cat owner can mix the freeze dry cat food in the cat food, stir it evenly and feed the cat. The smell of the freeze dry cat food is more fragrant. The cat will not stop eating after smelling the freeze dry cat food, so even cats who don't like cat food will eat up cat food and freeze dry cat food.

3. Which one is better, freeze dry cat food or normal cat food?

In fact, many people just use freeze dried raw kitten food as a snack for cats to relieve their greed. In fact, it is not completely right. The freeze dry cat food can also be used as a staple food for cats. After all, cats are also carnivores. The freeze dry cat food with pure meat is relatively healthy for cats. And compared to the staple food, cats definitely prefer freeze dry cat food.

But when choosing freeze dry cat food, be sure to pay attention to the composition of freeze dry cat food, and be sure to buy a major brand. And freeze dry cat food has many flavors, which can meet the different needs of cats.

Importantly, in terms of safety and nutrition, there is absolutely nothing to worry about the freeze dry cat food. Because a lot of dry food sellers are now saying that they are selling natural foods, but if you buy the wrong food, cats will get sick easily if they eat it.

But relatively speaking, freeze dry cat food is more expensive than natural food. If you mind, freeze dry cat food can be used as a snack or you can grind a small piece of it at a time and mix it with dry food. If it is a staple food, it can be soaked in water. After the freeze dry cat food is rehydrated, it can be eaten after mixed with a spoon.

Melhores maneiras de alimentar o animal de estimação usando o tratamento de carne seca congelada

Melhores maneiras de alimentar o animal de estimação usando o tratamento de carne seca congelada

Alimentar diretamente: Os lanches liofilizados são crocantes e têm o aroma dos ingredientes. & nbsp;

Mergulhar em água: A carne é liofilizada, por isso' s apenas carne pura, sem quaisquer aditivos. Em conformidade com o animal de estimação' instinto natural de caça. & nbsp; E mantenha seu animal de estimação hidratado. & nbsp;

Misture-o com bolinhos. Congelar carne seca para cães, como uma espécie de & nbsp; guloseimas liofilizadas para animais de estimação podem complementar proteínas e enriquecer a nutrição. nbsp;

How to Feed Your Cat with Freeze Dry Cat Food? - 翻译中...

How to Feed Your Cat with Freeze Dry Cat Food? - 翻译中...

The prerequisite is that you have communicated with the veterinarian many times and have been approved to feed with the cat freeze dry cat food. And the freeze dry cat food should be in line with your cat's lifestyle.

Everything is ready, just one step away: how to feed your cat with pure freeze dried cat food?

1. How to feed your cat with freeze dry cat food?

This is similar to the way you usually exchange cat food for cats. If you want to achieve a complete result, you should aim for a slow and deliberate transition.

First, mix 10% of new cat food and 90% of old cat food for about a week.

One week later, increase the amount of new cat food by 10% and reduce the amount of old cat food by 10%. At the same time, add water to the freeze dry cat food separately, and then mix all the ingredients to protect the overall integrity of the cat food.

If your cat is very old or sick, or has a violent personality, please don't give up easily. Simply extend each phase of the transition by three to four weeks.

If the cat likes freeze dry cat food, its digestive system will slowly adapt and miraculously guide the transition process.

If you see signs of upset stomach or loose stools in your cat, this indicates that the transition process has been pushed too quickly. At this time, you need to slow down the pace of replacement until the digestive problem is resolved.

2. The benefits of freeze dry cat food

As a cat slave, you might like the main advantages of freeze dry cat food. Of course, what cats like most is the taste of cat food. Since freeze dry cat food will lock in the taste of the original ingredients, the taste of the protein will be more authentic.

If your cat is quietly approaching you while you are eating steak or fish, it means that they like the taste.

One of the benefits of freeze dry cat food is that it does not contain any artificial additives, preservatives, spices or pigments. What you see is what you get.

Freeze dried raw food is just a kind of protein, and it contains some natural ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables. So, you don't have to worry about the food cats eat is not up to the best dietary standards.

Many freeze dry cat food is also free of grains and gluten. This is important if your kitten has a sensitive stomach. Grain-free freeze dry cat food is more conducive to cat digestion.

The lack of water in freeze dry cat food also brings another benefit. That is, freeze dry cat food can prevent the reproduction of bacteria and potentially harmful microorganisms. Ultimately, as long as you can prevent the penetration of external moisture, you can extend the shelf life of food.

The freeze dry cat food can also affect cats' excretion. Since freeze dry cat food is rich in nutrient-rich and digestible ingredients, these ingredients can be absorbed by cats in large quantities, thereby reducing the amount of stool, which is undoubtedly a great boon for cat owners.

3. When can you start feeding cats with freeze dry cat food?

The benefits of freeze dry food can allow your cats to get nutrients as soon as possible and save you time when you go out.

However, one thing to note is that it is not advisable to make major changes to the cat's diet suddenly. In order to ensure the health of your cats, the replacement of freeze dry cat food must be done slowly, step by step with a smooth transition.

First, the first step is to consult a veterinarian to ensure that the correct measures are taken. You can work with your veterinarian to make the best eating habits plan, so that your cat will grow up in the best condition. This is especially important if your cat has any food allergies or nutritional sensitivity issues.

In addition, pay attention to distinguishing the age of the cat. Some freeze dry cat foods that look great are actually formulated for kittens and cannot be fed to adult cats. Then, it is best to consult with your veterinarian before feeding to ensure that the cat food you are looking for is suitable for your cat.

Also, don't forget to consider the cat's personal preferences. If your cat hated the smell of turkey before, this disgust will not disappear suddenly because it is freeze dry cat food.

However, this does not affect your introduction of this high-protein food to cats. You can choose carefully according to the cat's favorite taste.

Benefícios para a saúde do tratamento de carne seca congelada para animais de estimação

Benefícios para a saúde do tratamento de carne seca congelada para animais de estimação

Devido ao processo especial, congelar carne seca pode maximizar o sabor e nutrição dos alimentos. nbsp;

Congelado seco alimento para animais de estimação tem estrutura porosa, não forma camada fina que não pode ser penetrada pela água, e tem boa reidratação. nbsp;

Após o empacotamento selado pode ser armazenado por um longo tempo. & nbsp; Mesmo quando armazenado à temperatura ambiente, a qualidade raramente muda, reduzindo assim muito os custos de armazenamento, mas também transporte conveniente. nbsp;

Is Dry Freeze Dog Food a Good Dog Food? - 翻译中...

Is Dry Freeze Dog Food a Good Dog Food? - 翻译中...

There is a certain difference between the dry freeze dog food and dog food. The dry freeze dog food is generally made of pure meat and has high protein. It is suitable for feeding dogs as a snack or supplementary food. If the dry freeze dog food is taken as a staple food, dogs may still be hungry. Some dog owners may not be very familiar with the feeding of dry freeze dog food, so let's talk about it.

1. Feeding with dry freeze dog food depends on age

When feeding dry freeze dog food, if the dog is too young, it is not suitable for feeding dry freeze dog food. Because for dogs under three months of age, their intestines and stomachs may still be weak, dog owners may use goat milk powder to make milk to feed them.

After the dog is three months old, the dog owner can start feeding the dog with dry freeze dog food. When feeding dry freeze dog food for the first time, the dog owner can feed a small amount first, and then gradually increase the amount of dry freeze dog food after the dog adapts to it.

2. Dry freeze dog food as a snack

The dry freeze dog food as healthy pet food is relatively high in protein and can be used as a snack to feed the dog. Dog owners can also treat the dry freeze dog food as a snack reward during dog training.

For dogs, there are certain movements and lifestyle habits that the dog owner should educate the dog to learn.

When the dog owner is training the dog, if the dog can complete the goal required by the dog owner, then the dog owner can reward the dog with some dry freeze dog food to let the dog know that its behavior is correct.

3. Dry freeze dog food as a complementary food

The nutrition of freeze dry raw food is relatively good, because there are certain trace elements, minerals and vitamins, etc., but if it is fed as a staple food, the dog may not be full.

Therefore, the dog owner may use dry freeze dog food as a complementary food and feed it together with the dog food. The palatability of dry freeze dog food is generally great, so dog owners can add dry freeze dog food to the dog food and mix it with the dog food to feed the dog.

If the dog's chewing is not good, the dog owner can also soak the dry freeze dog food before feeding it.

Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. was established in 2009. It is a pioneer in the production of dry freeze pet food and a leader in smart pet food production in China. Equipped with the world's most advanced vacuum freeze-drying equipment, we are in a leading position in the world in terms of the degree of automation and production capacity. The production line is fully designed in accordance with the international food industry standards and adopts the world's advanced information management mode, and its product quality has been fully guaranteed. Welcome customers from all over the world to visit and consult.

Perguntas frequentes sobre Carne Seca Congelada

Perguntas frequentes sobre Carne Seca Congelada

What is freeze dry cat food? - 翻译中...

What is freeze dry cat food? - 翻译中...

1. What is freeze dry cat food?

The freeze dry cat food is essentially a raw food packaged in a convenient container. Although this sounds strange, because we generally don't want our cats to eat raw food, this freeze dry cat food fits the carnivorous nature of cats.

One very important point we must not forget is that cats are actually predatory animals. They belong to the most ferocious carnivorous group of living creatures in the world.

When a lion or leopard is hungry to catch a wildebeest, they will not break the grill or spit. They will directly eat the raw meat of this animal.

The freeze dry cat food also contains the same instinctual factors. The freeze dry cat food can be cut into smaller pieces, making it easier for cat to bite. This prevents the cats from struggling to eat large pieces of meat.

The freeze dry cat food can also be added with fruits, vegetables and other supplements in the process to ensure the supply of key minerals and vitamins, so that cats of all ages can maintain health and normal functions.

2. What is the working principle of freeze dry cat food?

The key principle behind the concept of freeze dry food is not just to provide raw animal meat for your pet. The entire freeze-drying process itself locks in the freshness of all food ingredients.

In this way, food can be better preserved, thereby reducing the loss of enzymes and nutrients. When your cat wants to eat freeze dry cat food, just add water.

Specifically, a certain amount of warm water can be added to freeze-dry it for some time to make the food "breathe". Then mix it up, and finally it is edible.

3. Freeze dry cat food VS dehydrated cat food

When you are new to the concept of freeze dry cat food, you may feel that it is related to dehydrated cat food and feel that the two terms are interchangeable.

This idea is very common, especially because both terms refer to foods that contain ingredients that are moisture-free and not baked, extruded, or heated at high temperatures. In addition, people generally think that the two processes of freeze dry cat food and dehydrated cat food are almost the same.

However, in fact, these two terms are not interchangeable. They look similar, but there is one factor that determines their differences.

According to the definition of the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), dehydrated food is defined as a material that has "moisture removed by heat treatment". This wonderful statement refers to heating the ingredients until every drop of water is removed, leaving only dry matter.

The freeze dried raw pet food is not heated to remove moisture. This concept is based on a low-pressure and vacuum environment, so that the moisture in the raw materials becomes solid ice, and then the ice is directly converted into steam, thereby removing the moisture in the food.

This longer and gentler process can lock in the compositional properties and structure of each ingredient without changing its essence, so that the texture, size and shape of each nutrient ingredient remain intact. This is something that the dehydration process cannot do.

Freeze Dried Pet Food Opens a New Field: Ranova is the First Signal - 翻译中...

Freeze Dried Pet Food Opens a New Field: Ranova is the First Signal - 翻译中...

1. Freeze dried pet food is popular in overseas markets, which is the emerging blue ocean on the rise

Freeze-drying technology began in the early 20th century, when the purpose of research and development was to allow astronauts to eat fresh and nutritious food even in space.

After years of intensive research and development by scientists, this top food processing technology, "freeze-drying technology" was born in the 1940s, and then widely used in the aerospace field of Russia, the United States and other countries, so it is also known as aerospace freeze-drying technology (FD).

Before the advent of freeze dried pet food, pet food on the market was mainly made by heating and baking. This process caused both the original flavor of the food and a large amount of nutrition to be lost.

In order to meet the increasingly high requirements of pet food, the "freeze-drying process", which is used in aerospace, medicine, beauty and human food, is also used in pet food production.

Freeze-drying technology can make pet food retain high nutritional value and maintain the original flavor of the ingredients. Once freeze dried pet food was launched, it quickly became popular among pet owners in developed countries and opened up a blue ocean market in the world.

In 2016, in the Petfood industry magazine in the United States, experts in the pet food industry made a summary and forecast of the future trend of the pet food industry:

In the past few years, types of pet food like freeze dried pet food, raw food and fresh pet food have become more and more important. The growth rate of high-end pet food is twice that of the past 10 years, and freeze dried pet food has maintained a continuous growth trend.

In 2014, the annual growth rate of the freeze-drying market was 22.5%. By 2015, this number had jumped to 62.7%, and its total market share reached 195.4 million U.S. dollars. By 2016, the amount exceeded 229 million U.S. dollars.

2. How is freeze dried pet food made: revealing the freeze-drying process technology

Freeze-drying technology is a process of dehydrating food in an extremely low temperature environment under vacuum. The water will be directly converted from solid to gas, and there is no need for sublimation to transform it into an intermediate liquid state.

In this process, the product will maintain its original size and shape, the smallest cells will be broken, and the moisture will be removed to prevent the freeze dried pet food from spoiling at room temperature.

The freeze dried product has the same size and shape as the original frozen material, has good stability, and can be rebuilt and restored when placed in water. When the freeze-drying process is applied to pet food, its nutritional value can be retained to the greatest extent, and its color, taste, volume, texture and the quality are not much different with that of food raw materials.

In recent years, the development of freeze dried pet food has also attracted the attention of Chinese freeze dried pet food manufacturers, and Ranova is one of the pioneers. According to the perception of pet owners in China, the pet industry is developing slowly, and safety standards of pet food are not high, but the emergence of freeze dried products has brought surprises to consumers.

Therefore, when a high-end freeze dried pet food comes to them, the appeal can be imagined. The launch of Ranova's freeze dried pet food immediately attracted the attention of many pet friends, and was sought after by many pet owners who pursue pure natural and healthy pet food.

What is Freeze Dry Chicken - 翻译中...

What is Freeze Dry Chicken - 翻译中...

1. What is freeze dry chicken

Freeze dry chicken is a convenient food that is highly regarded for its long shelf life and portability. It is made from cooked chicken, cut into pieces, and then uses a special technique to remove all the moisture.

Freeze dry chicken is packed in cans, bags or buckets. Freeze dry chicken can be eaten like ordinary chicken, depending on the buyer's preference and the equipment available for cooking and rehydrating the product.

Generally speaking, a small amount of chicken breasts can be equivalent to two to three times that of cooked chicken. For example, some brands stipulate that 2 ounces (57 grams) of freeze-dried chicken can replace 7 ounces (198 grams) of fresh chicken.

2. What to pay attention to when making freeze dry chicken

Before the chicken is freeze-dried, it must be fully cooked and then diced or cut into small pieces. The cooked chicken is frozen to its three key points, which is the lowest temperature that water may exist in both liquid and solid state. This step is done on the freeze dryer.

Once the chicken is frozen, it is heated in a pressurized chamber, which helps melt the ice. Then it is heated again to remove any residual moisture that was not frozen during the initial freezing process. After freeze-drying, the chicken exhibits a hard and hard texture similar to dryness.

Although it can be eaten directly from the package, it is often rehydrated for cooking. Before replacing fresh chicken with freeze dry chicken, the chicken must be soaked in cold water for a few minutes. After adding hot water, the chicken tends to absorb water faster. After rehydration, the freeze dry chicken can be added to soups, salads, sandwiches or pasta. Some consumers have put several packages of freeze dry chicken in their home pantry as a substitute for fresh chicken.

Other consumers store this product in an emergency, because the power outage may not be able to refrigerate. Hikers and campers may bring a few packs of freeze dry chicken to ensure they have a good source of protein in the wild.

This product is also used in humanitarian rations and military meals. Although some diners may not like the taste of freeze dry chicken, there is no doubt that this product has many advantages.

Freeze dry chicken has a long shelf life, and if stored properly, it can be stored for several years. Freeze dry chicken is light in weight, easy to carry when traveling.

Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. was established in 2009. It is a pioneer in the production of pet food in China and a leader in the production of freeze-dried pet food and smart pet food. It is equipped with the world's most advanced vacuum freeze-drying equipment, the degree of automation and production capacity are in the leading position in the world. Thanks to such advanced equipment and management mode, its product quality has been fully guaranteed. Welcome customers from all over the world to visit and consult.

Freeze-dried Pet Snacks Market is Large and Has Good Prospects - 翻译中...

Freeze-dried Pet Snacks Market is Large and Has Good Prospects - 翻译中...

1. What are freeze-dried pet snacks?

The advantage of freeze-dried pet snacks is that they can maintain their own freshness and nutrients, and can be stored at room temperature for more than 5 years without preservatives.

It first appeared in the menu of Apollo moon landing astronauts. Because the finished product is light in weight, easy to carry and transport, freeze-dried food has also begun to enter people's daily life, becoming a leisure and convenient health food.

The current freeze-dried pet snacks are still more conventional, such as freeze-dried fruit slices, freeze-dried vegetables, freeze-dried beef and soup products.

The reason for achieving such a high dehydration rate and locking the nutrition of the food itself has to rely on the futuristic technology in the food industry - freeze-drying technology. This technology originated in Russia in the 1940s, although it was introduced to China relatively late.

2. The development history of freeze-dried pet snack technology

The working principle of this technology is actually not complicated. Simply put, freeze-drying is actually a sublimation process of frozen products. When the frozen liquid begins to transform into a gaseous state, sublimation occurs. The entire freeze-dried pet snack process mainly includes three stages: pre-freezing, primary drying, and secondary drying.

3. The change process of freeze-dried pet snacks

During the entire freeze-drying process, accurate freezing methods and proper storage are essential. With continuous exploration and development, today's freeze-drying technology is also very mature, freeze-dried pet snacks are very popular, and there are often situations in which demand exceeds supply.

Although the development of freeze-dried pet snacks in China started late, companies in the freeze-dried pet snacks market are also very strong in follow-up efforts.

Freeze-dried pet snacks, which can greatly preserve the nutritional content of food, and do not need to add preservatives, will usher in a broad development prospect.

Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. was established in 2009. It is a pioneer in the production of pet food in China and a leader in the production of freeze-dried pet food and smart pet food. It is equipped with the world's most advanced vacuum freeze-drying equipment, the degree of automation and production capacity are in the leading position in the world. The production line is fully designed in accordance with international food industry standards and adopts the world's advanced information management model. Thanks to such advanced equipment and management mode, its product quality has been fully guaranteed.

From well-known veterinarians to outstanding professors, masters and doctors in the field of nutrition and food, the core R&D members of Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. have developed 12 patented products with exclusive intellectual property rights. In addition, more independent intellectual property rights and production technology projects are under application. Welcome customers from all over the world to visit and consult.

How to Make Freeze Dry Chicken - 翻译中...

How to Make Freeze Dry Chicken - 翻译中...

Freeze dry chicken is the chicken first washed and cut into pieces, then placed in a food freezer to remove water in a low-temperature and low-pressure environment, and then stored in a vacuum package. When needed, it can be used at any time by adding a small amount of water. It can not only retain the original taste, but also prevent the nutrient loss of the chicken breast. Freeze dry chicken is perfect for making freeze dried meat dog food.

1. How to make freeze dry chicken

Nowadays more and more people have pets, and the food types of kittens and puppies are becoming more and more abundant. Generally, we will choose some freeze-dried foods such as freeze dry chicken, freeze dry beef, freeze dry fish, etc.

Chicken breast is the meat on the inside of the chicken breast. Its meat is tender and contains extremely high protein. It is very popular with pets at home and is now the first choice of pet dry food for pet experts. If you have a freeze-drying machine at home, you can make freeze dry chicken yourself at home, which is not only convenient and affordable, but also very clean. Let's take a look at the specific steps of making freeze dry chicken.

In the first step, prepare fresh chicken breasts and wash them to control the moisture; in the second step, cut the chicken breasts into pieces for use; in the third step, put the chicken nuggets in a food freeze-drying machine and slowly sublime the water under a low temperature and low pressure environment; in the fourth step, put the freeze dry chicken in the packaging bag and then drain the air and seal it.

2. The benefits of freeze dry chicken

When you need to use the chicken breast, take it out and add some clean water to soak it for a while. The freeze dry chicken will absorb the water and restore the state before freeze-drying. The taste and nutrition will not be lost, which is very convenient.

Compared with traditional dry food, freeze dry chicken will not cause nutrient loss due to high temperature treatment.

In terms of taste, freeze dry chicken only needs a little water to restore the original taste, and nutrients are easier to absorb, because storage in a vacuum can retain the original flavor and nutrition of food more than freezing food directly in the refrigerator.

Freeze dry chicken is a dry food snack for dogs. Usually the owner can feed it according to the dog's food intake. If pet eats much, then you can feed much.

Freeze dry chicken is pure meat, so the protein content in freeze dry chicken is relatively rich, so it's good for owners to feed their pets freeze dry chicken.

Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. was established in 2009. It is a pioneer in the production of pet food in China and a leader in the production of freeze-dried pet food and smart pet food. It is equipped with the world's most advanced vacuum freeze-drying equipment, the degree of automation and production capacity are in the leading position in the world. Thanks to such advanced equipment and management mode, its product quality has been fully guaranteed. Welcome customers from all over the world to visit and consult.

What Are the Benefits of Freeze-dried Cat Snacks - 翻译中...

What Are the Benefits of Freeze-dried Cat Snacks - 翻译中...

Eating snacks, watching the TV play and  petting a cat can let you feel full of happiness across the screen, but have you prepared a snack for the cat? Today, one of the cat's favorite pet snacks is freeze-dried snack. Many cats who are picky eaters are also cured by it, and freeze-dried cat snack is a high-protein dry food snack, which also has many benefits for cats.

1. Process of freeze-dried pet snacks

First, the food is quickly frozen under suitable low temperature conditions to make the water freeze into ice cubes, and then under the appropriate temperature and vacuum conditions, the ice is directly sublimated into water vapor without passing through the liquid state, and the water is removed to obtain Techniques for drying pet snacks.

The nutrition and flavor in the meat are retained, which guarantees the nutrition contained in the meat quality to a large extent, can also restrain the growth of microorganisms in the food, and extend the shelf life.

2. The advantages of freeze-dried pet snacks

1) Good taste and easy to carry. Many cats who are picky eaters also love freeze-dried pet snacks, and there are many types of freeze-dried pet snacks, which can help cats try different flavors of snacks and supplement various nutrition. There are many freeze-dried pet snacks with independent small packaging, which are not easy to damp, easy to carry, and can effectively control the amount of snacks for cats.

2) High nutritional content. Freeze-dried pet snacks are basically made of pure meat, which is not only rich in protein, but also contains a certain amount of trace elements, amino acids and some minerals.

In addition, the freeze-dried pet snack process effectively maintains the original nutrients in meat, which is second only to fresh meat, and meets the needs of cats for protein and mineral elements during the growth process.

3. There are many ways to feed freeze-dried pet snacks

Freeze-dried pet snacks are suitable for cats over three months of age. Cats who are too young have weaker intestines and stomachs, are difficult to digest, and are prone to vomiting and diarrhea.

Freeze-dried pet snacks can be used as a supplement to help cats increase their appetite. Freeze-dried pet snacks and cat food are mixed together to increase food intake, and can also be used as a reward when playing to increase feelings.

Add water to feed. Cats do not like to drink water is determined by genetic factors, but for their health, we have to secretly trick them into drinking water. When feeding freeze-dried pet snacks, add some warm water or cool plain water. The freeze-dried snack which is Blister is soft and easy to digest, you can also "cheat" the cat to drink some water.

4. The choice of freeze-dried pet snacks

There are many types of freeze-dried snacks on the market. The pets owners can choose a few more, choose what cats like to eat, and can also help supplement nutrition in many ways. When buying, you must buy freeze-dried pet snacks through formal channels. Look at the date and don't buy products with "no name, no address, no production and sanitation license code" for cheap.

What is the Market Prospect of Freeze-dried Pet Food Processing? - 翻译中...

What is the Market Prospect of Freeze-dried Pet Food Processing? - 翻译中...

What is the market prospect of freeze-dried pet food processing?

Freeze dry pet food is to freeze pure natural liver and meat of livestock and poultry, fish and shrimp, fruits, vegetables and other raw materials at low temperature through vacuum freeze-drying technology, and then under vacuum conditions, the water in it is directly sublimated into gaseous state without going through liquid state, and finally dehydrated and processed into pet snacks.

Freeze dry pet food does not add any preservatives and pigments, and has a low degree of processing. It has the advantages of high nutrition, light weight, high water content, good palatability, and are easy to carry.

In recent years, with the upgrade of market demand and the improvement of freeze-drying technology, the scale of China's freeze dry pet food market has gradually expanded.

There are many types of freeze dry pet food products, mainly including freeze dry pet staple food and freeze dry pet snacks. Among them, freeze dry pet staple food is the mainstream product in the market.

Freeze dry pet food products include freeze dry chicken, beef, duck down, little died fish , and quail, etc.

At present, the freeze dry pet food market in European and American countries is in a stage of rapid development, and its proportion in the pet food market is also increasing.

In contrast, the freeze dry pet food market in China is relatively small, and the industry still has room for improvement in terms of product quality, production technology, and brand building. In the future, China's freeze dry pet snacks market has great potential for development.

According to the 2020 White Paper on China's Pet Industry, in 2020, the number of people who raise pets (dogs and cats) in urban China will reach 62.94 million, and the pet consumption market size will reach 206.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.0%.

Among them, pet food consumption accounts for the highest proportion, reaching 55.7%. Freeze dry pet food is a sub-product of pet food. With the upgrade of pet food consumption, the market demand for freeze dry pet treats is constantly releasing.

At present, the proportion of freeze dry pet food in the pet food market is still low, but its growth rate is high. With the upgrade of market demand, freeze dry pet food is expected to develop into a major retail channel for pet food growth and innovation.

Attracted by the market prospects, more and more companies are entering the freeze dry pet snack market. In this context, the number of freeze dry pet food brands on the market is increasing.

Tianjin Ranova Petfood Co., Ltd. is a leader in the production of freeze dry pet food and smart pet food. It is equipped with the world's most advanced vacuum freeze-drying equipment, with a good degree of automation and production capacity, and its product quality has been fully guaranteed. Welcome customers from all over the world to visit and consult.
Why is Freeze-dried Food for Pets So Popular? - 翻译中...

Why is Freeze-dried Food for Pets So Popular? - 翻译中...

Why is frozen pet food so popular? For many pet families, the diet of their pets is a very important issue.

Nowadays, people's living standards are getting higher and higher, and their attention to pet diet is also very high. However, faced with a variety of pet food on the market, many parents do not know how to choose the most suitable food for their pets.

Today, I will introduce to you a very novel and popular pet food around the world—freeze dry pet food.

What are the benefits of freeze dry pet snacks? There are not only freeze dry pet staple food, but also freeze dry pet snacks.

1. Freeze dry pet food

Freeze dry pet food is the abbreviation of vacuum freeze dry food. Its production process is to directly freeze-dry frozen meat, fruits, vegetables and other ingredients in a vacuum environment.

The drying process of freeze dry pet food is carried out at ultra-low temperature. It takes about 24 hours to freeze and dry pet food. The water crystals inside will directly sublime into gas without going through the process of melting into water.

The moisture in the ingredients is removed, and the nutrients inside are well preserved. As "fresh" in pet food, freeze dry pet food is more and more popular among pet owners.

2. Freeze dry pet food process

There are applications in many industries in China. Many people may not know only through the concept, but everyone has seen the beef and vegetable packets in instant noodles, which are processed through the freeze-drying process.

In recent years, freeze dry pet food technology has also been applied in the pet food industry. General raw materials of freeze dry pet snacks are natural fresh meat, fish and shrimp, fruits, vegetables and so on.

Due to the particularity of the freeze-drying process, there is no need to add preservatives and pigments. Moreover, through vacuum, freezing and drying, the microorganisms and bacteria in the raw materials are eliminated, which is healthier and safer.

3. Application of freeze dry pet food

The reason why the freeze dry pet food is favored by pet owners is actually very simple. It has the advantages of high nutrition, high palatability and freshness.

When feeding freeze dry pet food to pets, you only need to add the right amount of water to restore the freeze dry pet food to the taste of fresh ingredients.

4. The advantages of freeze dry pet snacks

Many pet owners may be too busy at work or sometimes too tired to make fresh three meals a day for their naughty children every day.

Buying fresh meat to wash, cook, chop, and cool is a great snack for pets, but there are more varieties of freeze dry pet food.

And it only takes a few seconds to add water to let the naughty children eat fresh and delicious meat. There are many benefits of freeze dry pet snacks, and there is no difference in taste. Freeze dry pet snacks liberates the hands of pet owners!

Classifications and Functions of Pet Snacks - 翻译中...

Classifications and Functions of Pet Snacks - 翻译中...

Speaking of pet snacks, people who like to raise pets will think that they are only for pets. In fact, pet snacks are not only for pets to eat. There are many types of pet treats, and many relative functions.

Pet snacks include beef, mutton, fish, rabbit, donkey, etc., rich in a variety of nutrients and suitable for the nutritional needs of various pets. Today, let's learn about the types and functions of pet snacks!

Ⅰ. Teeth cleaning and chewed pet snacks

It can effectively exercise the pet's jaw chewing ability, grind the pet's teeth, and prevent dental calculus. Chewed pet treats can also be used as toys to prevent pets from biting things at home. Mouth cleaning after meals is also a major event in pet life.

After eating, a lot of food residues are left in the gaps between the teeth, which will make the pets feel that their teeth need to be cleaned. Pets with unhealthy teeth will become less and less fond of eating after old age, and their nutrition will not keep up, resulting in weaker bodies. And they are more likely to leave us behind.

Ⅱ. Meat pet snacks

Meat snacks are high-quality pet snacks with a moisture content of less than 14%. The Lonno meat piece series of snacks contain a very high amount of meat, and the original meat flavor ensures that the product per unit weight can contain more nutrients and at the same is more chewy.

When the pet is enjoying the delicacy of these jerky, its teeth will completely enter into the freeze dry meat for dogs and stick to it, and then achieve the effect of cleaning the teeth by chewing it for many times.

It works like flossing the teeth. And the delicious and tough taste of jerky makes pets willing to spend more time chewing.

As a result, the cleaning time is also longer, ensuring a better cleaning effect, reducing the accumulation of dental plaque and calculus, making the pet's breath fresh, and there will be no unpleasant bad breath when approaching.

Ⅲ. Deodorant biscuits for pet snacks

Deodorant biscuits can effectively clean pet's mouth, protect teeth and remove bad breath. And it can make your pet's excrement and body odor significantly improved until it finally disappears.

The nutrition of deodorant biscuits for pet snacks is often more comprehensive and balanced, which can make your pet take in more balanced nutrition and develop better. At the same time, it can also help to digest, improve appetite and immunity.

Cookies are also a good helper when training your pet. Deodorant biscuits can be used as a reward when pets perform the specified behavior well.

Ⅳ. Wet food pet snacks

1. High water content, wet food helps pets hydrate.

2. During the food change period, the pet's feed intake is low, and wet food can help them to eat.

3. The temperature is high in summer, and pets do not like to eat. Add wet food pet snacks can help them eat.

Is Freeze-dried Pet Food Suitable for Large Dogs? - 翻译中...

Is Freeze-dried Pet Food Suitable for Large Dogs? - 翻译中...

The protein content of freeze dry pet food is high. Large dogs need more nutrition, so it is suitable for them to eat freeze dried meat for dogs. Meat pieces are fine for large dogs to eat from time to time, but it is not recommended to eat for a long time.

Now that we have talked about freeze dried meat for dogs, there are some small tips I would like to share. Interested dog owners can read on.

Ⅰ. Is it better for dogs to eat freeze dried meat for dogs or meat loaf?

Most dogs like to eat meat. Raw meat is in line with the taste of most dogs, and raw meat has high nutritional value, but it is bloody for large dogs to eat raw meat directly. There are many parasites and bacteria in raw meat so it is not hygienic to feed large dogs raw meat, which may make large dogs get sick.

Some dog owners cook raw meat before feeding it to large dogs, which is also fine. But when raw meat is cooked at high temperatures, some of its nutrients are lost.

So dog owners might as well give dogs freeze dried meat for dogs. Freeze dried meat for dogs belongs to raw meat. After processing, the fungi in it have been cleaned, and many dogs also like to eat it, so it is better for dogs to eat freeze dry pet food.

Ⅱ. How to feed dogs freeze dry pet food?

There are many kinds of freeze dried meat for dogs. Generally speaking, there are chicken, beef, duck, quail, salmon, etc. Dog owners can buy according to the dog's preferences and their own needs.

1. Soak the freeze-dried meat and feed it to the dog

It is also possible for dogs to eat freeze dried meat directly, but occasionally you can try soaking the freeze-dried meat for dogs until it is soft for the dog to eat. Although the freeze-dried meat is raw meat, it can be soaked in water. After soaking, the freeze-dried meat becomes soft, and the dog will feel a different flavor when eating it.

Some dogs may occasionally hurt their mouths or have a bad stomach. At this time, softer freeze-dried meat is more suitable than hard ones. Special reminder to dog owners that freeze dried meat for dogs is raw meat, so it cannot be soaked in hot water.

2. Grind the freeze dried meat to powder and feed it to the dog

Grind the freeze-dried meat to powder for feeding. Then you can mix it with other foods. If the dog is tired of other foods, adding freeze-dried meat can make the dog fall in love with those foods again.

For example, when the dog is tired of dog food, the dog owner can grind the freeze-dried meat into powder with a rolling pin and add it to the dog food. When the dogs eat the dog food, they can enjoy the deliciousness of the freeze dried meat for dogs.

Dog owners can also mix the freeze-dried powder with vegetables, so that the dog can eat vegetables obediently. For some dogs who are picky eaters, this method is good.

3. Change to freeze-dried food with different flavors

There are many flavors of freeze-dried meat. Different flavors of freeze dried meat for dogs are made from different meats, such as freeze-dried beef, chicken, duck, quail, salmon, and so on.

The dog owner can see which ones the dog prefers, then choose different flavors of freeze dried food for dogs, let the dog try more. Often rotate them to feed the dogs , so that the dog can change the flavor frequently, and it is not easy for them to get tired of freeze-dried food.

Ⅲ. How to choose the best freeze dry pet food?

Since freeze dried food is a small snack used by many dog owners to train dogs, it is very common in the market. When choosing, dog owners should look at the list of the ingredients in freeze-dried food to see if there is any problem with the production date, shelf life and other information.

Because freeze dried food does not require adding preservatives during the production process, if the there are not many additives in the list, and the date is relatively fresh, then you can buy this freeze dried meat for dogs back and let your large dog eat it and see if it likes the meat.

Processo de secagem por congelamento de nossa comida de alta qualidade para animais de estimação

1st Step - 翻译中...
1st Step - 翻译中...

Fresh pure meat is chosen and cut into pieces without applying any other ingredients, while the fat, skin, and bones are removed. 

2nd Step - 翻译中...
2nd Step - 翻译中...

Freeze the pet food types at -32℃ to retain its nutrition.

3rd Step - 翻译中...
3rd Step - 翻译中...

Vacuum freeze-drying for 18 to 36 hours to sublimate its water, raising temperature to 72℃ for sterilization, completing the entire freeze-drying process.

4th Step - 翻译中...
4th Step - 翻译中...

Select qualified semi-finished products and remove the imperfect ones.

5th Step - 翻译中...
5th Step - 翻译中...

Package finished products, irradiate them for sterilization.

No. 2 Road, North Area, Jinghai Economic Development Area, Tianjin, China +86-2268128206